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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. can you imagine that hit if she didnt have a full face helmet on? she took that wreck like a champ though!
  2. i always set up two ramps so i could run up one while pushing the bike up the other and have someone in the bed to help catch it on its way up i actually prefer the fold out kind that is one big ramp - but my truck sits too tall for that kind since i have only seen them in 5 1/2ft last time i loaded a bike into a truck we just set up two ramps and walked it up into the bed with the clutch....walk up one ramp, and drive bike up the other with a little bit of clutch control....a lot less effort
  3. the rahals own a ferrari 599 gtb....sold the zr1 they had and picked it up....this was about a year ago though, maybe a bit longer...not sure if they still have it....so theyre not anti-italian, at least not totally
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPu7-LtLKmU forget mw3.....waiting for this! oct 25th
  5. good to know...i guess whoever mentioned it to me was mistaken
  6. isnt this technically illegal? theres no helmet law, but i thought i heard that if the passenger has a helmet on, the driver is required to have one also?
  7. looks like Judd is here to save the day! and wow Judd thanks for the refresher...i completely forgot about the oil being separate from the refrigerant...its been about 4 years since i took that HVAC class lol and when i mentioned freon, i just meant the stuff you buy in the can at autozone - whatever brand, not exclusively one kind...kinda like when people say "kleenex" when they mean tissue
  8. assuming it was low....a lot of people dont pay attention to the gauge and they just start adding refrigerant (not saying he did, but it happens - thats what my friend did)....and he said some switch had to be replaced also, but he did that after adding a ton of freon, so if the switch was the initial problem, then his current problem could be too much freon.... the truck i was working on today called for 27oz of freon, and the can he had was an average size can and had 18oz... 3 of those cans plus whatever was in there would be way too much for any vehicle im guessing....unless its leaking like crazy, its probably got too much freon in it, so no matter what parts gets fixed etc he should hook up a gauge and check the level first and release some until its in the green again and then go from there....if its low (low on the gauge, not just blowing hot), even after 3 cans, then get a dye and find the leak...it will be a big leak and easy to find
  9. agreed...ive never heard of an overflow for refrigerant... i could be wrong, i havent messed with hvac stuff too much (just what little hands on i had at cscc)....but he mentioned it being oily, and freon is very oily - made a mess with some today lol, it feels the same as that white lithium aerosol grease
  10. the freon stuff is oily - it could very well be that also, after fixing the switch, have you checked the level of the freon? a guy at work this morning said his ac blows warm and that he just charged it....i hooked up the gauge and it was all the way in the red....i put on a thick glove and released some of the freon (just kidding...i used the proper EPA approved method of getting rid of it) and after draining a BUNCH of it out, the gauge was reading in the "charged" area and the ac was ice cold 3 of those cans is probably way too much....too much freon will make it blow hot air just the same as having none
  11. 550 is a good deal...take it, especially if theyre picking it up we have scrapped a ton of trucks, and we just call around and get prices....we send them to the shredder - they usually pay better than junk yards....last one we took in it was $290ish a ton, and i think they paid $700 or so for it (truck with toolbox bed) but if you send to shredder you have to remove gas tank and the wheels/tires or they deduct you...its a pain
  12. if thats so, then he made out nice! i never looked up the value myself, was just going off of gander mountains 60% policy and what they gave him looked it up and i just saw one on gunbroker for $500...didnt have the books and box etc, but still...makes 680 sound like a good deal
  13. and im only picking on you extra because im currently afraid to mess with Carie....you know, with the hormones and everything
  14. i thought you were flipping me off, my windows are so dark i didnt even recognize it was you...just saw some brown hair blowing in breeze much love <3
  15. heres a video showing the 45 round...ending shows how it pedals too...it shot through 2 jugs of water and stopped in the third jug... human body will be a bit tougher than the jugs, especially if a shot hits a bone....i guess if the shot was placed just right it could pass through if it didnt hit anything with too much resistance, but by the time it came out it would almost worthless ...and 45 usually penetrates more than a 40 will http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fWUywXaFO8
  16. ballistics numbers are done in gel...it wont penetrate that far after eating through layers of clothing or hitting solid bones. the gel numbers are just for comparison sake between rounds, not to be compared with human targets (too many variables, clothing, weight, etc)....just read that gel is comparable to 110% of a human target, unprotected....so if it says it penetrates 11" in gel, it would penetrate 10" against a naked human. ....thats why the FBI testing protocol requires 12" penetration for an ammo to pass, and it says that 18 inches is preferred...although im not sure what round penetrates 18" other than maybe some type of 45 not to say it is guaranteed it wont pass through, but with how the solid copper hollow points pedal out, i would say an exit wound is unlikely, and if it did exit, i would guess its not going to harm anybody else the only rounds i would be worried about passing through and harming innocents would be FMJ loads, in most cases
  17. agreed. chicks love horse meat. just ask gen3.
  18. their policy is they cant give more than 60% value if the gun appraises at 98%....so the book on it was around 1110.67 (98% value - based off your 60% being 680)....i bet they relist that gun around 1100 (actually - i bet they auction them or do something else with them...i doubt it will end up behind the counter of a retail store).... you coulda done better man, shoulda put it on gunbroker or something for a thousand bucks
  19. gotcha, guess i misunderstood what ya meant the first time lol.... .40 seems to be a bit snappier than 45, doesnt bother me too much though...i figure you can get used to any gun if you shoot it enough...my next handgun will be a 45, ide like to have both
  20. i prefer 40....get a good quality .40 and the recoil isnt too bad...mine shoots like a 9mm and mines a subcompact .40...nice and smooth....it does flip the muzzle some, but not enough to throw off follow up shots i prefer the ballistics of the 40 over the 45 and the 9mm.... i dont believe that its all about weight....im actually really interested in the ballistics of the 140gr Barnes TAC-XP.... 1240fps, .83" expansion, and 13.75" penetration, talk about a hot round! 45 would be my next choice though....the TAC-XP 160gr in 45 shoots at 1200fps with .82" expansion from a 5" barrrel...but you can get the same results with a 4" barrel in .40 as a 5" barrel in .45....more energy because its a heavier bullet, so its probably personal preference which one a person likes more....i prefer the .40, seems like the same amount of firepower in a smaller package, and allows for more capacity in the magazine **this post is mainly directed to jporter "I find the .40 to be a nice in between round, when comparing 9 and .45 in price and performance".....on price, sure....but on performance, i dont feel the .40 is lacking anything against the 45
  21. ah, thought you wanted 45 to match your 1911 for a .40, check out the P2000 or USP 40 / USPc 40
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