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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. im sure for some people....but after playing all day i kinda wish i had my $60 back it sucks because it plays nice and the game engine is better than anything ive seen before, but theres too many things that i just cant stand....mostly the damage....its pretty shitty when you can come up behind someone and start shooting them and they live long enough to turn around and shoot you back before they die...for instance, i shot a guy once and then someone else killed him the rest of way....i got 19 points, meaning i did 19% of the damage for the kill...so that means it would have taken 5 or 6 of my bullets to kill that guy myself...im used to hardcore mode in COD where you die as soon as you get hit...if its a noncritical hit like a leg or something you might last two bullets...but never 5 while this game looks a million times better and the game engine and characters all run a million times better, i had a lot more fun playing black ops if mw3 can match bf3 in making their characters move fluidly and making the grahics up to par, i will probably not play bf3 after it comes out
  2. same for xbox - you have to type in a code to access the online features that includes co-op mode...and theres no split screen....so forget having two people play on one console...tried earlier and couldnt do it been playing most of the day on and off, when my connection isnt shitty, and the longer i play the more i dislike it..... the only thing i like about it is how fluid the characters are, the destructible environment is awesome, and the graphics are nice....the vehicles are alright, and the maps arent bad...but i hate the perks system, dont like how switching factions switches guns (m4/ak74, etc), dont like that you cant customize controls, i think it sucks theres no split screen, the damage system is nuts how you can shoot someone 4 times and they arent dead, and the weapons arent accurate at all over any distance....had a guy shooting at me with a sniper rifle from about 150yds, his aim sucked, i had him lined up perfectly in my sights and i shot an entire magazine at him (not rapid fire, controlled) and didnt even hit him.....i understand an assault rifle isnt a sniper rifle, but an m4 should be more accurate than a shotgun, even out to 150yds
  3. i think i joined your party last night - i joined with r1crusher, but couldnt get into any of yalls games it kept kicking me or not letting me in etc...dont have your ID though lol ill try to find where it has me set
  4. 9rds for 4 guys? slacker. should have put at least 4 shots in each of them.
  5. been trying to play it - but i get disconnected every 5 minutes.... their servers really suck dick. i just turned it off and gave up for now, every game i join lags out and i have to rejoin another....havent actually completed a game in the last hour
  6. ill have to play a few of them to see how they are
  7. i walked up to a guy who was afk or something...probably 15 yards away i shot him with 3, 3 round bursts before he finally died...with the m4...nuts and the melee attack animations are pretty sweet, but they can really throw you off if youre on a roll lol...i like in cod how its a quick slash and keep moving....guess this is a lot more realistic though and i havent seen any vehicles yet....are these only in squad modes or something? ive only played tdm so far
  8. this game is very sweet....but when mw3 comes out, i might not play it very often lol...its like they have the core of it down, but theres so many little things that just bother me...the perks system, the damage system, and not being able to customize the controls aside from their presets ill keep playing until cod is out to give it a fair run...but i just cant get the hang of it so far kinda sucks because the gameplay is amazing, and i love how fluid everything is (especially the sliding to cover, and being able to manuever on the ground in 360 degrees no matter where youre sitting), and the destructible environment is amazing!
  9. they need a hardcore mode...i get pissed when i shoot a dude 4 times and he still isnt dead
  10. **edit...after playing more throughout the day, i could really take it or leave it....kinda wish i had my $60 back
  11. i already said you had me on the alcohol law - not sure the point of your last post these guys are all arguing that state law comes before federal law and i pointed in the constitution where it clearly says it doesnt. then you wanna argue that state law is above federal and your hung up on the alcohol law instead of proving anything besides that one law if state law was above all else - states would control voting laws, firearms laws, all traffic laws, etc...there wouldnt even be any federal laws because nobody would bother listening to them when they could make their own laws
  12. ok chevy - 1 down, now prove to me the rest of them... firearm laws, driving laws, voting laws, etc etc...since state law is the law of the land it should be easy to prove right? forget the constitution. maybe ohio should make its own currency since the dollar is going down the drain
  13. heres my entire argument - and theres nothing else to be said really...its right there in black and white
  14. chevy - show me where in the constitution it says that state law takes precedence over federal law.
  15. and call it whatever you want - but you will never convince me that state laws take priority over federal. and that highway act is from the 50s
  16. right in your quote bud "The National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 (23 U.S.C. § 158) was passed on July 17, 1984 by the United States Congress as a mechanism whereby all states would become thereafter required to legislate the age of 21 years as a minimum age for purchasing and publicly possessing alcoholic beverages." emphasis on required.
  17. "This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding." also http://www.senate.gov/civics/constitution_item/constitution.htm
  18. not in bf3....characters move MUCH more fluidly than any of the CODs ive played...ill be interested to see how mw3 compares...but bf3 is great so far...running, jumping barriers, sliding, all just feel like one fluid movement - its actually the biggest thing ive noticed about bf3 so far my only gripe is not being able to customize your controls...you can change them to some of the different presets they have, but i cant find a way to customize them...so once i get mw3, i hope i can do it there to make both games run the same controls...im having a hell of a time with getting used to it...changed them a little bit but its not helping much lol
  19. federal law takes priority over state. thats why states cant set their own drinking ages, age to purchase firearms, etc a state cant pass a law that goes against federal law....so this law talking about not being able to use cash is going against federal law and it would get overturned in about 2 seconds in an appeals court
  20. bump! how you healing up man? saw you sold off your racing stuff, hope youre just getting out of track riding and its nothing permanent (the wheelchair i mean)?
  21. if you went through all that - wouldnt even buy a firearm from you..waste my time making me go to a notary etc...no thanks. also wont let anyone photocopy my ID when i buy from them, that seems stupid if they want to see my ID, sure. if they want to write down my name and address and date i bought it, ok whatever. but thats as far as it goes personally, i dont even bother with the stuff...i check ID, as long as its an ohio ID and theyre of age then its sold. if it turns up somewhere it shouldnt it isnt my problem because i sold it to someone else.
  22. gotcha. i assumed long gun covered everything other than a handgun
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