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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. im just going to buy both. and since bf3 comes out before mw3 - i will be playing the hell out of it while cod fanboys are sitting around scratching their nuts waiting on nov 15
  2. those electronic muffs any good? i need to get a set to wear over my ear plugs...nothing is more distracting at the range than having someone in the booth next to you shooting a cannon...but ide like the electronic muffs if they actually work so when its just me and a few friends shooting clays or whatever i can still hear them (no ear plugs, just the muffs)
  3. idk if im just really tired or what, but this had me dyin
  4. http://www.triumph675.net/forum/showthread.php?t=47039 ? - only $900
  5. i think youre looking for this thread http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=84107
  6. so did i lol thanks for the tip though, appreciate it
  7. almost bought snap caps today too - had them in my hand i think i also need to work on target focus. i was focusing on my target more than my front sight, and i think maybe that was throwing me off also. appreciate all the tips, i made the same post on an HK website so im getting double feedback...next range trip should be fun
  8. only had a hundred rounds through it - ive seen magazine that run these for 3-5k without cleaning and dont have a hiccup...i would hope its not that, if so ill be selling it for sure lol, dont need a lemon i actually posted up on an HK website about it, and turns out the extractor on these is known to be an issue, and that one area needs lightly filed down....i never had these failures until after i got it refinished, so the refinish put just enough material that its messing it up now....HK covers it under warranty, but im not sure if they would fix it since it was caused by the refinish....but a member there who fixes them regularly for people told me to mail him my extractor and hes going to take care of it for me. not sure how the extractor causes a failure to feed, but apparently it is known for it on HKs...hes fixing it free for me too
  9. if you can make me smell like a hooker smells at 4:30am after their last customer, i will buy it. perhaps a catpiss-salmon scent? that should be purdy close.
  10. Thanks! It's definitely hard work, but it feels good at the end of the day when you get to see stuff come together.
  11. hm....wonder how they came up with that crap.
  12. This applies to everybody but you. We all know your range day wouldnt be as enjoyable if you didnt get to see at least one legit suicide. amirite?
  13. about 5ish minutes. its not bad
  14. Kind of. You have to watch it once, and then at the end you can pay $5 and get an orientation card made - so every time you come after that you just show them the card and you skip the video. Or become a member. If you dont pay the $5 or if you lose the card, then yes, you have to watch it every time. I watched it 3 times before i finally just sucked it up and paid the $5 lol the $5 is worth skipping that dreaded video
  15. I like it. Nice facility, the staff are hit and miss...Usually have the friendly guys running the area of the counter that you rent lanes from, the guys who assist you if youre looking at buying a gun kinda seem hit and miss...I've dealt with a couple jerks before. Overall I like it. its a bit expensive but its close enough that it makes up for it. If i could afford ammo more often, I would probably buy a membership.
  16. the 7yd, sa target on the left turned out the best i think - and it happens to be the only one i shot with my carry ammo...so that is comforting at least lol all other targets are winchester white box....carry ammo is speer gold dot 165gr
  17. After making a trip to the range I am feeling a little better about the p2ksk, i think i may need a lot more practice though please take a look at these pics and tell me your opinion on what i might be doing wrong to get them so erratic...the targets are either 10 or 20 rounds (one is 22)...i had a handful of shots not on paper because i flinched or jerked the gun....next trip ill use a silhouette so i can see a bit better perhaps my goals are just set too high out of such a short barrel gun, based on my experience level? this is my first handgun, and ive got maybe 800rds through it (bought it used, so its already broken in) im thinking instead of switching to a new gun maybe i just need to practice a little bit more.....what are your thoughts? do these groupings seem ok for a newbie or are they just completely fubar and i should accept that i just cant shoot this gun well? i also had one failure near the end, but i believe it was mag related....MT said mag spring, mag lips, or dirty slide...so ill be ordering a new mag spring to try that first anyways, heres the pics 7yds, DA/SA 7yds, SA 7yds, DA 10yds, DA/SA 10yds, DA Failure
  18. been meaning to check this place out...theres another place too by kroger, forget the name...saw them selling some guns on armslist with their address
  19. kawi - http://www.amazon.com/United-States-Zombie-Hunting-Sticker/dp/B005G3XT1S/ref=sr_1_3?s=miscellaneous&ie=UTF8&qid=1319204816&sr=1-3 http://www.amazon.com/United-States-Zombie-Hunting-Sticker/dp/B005G3XFW6/ref=sr_1_1?s=miscellaneous&ie=UTF8&qid=1319204816&sr=1-1 im ordering the second one now!
  20. i think this is actually really good advice. i cant afford to shoot as often as i would like, so i only get to shoot a couple hundred rounds every couple months or so. i think i may hold off for a little while...im going to head to the range today and see if i cant work on shooting this da/sa hk a little bit..ill post up later whether or not im still disappointed in it
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