I know several of you here have shown some interest in getting on track with my brother and I (Erik, Derek, etc) and Nelson Fundays are a perfect opportunity for a low(er) cost open lapping day.
Details: No early signup committment, simply show up on 6/20 and pay ($130 drivers, $5 spectators) at the gate. Manditory drivers meeting at 9:45, open lapping sessions from 10-12:30, Lunch 12:30-1:00, then green track again from 1-4:00pm. Usualy there's 2 or 3 rungroups and is the best track time per $$$ spent of any event I've ever been to.
**However...there's no instruction provided or available unless you bring an instructor with you.
Suggestions: Flush brake fluid and make sure you've got pleanty of brake pad prior to attending.
We usually leave at 6:30 for the drive up in the morning.
Looking forward to seeing if any others are interrested in joining. If there's heavy rain in the forecast for the 20th, there's another one on the following friday that we will attend instead.