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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. i dont get people man....suicide bombing just doesnt make any sense to me.....in fact, i have no idea how such a fucked up version of islam was even able to spread so far that its turned into this... i could understand small groups, but wtf happened
  2. taco bell claims they buy the same brand meat as what consumers buy in major grocery stores.....i dont believe that for a second but i will be getting some taco bell on my way to class today...ill make sure to ask for "Meaty 5-Layer Burritos" instead of Beefy
  3. i see it...just dont see the funny
  4. not if its a deal breaker....
  5. heres one water car - but small scale projects like this will never hit mainstream....big oil and/or the gov will buy this guy out and bury this car http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHDYR2f5BMI
  6. i found this while looking...this thing appears to be neat, although its electric/gas hybrid and kinda off topic of this discussion lol http://afstrinity.com/prototype/
  7. i didnt actually click his link....i agree, that link is BS lol ill try to find the video of the cars i was talking about
  8. both would be interesting to try, although im skeptical on the magnet thing - it sounds good in theory kinda, but the website is too "as seen on tv" for me lol
  9. its already going on such a large scale, that it cant be bought out by big oil. the only thing stopping it is that its new technology and hasnt been fully developed yet. its got years or testing and research still before it would even be ready for anything main stream. they have made the fuels, they do work, but currently theyre testing which algaes grow best, how they fair in the real world vs the lab, etc...once its developed fully, they have to work on acquiring the land and building the facilities etc etc if algae fuels take off, i would estimate it at least 15 years down the road before anything is being pumped into your tank to say anything other than big oil will never work isnt that accurate...you can already buy bio diesel at the pump in california, and algae fuel would be used as a type of biodiesel also, e85 is available at the pump now which uses very little oil big oil will always have its place, even if we switched to 100% electric cars.....so many products are made from petroluem aside from just fuels
  10. theres a neat rally every year where people all get together and drive across the country on cars that are ran on alternative forms of energy...they have several of these hydrogen cars, a few biodiesels, etc...its neat to see modern average cars running in ways like this
  11. 30-40 million acres to supply enough fuel for the united states they say its doable because the algae can be grown anywhere...they say eventually they will be able to farm enough land for algae to supply fuel, without having to damage any existing land (by making use of deserts, and wastelands where nothing else can even grow)
  12. the algae would be beneficial for the overall environment, and it would be grown in deserts and wastlelands where nothing else can grow. waste water that is a pollutant now, would be pumped into algae ponds which would remove nitrogren and phosphate from the water and feed the algae the EPA would love it watch the video link i posted and it will explain the benefits of growing the algae for the environment itself it is new technology - and theres no way it will hit large scale in the next few years. theres a lot more science and research that would go into it. currently, the cost to produce it is about $20/gallon they are predicting 3-5 years before it would even get to a usable price - but all new technology has to start somewhere
  13. the fuel algae makes will be a direct replacement of gas - theyre oil based and will run just like normal gasoline the only problem with algae fuel would be making enough of it to keep up with our needs
  14. http://www.oilgae.com/videos/watch/83/Algae-Biofuels-and-Biotech---Stephen-Mayfield-UC-San-Diego/
  15. i think algae fuel is a step in the right direction...its so easy to produce, and the stuff can be grown anywhere...i would like to see this technology evolve
  16. give ya 20 bucks and a pack of backwoods for it
  17. believe it when i see it - this will never happen
  18. i have a hard time believing his link
  19. doesnt sound like hes given up yet...he left rehab but supposedly still has work http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20461210,00.html hard to tell what is going to happen to him from this point out...hopefully he keeps his act together and stays on his feet - although its starting to not look so good if he isnt getting any professional help.....hopefully he does right by himself and his family though, still hoping to see him succeed
  20. i already posted my solution on the first page. drug testing and BC shots a requirement for wellfare...if you dont want to submit to either, thats your right, but you wont receive assistance. but i think the statement that asking people to take drug tests before mooching off the government is not "american" makes no sense to me i want her to explain what is american to her...im sure she can think for herself without you jumping in to speak for her
  21. its not american to try and prevent losers from sucking the system dry? what is "american" to you? supporting drug habits of wellfare moms and their crack babies?
  22. i think 5k would be reasonable compensation for his time and inconvenience ...and i doubt the government paid for it, im assuming gov employees still use private insurance like aetna or something...in which case, the insurance company ate the loss (i could be wrong though, i dont actually know how that works)
  23. loss of enjoyment bro, umad? how can he enjoy his sammiches if they gots olive pits in them? he will have nightmares and pass out any time he tries to eat a sandwich in the future. hes so full of shit though..."multiple proceedures" to fix it...what happened? a chipped tooth? 150k is BS
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