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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. pic added of tail light guards - these fit 02-09 and i will separate
  2. i always carry a pocket knife because they do come in handy...i have like 15 of them i carry all the time, then i can leave them around places, lose them, forget them in my other pants, etc and still have spares to use lol
  3. maybe matt can clarify this for me: i was told that if you carry a pocket knife and a cop asks you why you have it, if you tell them its for protection then its now considered a concealed weapon and you can get in trouble for it not sure how true that is, maybe matt will chime in since he is the "man."
  4. i hope youre joking even a fuckin idiot can hurt somebody with a knife...it doesnt take much, point and jab....sure if you stand face to face with someone and have a knife and they dont and they are trained to fight against people with knives etc, yea youre going to lose but if the average joe gets in a confrontation with another average joe, pulling a knife is going to get somebody hurt...end of story. knives are not as forgiving as wet napkins. people kill others all the time with knives. your comment about a knife being useless in untrained hands is only applicable if the person theyre attacking is trained to fight off somebody with a knife....and lets face it, the average citizen is not.
  5. You need banned for this thread. Wtf.
  6. ok the blood work came back today and everything looked good....they said theres a couple meds she can take to prevent her heart from getting bigger and to take the edge off of her arthritis the vet said she has no diabetes or anything and nothing wrong with her bones and hips like the vet thought when she looked at her originally. the vet says the med will take care of the arthritis pains and that we should try the meds for a few weeks and see how she reacts and go from there - but that they think for the time being she is fine as for what others are saying... i have never seen her indicate that she is in any pain, she never wimpers or limps or groans or anything, she has never indicated that she was in any pain...the vet just said she thinks she was because my dog has really weak hips...after the xray and the bloodwork came back showing that her bones are alright besides a little arthritis, the vet didnt seem concerned anymore and suggested a few mild meds to keep her joints from aching... i got home from work today and she was playing with me and running around and licking me and stuff for like 20 minutes - then she went and laid down on her bed and is napping right now.....i think her discomfort could be arthritis and thats why she is restless sometimes overall the vet said she is in good health and just needs a couple meds to keep things going well for her im not going to have her put down just yet - im going to see how she reacts to the meds and go from there....
  7. would be a nice purchase! but i just spent my $600 beater fund on a savage 93r17 bsev
  8. he musta not realized shes used to handling large equipment
  9. and im not sure why gander is so much higher than everywhere else...i just bought a model 93 and gander was $160 higher than vances before price matching
  10. she only has some days that are bad...most days she still gets around fine, she eats, she will run around the yard and play with me...i just dont know....shes been a great dog, and i feel bad putting her down if she still has some time left...i feel like shes always been there for me and now im just killing her...
  11. this is my main concern even if the blood test is ok...the vet says with how her heart is enlarging, even though it doesnt have fluid buildup, her heart could just fail at any time without warning....i dont want her to have to die that way, i just dont know how to let her go
  12. its like some days shes fine, and others she not....the shaking and stuff and uncomfort could be from her arthiritis, so the meds for it might make it go away....just worried about her enlarged heart and still waiting on the blood tests...if the blood tests come back bad were going to put her down, but if they dont then im not sure what to do...i think the meds might be worth a try - but i want other peoples opinions because i wanna be fair to her
  13. i just take my cell phone and pull up vances.com and they price match everything for me right off my phone lol
  14. i have a 16 year old miniature schnauzer, and im only 20...ive had her my entire life, since she was a puppy and we bought her from the breeder she had to have her teeth pulled several years ago, she has macular degeneration and cataracts so she doesnt see very well, she doesnt hear much besides clapping, she sleeps 20 hours a day....and shes gotten so skinny that all her bones are showing she goes to the vet every year for a physical and this year when we took her the vet took one look at her and asked if we even wanted to bother having them examine her we said yes and they did x-rays and blood tests and the doctor said the xray looked a lot better than she expected, but it showed that my dog has arthritis in her back and hips and her heart is 2.5x the size it should be the vet said theres no fluid surrounding her heart which is good, and they did blood tests to check for any bad diseases - we wont have the results until tomorrow after the vet ive been paying more attention to her because im scared its her time and ive noticed today that she just doesnt seem right...she wanders around like shes lost and she is constantly shaking like shes afraid, and it takes her forever to get comfortable on her bed (we got her an orthopedic bed just to keep her comfy because of her bad bones) i feel like its time but i dont want to let go yet, and were waiting to see what the blood tests say before making any decisions she still gets excited and plays with me and stuff and runs around - but the vet says afterwards she is probably in pain from the arthritis theres a $4 med that we can give her to help her with her arthritis pain if the blood tests come back ok if the tests come back ok, do you guys think we should get the medicine to keep her comfortable or is it time? i just dont know....going to talk to the vet and get their opinion too when we talk to them monday, but i put her up on the couch with me today on a blanekt and she couldnt get comfortable and wouldnt sleep she was just shaking...right now shes walking around the house restlessly like usual....i just dont know what to do....ive never lost a pet before, let alone one that ive had my entire life...as far back as i can remember shes been with me, so its hard thinking about how it will be when shes gone what do i do?
  15. I love my H&K subcompact .40! Need to practice squeezing trigger instead of pulling but it shoots fantastic with over a thousand rounds through it
  16. Your scope sucks...buy a better one and donate yours to my 93r17
  17. Oh boy.....durango? Better get the lube ready
  18. maybe ill give the ones like you have a try...i like the style, but the one i have pulls loose...its not the military one or anything
  19. those the ones you just pull them tight? if so, i have one and i hate it...it pulls loose throughout the day and bothers me i went to meijer and got a belt from their brand, i think its called "Emergency Exit"....very thick sturdy leather belt with traditional clasp - i love it
  20. yea ive never heard of her or her music...ill make a note to avoid it
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