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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. umm no? i ran a 12.3 but my 60' was horrid because i fucked up my launch real bad like i had guessed i would do, and i didnt pay close enough attention and overrevved a few gears - shifted a bit later than i shoulda second pass was a high 13 but i missed third gear, fucked up my launch again that pass so it wouldnt have been much better lol if i coulda got a semi decent 60' 11.50s would have been attainable for sure...if the bike hasnt sold by the next CR track day, im gonna run it some more and see how fast i can get it goin....that was my first time ever running a bike down the strip, just need some practice...all in all i wasnt too disappointed for my first time at the track on a bike i work early in the am so i didnt stay around to compete, so only ran the few test passes - then marks car broke on the trailer, which was the only car i really wanted to see run, so i took off kinda early, like 7ish...maybe you saw someone elses bike running 15s
  2. check in on CR closer to the date...wagner says there may be open trial runs in the morning before the bracket racing
  3. yep. want her phone number? i like you enough to call you big poppa. even though it would be more appropriate to call ya little guy.
  4. this was my moms set, not my girl .... although, now its going to be my girls set because my moms just gonna keep it till i move out and then let me take it, so i guess i win lol and really, im the worst about posting something for sale and then deciding to keep it...especially vehicles!! ive had my bike for sale like 4 or 5 times so far...im really gonna sell it this time though lol
  5. this can get locked up...checked prices on this stuff new, and the cost has come down a lot and since its depreciated so much she said its not worth it to sell it now so shes going to keep the setup $2100 brand new at value city now if anyone was interested http://www.vcf.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?partNumber=1231014&more=15%203&Nao=16&storeId=10001&referrer=shelfPage&numberOfResultsPerPage=12&N=4294967163%204294966665&catalogId=10153&categoryId=4294967293 http://www.vcf.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?partNumber=839582&Nao=0&more=15&numberOfResultsPerPage=12&referrer=shelfPage&storeId=10001&catalogId=10153&N=4294966666%204294967163%2075&categoryId=4294967293 http://www.vcf.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?partNumber=1231162&more=15&Nao=22&storeId=10001&referrer=shelfPage&numberOfResultsPerPage=12&N=4294967163%204294966663&catalogId=10153&categoryId=4294967293
  6. the radio is alright, but the mp3 player feature sucks balls your mp3 player powers the audio port, and drains power from the player....ipods arent strong enough to power the unit and play music effeciently...meaning, anything about 45mph and you cant hear the mp3s clear at all (way way too quiet)...its just noise, and barely that...i dont even bother using mp3s anymore, just use the radio
  7. i posted that im getting a new bike this weekend, then edited it because i wasnt sure if it was gonna work out lol

  8. my rf-1100 has an assload of wind noise
  9. why do people wear ear plugs when they have helmet speakers in? i can barely hear my helmet speakers as-is, let along with ear plugs
  10. posting from work? youre the reason america sucks...you should join a union you fat lazy worthless person that about sums it up
  11. next cr track day - its not like the others though sadly, so i wont be attending http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=81743 youre on CR right? if not ill copy paste that info there will be one more at the end of the year at D42, no date announced yet though-- late october is expected time....d42 is just too expensive for me to run lol, less cars = higher entrance fee
  12. women are deadly weapons all by themselves, let alone if they have guns
  13. its even more gross because its 100% true...and she was my ex at the time also, we werent even dating
  14. make excuses for the lack of willpower all you want. whatever helps you sleep at night...besides your beer obviously
  15. ok no BS...new price is $2500 FIRM...thats a great deal for this bike
  16. i was at my ex gfs house and her dog got in the bathroom trash and found a bloody tampon and was chewing on it and ripping it up and it came out and rubbed its face on my jeans and little pieces of bloody tampon were clinging to my jeans FML
  17. what about an 01 gsxr 600? i think i found a good deal on one worthy replacement for the max?
  18. i would still sex your bike although that one that looked similar at the poker run, had sexier wheels...i liked the body color wheels on that bike - you should do yours
  19. but ide look much better while doing it !
  20. if i had 6k, ide just buy the r1 instead of your boosa ...and ide just keep the max for shits and giggles
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