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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. Steve Butters

    I want.

    looking at it more i dont actually like it.... it looks cheaply made and plain/boring like a hi-point....and for the price i would rather pick up a bodyguard 380 or a ruger lcp the engraving is awesome, but the body of the gun just looks cheap, imo
  2. loved them all! if only everybody saw it this way instead of "oh noez, anyone who has a gun is going to get angry and rape and pillage the innocent civilians that get in their path"
  3. Yep! Haul an entire yard in one (some hold more)...sunbelt and places like it have them...just operate a few levers and you're good to go
  4. Cool can you shoot me some contact info please? Always nice to have a few places to check prices with
  5. this is the proper way to lay pavers!! undr_psi - you guys truck gravel? or just the other materials like the pavers and plastic? might be in contact with you because we use a lot of this stuff (pavers, gravel, plastic, everything)
  6. FYI - a concrete truck will hold 10 yards!!! so he would only need like 10-15% of a truck load to do a pad for a car - not the better part of one - hence it probably being cheaper to just rent a buggy (or two)
  7. if youre just wanting to slap something together cheap for her to park on though - i would just dig the yard away and lay some gravel...rent a tamp and tamp it nice and tight and call it a day...i wouldnt bother with pavers for what you want to do ...i would go with either gravel or concrete
  8. agree with this guy. best way is to form it up and have the concrete delivered...the only problem is i dont know what your property looks like- hence why a buggy might be a better idea than having a truck come there.... problem with trucks is if they get too close to your house they can ruin your foundation....so if you have a truck show up, make sure it doesnt get close to your house my girls grandma had a truck deliver concrete to pour her driveway, and they drove into the sideyard and dumped the concrete right on the driveway - but the weight of the truck pushed the dirt down so tight that it bowed the foundation of their house and the whole wall had to be braced up - and bracing a foundation wall can get expensive pretty easily although i disagree about it taking the better part of a load....10x8 is a yard of concrete, and i doubt his pad would be more than 20x16, probably 16-20x8....2 yards of concrete would more than he needs - might only need a yard and a half depending what size he wants to pour it....you can rent 1 yard buggies - im not sure if you can get a yard and a half buggies or not.... i would not have a truck deliver a yard of concrete....you will pay way too much because its being delivered...rent a buggy and pour it yourself also...if you have a 3/4 or a 1 ton truck - pick up the gravel yourself, it costs more to have gravel delivered than the actual gravel costs...i wanna say gravel is 10-15 dollars per ton, its cheap if you pick it up yourself
  9. i wanna say concrete prices are around $110-$120 for a yard....not sure, we pay less since we use so much of it... a yard will cover a 10x8 section (you need 4" thick)...so figure out what size slab you would be pouring to find out how much concrete you would need...it may be easier to form it up and get a buggy to pour it, i believe you can rent them to do it yourself as for mixing it yourself if you just plan to use bags - try to find a cheap mixer on craigslist and then just resell it after youre done with the job...mix it, pour into wheel barrow, pour, repeat...easiest way to do it mixing your own sand and gravel with the cement you can save money and actually get a higher quality of concrete...but i think im getting too in depth....i do believe you can rent a buggy and have it filled
  10. not sure man, im at class and not sure what size area youre dealing with etc, dont have price sheets or anything with me....ide offer to shoot you a quote to come do it for you, but i googled parma and youre FAR from columbus lol as for rebar - it wouldnt be a bad idea honestly, since youre going to park a car on it...you can use wire mesh too if you prefer
  11. the way i would do it is to dig it down, lay some Visquine, lay some sand and tamp it down, then lay the pavers and fill the gaps in them with sand to be honest though - the way i would ACTUALLY do it, is dig it down, lay some gravel, tamp it, and then pour a concrete slab
  12. oh man, when i saw "butt snack" in the link, i thought you were posting this video **site is NWS - the video isnt lol** http://www.efukt.com/20832_Stink_Palm.html
  13. Steve Butters

    I want.

    i had a walther ppk/s .380 and it jammed more than it fired...total shit gun, would not buy any walther based on that experience alone...although, i heard S&W is making them now, but i still would be hesitant - ide rather just buy a S&W lol
  14. Steve Butters


    agreed....this is why i dont understand security signs at houses that say "Protected by "insert firearm brand here"....might as well say, "Hey, I've got some expensive shit in here - come on in while I'm away at work."
  15. Steve Butters

    I want.

    that keltec looks expensive too! especially if thres only 5000 made.....what do those cost compared to the other?
  16. Steve Butters

    I want.

    i like this one better for sure
  17. yea me too - i did learn stuff from this thread though, so its not all bad haha had no idea that a running car would burn up a bikes R/R - but it does make sense now i just bought a bikemaster gel battery for my quad and only rode it once damn damn.....put a bunch of time into rebuilding it and stuff and now all it needs is an o-ring and an oil change and im too lazy to finish it haha
  18. idk why his producers even cared about his legal problems to begin with...it fed directly into his persona on the show lol its not like he was being a bad influence, he was just being himself, just like when hes on the show
  19. $225!! trying to recoop some cash i spent today lol will trade for decent rifle scope
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