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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. real choppers dont have front brakes, bro. it fits right in
  2. honestly, if you actually HAD that mentality, things would be fine. but your position being as likely as mine isnt the issue. its your position is the right way, the only way, and will always be the way. lets ban all guns, spoons, and pencils. everybody should learn martial arts. and we should all just live in nice places like ashtabula county where no crime has ever taken place, ever. now that i think about it....this makes a lot of sense....is there room in magley world for one more occupant? my bags are packed and ready to go
  3. magley, every time i read one of your posts, this is how i feel
  4. im not talking about a small group of rednecks in a barn planning an attack on the US but theres no arguing with you, you know everything anyways
  5. what did you pay for it? hopefully not much....sell it for what you paid for it, sell the parts you already bought for it back on ebay, and then start fresh with a clean bike...even a "nice" gsxr can be had for 3-5k...its not worth it to risk on a stolen one
  6. put it up for sale and let some fool who wants to track/stunt it buy it...i wouldnt even try to put it on the street
  7. hello federal charges....whoop whoop i wouldnt risk taking it in for an inspection, even with a frame swap.....i mean, more power to you i guess....but i would ditch that thing and buy a clean bike
  8. magz - "the people" have stood up against the government in the past, when it was needed. guess you missed that part of history class http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Revolution
  9. OP - dont mind magz, he is just a hater. and he likes to troll us. its kind of his thing.....i dont even remember the last time he posted something that wasnt considered trolling. he is building an awesome helicopter in his garage so he can fly to the grocery store to buy tampons. it will be epic.
  10. whats the point of that? i dont get it. why take a lame ass car and cut it up so it can still go slow?
  11. "pro stunt rider" 1.85$ says it was a backup bike for starboyz
  12. if you have a frame with salvage title, swap all the parts from the running bike onto it and take it to inspection. but be prepared to have an explanation of where you got the parts to fix it, what repairs were made, and have a receipt for parts do motorcycles have a VIN on the engine? if so, you will want to be sure that VIN is clean, not polished off, and not registered to a stolen bike.....not sure if they have a VIN there or not though i know a couple shady ways to get around all of this with ease, but honestly, you bought a stolen bike and are doing a frame swap to make it "legal"....i dont really wanna help you out with that....granted, i have owned a stolen quad before, but it was purchased by a family member who didn't know it was stolen, and it was passed down to me....i did not do a frame swap on it however, just rode it awhile and sold it my best advice for you - sell the bike as a no-title stunt or race bike, do not offer a bill of sale, and get as far away from it as you can....go buy a clean bike
  13. they pretty much just check the vin for stolen parts, and ask for receipts for any repairs you did....its not in depth at all. make sure you have lights and mirrors and you will be fine when i was in for my inspection, a subaru rolled through that was still wrecked, missing body parts, etc...and he passed
  14. i cant stand headlight and tail light modulators. when i see people using them, it makes me want to throw a handful of tacks out in the road....talk about annoying and distracting
  15. lol i got the gingerbread zombie too... 2.3.3. had to click reallly fast though, didnt work first few times
  16. im not a fan of this. if someone flashes their high beams at me, in my mind, that is a signal to pull out.
  17. i believe every bike has low beams on during the day. high beams are more visible than low, so i always left high on
  18. i ran my hi beams day and night. i actually like when people do this, even when im in the car....makes them much more noticable. i had a harley blinding the shit out of me the other day during the day time, but i thought "good for him, at least hes visible"
  19. i already hate most people anyways. if put in that situation, i wouldnt feel bad about anything that occured. when it comes down to them or me, im choosing myself. ^ this. having his little crazy ass in the battle would be like having 10 savages with tomahawks ready to scalp motherfuckers.
  20. one thing to also understand, while our military are members of the us military, they are also citizens outside of the military. if an order was given to turn on their own people, i bet there would be many large groups who would side with the citizens. i know the whole "group mentality" issue that would play a factor, which is why not every soldier would side with the people....but it only takes a few higher ups to make a big difference, and i know a lot of military people who dont always side with the president anyways
  21. there was no crime before the invention of guns. none.
  22. it must be so nice to live in such a naive and perfect world as you do inside your head.
  23. ive seen one in reynoldsburg...definitely a sharp bike!
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