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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. https://www.revzilla.com/motorcycle/crg-arrow-bar-end-mirror?gclid=CjwKCAjwp_zkBRBBEiwAndwD9RN4h8uDROOYA4rUdqAMmbkjumiEap_SCUfssUlaGkLSpBiFfx7qHRoCuv4QAvD_BwE
  2. Bar end mirrors... Just as good as weights
  3. Nothing. He's just reaching out for attention. He's not going anywhere 🙄.
  4. I ditched social media... I gotta get lulz some where!
  5. It's one of the only reasons I check in daily 😂😂
  6. Lol idk how I got mentioned... I'm def out due to finances. Maybe next year 😂 shit I'm trying to visit Ohio this year and that may not even work out, but if so I'll let you bubbies know when I'll be in town. Fuck snow. The desert rules.
  7. On a bike I give a shit about? Nope. But, you're about to trade it in for a new one anyways... Why not rent it instead? Make some money off it instead of being give half it's value at trade in.
  8. I have tritium front and rear on my HK going on 8/9 years now and they're still nice and bright... Came in handy once shooting a raccoon in a dark chicken pen 🤷🏻‍♂️
  9. Plastic razers are good for people who work with a lot of vinyl, decals, tint.... They're very useful
  10. Go with the other then. Gold is boring lol
  11. The gold flows with the bike better... Even though the other color is more interesting on its own.
  12. Steve is just such a cool fucking name for a cool fucking dude, 🤷🏻‍♂️😂
  13. I ditched all social media, so I appreciate you posting all these hilarious pics 😂👍🏻, I don't see them elsewhere usually.
  14. Why do you need to place an order at midnight? It's not like it ships that late. RD made stuff so simple. Send a PM, pay the invoice when it shows up via email... The prices at RD were substantially better than anywhere else.... Are they no longer going out of business? *nvm just saw the link... This is good news!
  15. Apparently Trump is on the Fuck Casper train too.... This is your fault
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