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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. "at will" doesnt mean they can fire you for any reason, it means they can fire you without reason if you refused a company search of your car and got fired, that is wrongful termination and i would sue the shit out of them thats like saying "since ohio is an at will state, and i dont like people with english accents, youre fired" ....lets see how that goes in court lol
  2. commando ftw. my girl has the 3 and its ok... i prefer my commando, but her d3 is faster
  3. have you ever been seriously dehydrated? i have. i would have shot a toddler if they tried to take my water away once i finally got my hands on some. when you get to the point you have blood vessels popping out in your mouth and your body is literally to the point you cant hardly move - then come say water wont do much
  4. im not a complete butthole rapist, i meant we can work out a payment whether it be the O/U or cash dollars...i wouldnt take both from you
  5. yep. plus, im union ill tell them to go pound sand
  6. todd charges $20 per tire, plus a $5 per tire royalty to his manager (me)....bring cash, or that O/U, we can work out a payment
  7. how would you get caught anyways? your employer cannot search your vehicle, to my knowledge at least
  8. true, but i dont think the XD will fire either if you cant get it out of the holster
  9. stupid brits, driving on the wrong side of the road and shit
  10. ^ that one speaks no english. best kind
  11. i cant wait to pick one up...just have to have a place for a 12'x8'x8' enclosure for it haha...that species is pretty docile, the only one you really need to watch out for is a crocodile monitor, they will fuck you up...the other monitor breeds arent too bad if you respect the fact that theyre huge reptiles and dont like to cuddle with you heres why you never want to own a croc monitor possibly NSFW? http://proexotics.com/faq_images/croc_head_wound.jpg http://proexotics.com/faq_images/croc_hand_wound.jpg http://proexotics.com/faq_images/croc_mon_wound3.jpg http://proexotics.com/faq_images/croc%20damage.jpg
  12. i told her she had a perdy mouth
  13. once i get my own place im getting something bigger....i was going to get a bobcat or a lynx, but my girl wants a dachshund so i dont think that would work out lol...so i think a black throat monitor will be in order....once i buy a house with a spare bedroom i wont need (takes pretty much an entire room to house one) like this one (ignore how this guy is holding it...looks like its trying to escape lol)...this one isnt full grown, but close...they get up to 7' http://www.realpointexpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/monitor-zoo2you.jpg
  14. i heard it did change in ohio...there was a thread about it here...still interested to see the ORC though, we have signs up at our property at work saying we cant have them on premises, but i know of several people who have them in their cars
  15. how do you know the guy on the honda is an experienced racer? he wasnt launching that thing very aggressively at all! and i seriously doubt they got above 60 unless theres something different at the end...i only watched the first two passes...cbr 0-60 time is about 3 seconds give or take, ill go rewatch, but i dont think the races lasted longer than 3 seconds **edit...exactly 3 seconds lol...they might not have even hit 60
  16. since its just a utility quad, you dont really need them balanced or anything do you? if thats the case, cant you just pop them on yourself? if not - i believe hoblick can do it for ya
  17. ^ agreed. i bet they didnt get above 60mph
  18. i woulda yelled for him and when he turned around, i would have acted in accordance with all Ohio laws and conducted myself in a good faith manner at all times. thats just me though
  19. aside from the honda rider not knowing how to ride - that HD seemed pretty quick outta the hole, although it was one of the biggest piece of shit looking bikes ive ever seen and whats with the 1/16 mile race? lol at least do a proper 1/4
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