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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. The dripping oil from the bike in front makes it unsafe to do the speed limit, same for the second row etc...its a chain reaction, they can't help it, give'em a break!
  2. Ya but why leave caliper if your goal of removing rotors is weight savings? Lol
  3. Me too...sleeveless shirt plus work gloves = pwnd.... looks like i have white gloves on
  4. A lot of drag racers remove one front rotor to save weight....that bike has none but still has caliper? Looks shopped....you sure the new fad is removing both rotors not just one? Stupid either way but to totally different extents
  5. just another one of those sheep ....blueray is a scam, you pay twice as much to watch a movie that looks just as good as it did before
  6. i think that may work for some people....but at this point in my life, i dont see myself ever getting another pet... i kind of feel like ive already had the best dog i could ever hope to have, and that any other pet i get would never be able to fill the void i feel for the one i just lost...i dont know if i could deal with this every 10-15 years...losing one was hard enough
  7. i thought it was great! easily just as funny as the first one...i will be buying it on dvd when it comes out
  8. Yep and never get dizzy lol.....she had nerve damage from a bad ear clipping job ...she circled so much her body was actually curved, her bones grew longer on one side than the other lol
  9. pic shows in post #15 but not any others thanks for uploading sideways pic ya jackwagon, cranking my head that far sideways with a wicked neck cramp sucks
  10. my dad found some "Oakeys" on the side of 605 lol.... had the oakley logo and all, just forgot to put the L in there
  11. poor girl...she hated pics, we rarely got a good one....and her eyes are all glazed over from the macular degeneration and cataracts....she was such a sweetheart though....there will never be another dog like her....the few people on here who have ever seen my dog in person know its true lol....she used to run in small tight circles as fast as she possibly could for as long as she could...never seen a 16yr old dog doing 15mph donuts in the living room....what a weirdo, i miss her
  12. Thanks for the thoughts everybody
  13. thanks everybody....its going to take some getting used to....and i dont think ill ever get another dog....i wanted to get another snake for a pet, but after this, i dont think ill get any more pets....
  14. 4800? fuck that....i hate my job but i love my insurance lol.... 15k surgery plus physical therapy 3 times a week and i paid $10 for my initial visit copay, and not a penny after that
  15. i think loud ass harleys are hated more than sport bikes by the general population....i always hear people bitch about harleys pop pop popping past their house in groups of 10 million
  16. dont sweat it man...shit happens, at least youre alright i dropped the vmax at a stop light on a group ride...at least you were alone lol...light went green, guy in front of me went a foot then stalled i grabbed brakes because i had started to move, and at that low speed the bike got the best of me and tipped over....probably didnt help that when i grabbed the brake lever to stop, it snapped right off....musta been a chinese part lol...no damage except my ebay bar end mirror and that lever
  17. ive had her since i was 5 years old....its so weird not having her here...
  18. We took her in early :'(....she's gone....rip katie, I love u and miss u already...and I held her the whole time and my mom petted her....20 mins in the door and out, they tried to do it quick so we didn't have to wait but it felt like hours
  19. hey john - my girls dad has a big ladder and lives like 5 mins from you....im headed there in like an hour or so - i can ask him if ya like
  20. i think it takes $30 worth of gas to start my truck on a cold morning, let alone to drive anywhere bastard
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