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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. This one has 12" tires too.. I'd be in the same boat.. I could get foldable HF trailer for $240 and then upgrade bearings and 15" tires and be out cheaper.. No sides or lift gate, but I don't really need those right away, I can add sides later at some point
  2. I really like that HF I can fold up and it won't take up my whole garage, and I'd be able to haul some wood in it for camping and such ... Would it be OK with better bearings and 15s?
  3. It'll be a 2wk trip... I'll have to consider some options... I like the idea of HF one because I'd be able to use it for camping and stuff too... Tow vehicle is a '14 Ford Escape ecoboost 2wd... I don't have a hitch on it yet, but that'll be next step... Wanted to take care of trailer first... My budget ideally is 300-400... Don't mind buying trailer first then buying deck and better bearings piece by piece... I'm getting mixed answers... Some people saying I'm OK using HF and some saying no HF trailer with upgraded bearings, top speed 75mph.. Good to go? The trailer won't see heavy use often, but I also don't want it to break down and end up having to abandon it and ride bike home if it breaks down half way across country
  4. what speed would the trailer be good to with the original wheels? im trying to do it on a budget because im trying to buy a house next year and dont want to spend more than necessary....if the HF trailer just isnt worth the money for this trip, maybe id be better off buying a single rail motorcycle trailer and using it for the trip and selling when i get home...something like this http://phoenix.craigslist.org/evl/mpo/4791907523.html
  5. I need a trailer to haul my bike to TN with you guys in June. I was looking at the $300 HF foldable trailer. Has anyone had experience towing one of these across country? What is top speed these are safe to pull? Oklahoma had 80mph speed limit areas I'd have to plan to avoid if they can't go that speed. Are there any other budget trailers out there people would recommend? I don't have much room, so my options are limited...I've got half of a 2 car garage to work with, and I still need room over there for my bike and lawn mower...also considering just buying a single rail motorcycle trailer used on craigslist, but having the extra utility of a 4x8 would be nice.
  6. Everyone be careful... Magz about to go around elbowing cops to death
  7. Could be job culture. Maybe citi treats people better than JPMorgan, maybe less stress, who knows... But a bunch of no name people jumping off buildings isn't some huge conspiracy... I work for a major bank, one of the largest in the world, and I've never even heard of any of these people (even the ones listed from where I work)... "international big shots" just doesn't make sense to me, neither does a "conspiracy" involving suicide of no name people who work in a high stress industry
  8. Yes. Make him pay for shooting someone who was reportedly waving a gun around in a park and reaching into his waistband when cops showed up. Poor police work? Sure. Fired? I'd be OK with that. Racist murderers who premeditated the killing of an innocent black child who wanted to do nothing besides show off his toy to the cops? I know I'm breaking my own rule even responding to your troll ass, but whether you're trolling or serious, you're a fucking idiot. Don't want shot? Don't reach into your waistband when cops roll up on you after you've been threatening people in a park. It's not a hard fucking concept. This entire country is going down the fucking drain. Bad parenting, and stupid fucks running rampant will be our downfall. No accountability, blame everyone else, escalate bullshit into big issues that aren't even issues... It's a tragedy. Glad I don't plan on having kids. But if I did, they would be raised smart enough to not try and pull a gun on police officers.
  9. Not sure I'd call those guys all big time international players ... Lot of those job titles don't mean anything.. Even senior management... I couldn't even being to tell you how many people in banking have inflated titles that have barely any weight... My boss' title is Assistant Vice President and she's only 2 levels above new hires off the street... Without looking, I believe there's about 7 steps up from there.
  10. I have some gloves.. Great fit, quality seems good, no dye bleeding on my hands
  11. hey judd - i do believe there is a shit on your hoodie good sir.
  12. It might if you die from heart problems rather than a crushed wind pipe
  13. I wish there was only 9 cases so magz himself would lick an ebola patient to prove himself right
  14. He could have gone to trial and there could have been video evidence showing the entire situation going down in HD and people would still riot, loot, and try to kill him... You're naive if you think a trial would change the situation. Would have delayed it, but once the not guilty verdict was out we would be in the same place we are and people would just be crying that it's a conspiracy or the evidence was doctored etc
  15. NFL just released statement that there will be no fines. I wonder if this would have been the case if they walked out and started yelling "Dont hit cops, don't get shot" instead of "Hands up don't shoot".... This country is fucked.
  16. They weren't outside, they did it as they left locker room onto the field. While I agree it's their right, I think fines should be imposed. Marshawn Lynch got fined 100k for refusing to talk to reporters, cam newton got a 10k fine for having the wrong brand of visor clips on his helmet, Rex Ryan got a 100k fine for cussing, wes Welker got a 10k fine for wearing a hat that wasn't approved, 100k for same thing during a superbowl for Brian urlacher... I can keep going all day about stupid shit the NFL fines people for... This should definitely be fine worthy.
  17. Not worth it. Lawyer is gonna cost you way more than 500
  18. That's how it was back in the day... But times change... Now a days you got little kids seeing murderers, gang members, "peaceful protectors", etc being glorified by the media and the culture we live in... You got kids this age already out there killing people.. You never know. Not my job to investigate, that's what police are for. It's funny... This reminds me of the trayvon martin situation... That time people were saying he should have let police handle it, but now you're saying citizens need to handle it before calling people... Yea there's a slight age gap, but not much. Idk about you, but if I see someone pointing a 1911 at people, I'm not going to be the one investigating it. People afraid to get hurt but not afraid to call in others to get hurt.... Disagree. People afraid of getting hurt so they call in professionals with the training and equipment to handle these situations. I'm not a cop. It's not my duty to serve and protect. I'm going to mind my own business, I'm not going to confront someone who is brandishing a firearm if they aren't a direct threat. I wonder how this would have gone down if this kid had got killed by one of the people he was aiming it at. There would be so much outrage. "why didn't that person just keep walking and leave him alone. If they hadn't confronted him they wouldn't have felt threatened"... Sounds familiar.
  19. I don't think its a big brother tactic. I think it's completely reasonable. The amount of power and authority given to police and their discretion, I absolutely believe everything should be recorded. Body cams and dash cams on every officer/vehicle. Not even to just protect from abusive cops, but we're all human and make discretionary mistakes and lapses in judgement. It's a good system to protect everybody involved and keep things a little more honest than they might otherwise be.
  20. While taking my ccw class in OH the instructor at the police dept said they have confiscated all kind of guns, even pink guns that look like barbie toys, guns painted bright orange, whatever... People painting them so they look like toys and draw less attention... That plastic tip wouldn't have mattered... I'm just so confused why cops roll up guns drawn ready to go and the kid doesn't listen... Is there audio from this? Interested to see what cops yelled at him... If it was "drop the gun" then maybe the kid got confused and went to get it to drop it... But if it's hands up, that's a pretty clear order to follow
  21. Lololol go read again. He notified immediately per OP.
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