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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. isnt that how EVERY major story goes in the media?
  2. haha ill be back in june for a visit....other than that, you can keep ohio! we have waffle house, close enough
  3. nobody likes a kiss-ass either. shut your shithole.
  4. we have a 14 escape ecoboost....it has plenty of pep for a daily driver, we have zero issues under any driving circumstances....its a great car for commuting, it has no uniqueness and no soul, but its nice reliable transportation...weve put 25k on it in the last year and had no issues....the transmission downshifts kind of hard while climbing through mountains, but leaving it in sport mode and manually shifting while going through mountains works fine...and 30mpg isnt bad for a small suv....we will be driving it to the gap next year with a trailer to haul my bike
  5. surprised they let you get away with that
  6. convection ovens are awesome. ive even cooked steak in one and it turned out good. you can cook anything in them. will be upgrading to one
  7. $350... I want a single cab 6.7 f250 4x4.. Delivered to 85138
  8. In what way? You're the medical professional so I'll take your word on it, but I'm puzzled how a 12 yr old can be raped 300+ times and an obgyn wouldn't be able to find any evidence of abuse?
  9. She's 12....can't they just fucking look at her crotch and find out the truth? Kinda hard to hide that on a child too young (in most cases) to be sexually active? Busted hymen and stretched vag would give it away.. Don't mean to be so blunt about it, but a physical should make it quite obvious if she is or isn't being abused
  10. Fucking racist white Devils killing our church loving gentle giant kids
  11. Sooooooo... Basically I was right and you were trying to rip him off and get a coin worth $50 to you (and probably more to whoever you flip them to) for $5.... And I'm a dick... Lololol bye
  12. Pay off my student loans.. I still owe like 47k on them
  13. found this too...worth a read (also explains why lower alcohol light beers wont dehydrate you while exercising as much as darker beers "According to the researchers, these results indicate that beverages with low alcohol concentrations have "a negligible diuretic effect" when consumed in a state of exercise-induced dehydration. The researchers conclude that recovering from a state of dehydration is effectively the same whether you're rehydrating with water, or a beverage containing up to 2% alcohol — though drinks containing 4% alcohol, they write, "tend to delay the recovery process." Of course, "delay" ≠ "prevent entirely," so what the researchers are actually saying is: yes, you can rehydrate with a beverage containing roughly 4% alcohol; you'll just recover more slowly than you would with a 2% brew in your hand." in case you want to read it all http://io9.com/could-you-drink-beer-instead-of-water-and-still-survive-457081579
  14. too bad youre not in AZ....i know a guy who is in the market for this exact car
  15. just out of curiousity, and sorry if i missed it earlier....what are your thoughts on the second shooting? *Tpoppa*
  16. bud light will keep you plenty hydrated. its 3% alchol, thats not very much at all compared to how much water is in it...clearest piss of my life is when im drinking bud lights all night...eventually as the alcohol builds up the diuretic effect would overcome and water gained by the beer, but ive drank plenty of light beer while doing shit around the house and its never left me feeling dehydrated could you live on beer alone? doubt it. but while youre out working on the yard for a few hours, it will keep you plenty hydrated compared to dark beer and pop (obviously water is best - but thats no fun)
  17. Craft beers are great for sitting back and having a good beer... But have to agree with max power, bud light is great beer for working around the house.. Light and mild so it goes down easy, keeps you hydrated, and it's cheap... Not gonna be out doing yard work drinking stouts
  18. Suspect was using deadly weapon (knife) and met with deadly force. A taser isnt always effective, sometimes it gets caught up in clothing, a prong might miss etc. This guy was an immediate threat to the life on those officers, and clearly didnt care if he got killed doing what he was doing, which makes him an even bigger threat. Seriously....you see a problem with how that went down? If you have a knife, and youre approaching officers and refusing to follow orders all while yelling "shoot me" and advancing on them....you dont think that warrants use of deadly force? youre seriously saying the only time a gun is justified is when? when the assailant starts shooting at cops first? Fuck, a cop has to get fucking shot before he can use his own weapon to defend himself, to be considered right to some people....i bet even then, people would be all like "well, joe shot the cop, but during his magazine reload he wasnt a threat anymore so he should have been shot with a bean bag"
  19. No idea what my plate says, whatever the state put on it
  20. Shots came from front. Meaning the foot chase ended, brown turned around, and potentially became a threat once again. The only thing we have to go by as far as officer shooting at Brown while he ran is bullshit "eye witnesses" that change their story every day... Maybe they're not lying, not enough facts to know, but when you change your story every time it gets debunked (shot in back rather than shot at) you lose credibility. How do you know this shooting while fleeing claim is valid?
  21. Then why keep mentioning the car as a relevant fact? What if these dudes were in great shape and the foot pursuit went a half mile instead of 35ft... Then what? Please explain to me the relevancy of the distance between car and body... I'm open to hear it because I seriously cannot comprehend any idea that it's relevant in any way how close the body was to the car
  22. 2015 man....im making this my #1 priority for next year lol...was on track to go this year, but had some legal issues arise
  23. But its still not a relevant fact.....distance of body to police car means nothing if we dont know anything more than distance from police officer to dead body was "more than 2-3 feet" Heres a hypothetical: brown starts running, cop has to get out of police car which gives brown a few second head start. brown runs 40 ft with the officer in tow at 20 feet since brown got a head start. brown stops running, turned to assault officer, gets shot. body is now 35 feet from patrol car and officer is 25ft from patrol car but within 10 feet of brown. not saying that happened, just throwing it out there as a hypothetical. the car means nothing in this equation is what im getting at. if you cant understand that, then youre thinking with too much prejudice or just in denial that your statements of fact could be flawed. i have a hard time believing you know exactly what happened, down to the details, even though you have had no information other than what has been posted by the media (which is full of bias, misinformation, and bullshit - about every topic, apparently aside from this one, in which they report only proven facts??) If it was as cut and dry, black and white (no pun intended) as you're claiming - then it would have been solved by now. I'm not taking a side either way. Disgruntled police have been known to kill people unjustly. And thugs have been known to assault police and get killed. Theres not enough info to make such definitive statements as you are making. If you dont understand that concept, there's nothing more for us to have a discussion about
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