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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. I'm drunk. But I like this example. Maybe if liberals in charge of Chicago didn't have cold frozen whiners they would be able to defend themselves against the gangbangaz.
  2. I'm a fucking Eskimo. I'm gonna go to somolia with a tank and do some chic ago style shooting at the skinnys
  3. if someone flipped me off, id beat their fucking ass and rape their mother.
  4. You would kick someone's ass for jumping over you? I think people like YOU are the problem in this country, not others. It's nothing to even get upset about, you took no harm and suffered no loss. Honestly, who gives a fuck? Everyone nowadays seem to be a bunch of stuck up, uptight, sandy fucking vaginas. People get mad over the dumbest shit; it blows my mind.
  5. Wow... He jumped over them.. Didn't make contact, didn't hurt anybody, didn't break any laws..... If I was that cop I would have laughed it off and let the guy go about his day... Fuck those two asshole cops, and you guys who see nothing wrong with what they did, I pray you're the minority because that's some stupid shit to assault and arrest somebody for
  6. I'm gonna shove my dick in that pie.
  7. Nice! I love these things... Definitely have a soft spot for full size Toyotas... Never catch me in a Tacoma though haha.... It's no powerstroke or cummins, but im pretty jealous! As far as half ton trucks go... I think this would be my first pick... Diehard ford guy but not totally in love with new f150s
  8. last time i partied with you bubbys, i almost needed one of those t shirts....i have no idea how many beers i put back that night, but i know i "stopped" like 8 beers before i actually stopped...hell, i had 3 at the same time at one point lol...i remember counting 18 that night, at least....i didnt feel good ....apprently you didnt either, since you hurled it up for your dog to eat LOL
  9. lets burn a harley at the next OR meet and claim its for charity damn, why am i so fucking smart.
  10. sign my bike over to the club so they can punish me by taking it away?? FUCKING LAUGH OUT LOUD.
  11. i wish i was cool enough to be a harley 1%er
  12. yea...looooong time ago. traded it for a yz250...the yz ended up having too many problems for my liking and i ended up selling it and never replacing it id like to get another dirt bike though once i get to phoenix...endless desert to ride lol and i couldnt take the grizz to wayne anyways....no title = no tags....and the VIN had been ground off, so no chance to get tags for it (dont judge...i inherited the thing, and my dad purchased it from a friend of his who swore it was legit and the title was just missing....overlooked the missing VIN and by the time he found out, didnt care since he never rode it at state parks)
  13. ill go rob a liquor store and use the cash to buy a quad ....IN
  14. Seems like that being is constantly being worked on.... Every time you post about it, it's being worked on for something... Doesn't give me much faith in ducs
  15. Yep that's my thought too. I wear 2x gloves so I have big hands, yet I have the smallest backstrap on my gun.. Going to try a larger one.. My finger almost wraps around the trigger instead of being where it should be
  16. hit the range today...she actually had me fire through the first magazine on it. very first round hit dead center on the bullseye at 7yds ...the rest were all within a 8" group...im not a terribly good shot because im fairly new at shooting still, but the accuracy was pretty spot on...plenty sufficient for a SD situation she had similar results accuracy-wise...but as the day went on it started to get hot in the range and the bullets were spreading more...we ended up leaving because it wasnt comfortable in there anymore....i much prefer shooting outside we ran 200rds through it and she had about 4 FTFeed .... i didnt have any.....i told her if she limp-wrists it, it can cause it to do that...told her to stop holding it like a pussy and she didnt have any more jams after that lol it shoots fairly smooth, fairly accurate even in the hands of new shooters.....overall im happy with it for sure, and she loves it i dont like it nearly as much as my HK...just the little things like build quality...ambidextrous controls are also nice...the internal parts in the HK are a lot nicer also....then again, i paid for my HK well used, the same i paid for this one new it doesnt conceal well....thats my only concern once she starts carrying it...but we will be in AZ...everyone there carries anyways, so nbd....as long as she is happy with it, thats what matters on a similar subject....i put some rounds through my .40 today and it was super consistent....i definitely need more time with it, but i was to the point that the area of the target i was shooting was no longer even there because all the shots were hitting in the same area....they were all about 2-3 inches low and to the right...but at least it was consistent lol...just need more practice
  17. wow....seriously, who gives a fuck? its just a tattoo....if the kid hates it that much later in life, she can just have it removed....hell, i bet theres an awesome lawsuit hidden in here somewhere for the daughter if she ever needs a boost in the wallet to fund her boob job to acquire work at a strip club a tattoo is not child abuse. is it fucking stupid? sure. is it morally wrong? maybe. is it a dick in the ass or a cigarette to the neck? not quite. im shocked that so many people even give a shit....maybe its because i dont like kids or something....i wouldnt ever tattoo my kid, but if someone else wanted to tattoo their kid, i wouldnt throw a bitch-fit about it
  18. +1..my dog loves his cage.. Sleeps there all the time even when we're home.. When I leave I point to it and he runs right in and lays down.. No barking or fussing or anything. It's safer and more humane for him IMO. last time I left him out, he tore up my bathroom and was shitting out debris the whole next day... He chewed up a razor but luckily didn't swallow the blades. Depends on the dog. My old schnauzer never had to be caged... She wouldn't get into anything... My pit will wreck a place if left alone for even 30min... Hell, if it's just the gf home, he can't even be trusted out while she showers because he will tear stuff up... If I'm home though he's well behaved.... As much as you think all dogs are perfect and should never be caged, it all depends on the dog... You can only teach a puppy so much, chewing is just something they do
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