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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. Trade for Xbox 360 and 13 games? I'll throw in an extra controller
  2. Not sure I'd say he purposely armed himself and went looking for a confrontation, but who knows. But that's the situation he ended up in. He probably would have made those comments armed or not, it's his reaction to being assaulted that is the problem. He probably expected to make that lady feel like shit and then go on with his day, and then he got assaulted and decided it's time to shoot. Maybe he's been itching to pull the trigger and that's all it took. Could have been poor judgment, but I'm not buying it personally. I think the truth behind his motivation is probably somewhere in the middle of all that.
  3. Regardless what he was thinking, that's straight up murder. You sound like you're half way sympathizing with the shooter, which is disgusting if that's the case. I had this opinion reading the story and didn't catch that there was video. Now that I've seen the video, that's damming proof to me. I suspect this is not over with. Stand your ground laws assume your life was in danger, and that clearly was not the case. You can't shoot someone for shoving you. The guy made no second advance and even backed away from the shooter. His life was not in dangerous, even if his racism lead him to believe it was.
  4. +1. Doesn't make sense you can start a confrontation and then suddenly become a victim. I understand stand your ground laws, but this is just stupid.
  5. Yea, that too πŸ˜…πŸ‘ŒπŸ» Sucks you aren't making it out a little closer to me, but you're gonna have a blast!
  6. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ I wash mine that way no problems so far
  7. All those blue suzakis are gixxers
  8. Finally some redemption... Now you can blend in with the other 100 people with gixxer in their name in some form πŸ‘πŸ» better than Howie Whatsercunt
  9. Ya know.... CrazySkullCrusher really wasn't that bad comparatively...
  10. 11/1/13 is the last time I paid... Isn't that enough??? πŸ˜‚
  11. I get the same error. If you fix it I'll throw in my $10. I had this before but it expired and I've been too lazy to renew lol.
  12. Oh hey, it's good to see I'm not the only yahoo who would be dumb enough to agree to a 7yr loan! (I paid mine off in 2, but only because I consolidated it with a few other things into a 3yr payment... But I bought it intending to pay way too much in interest πŸ˜‚)
  13. You have to pay money to edit posts now πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  14. I approve of this message πŸ˜‚πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
  15. Don't lie. Steve was my destiny.
  16. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸ»
  17. See @max power? I told you Steve is a cool fucking name.
  18. Steve Butters is a fucking awesome name
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