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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. painted the lower headlight cowl black...its not the exact same color - its the color of the darker black stripe in the side covers....should look much better than the grey ...ill put up a pic once its back on the bike tomorrow-ish also did a nice cheap mod - my bike front and rear turn signals are the same signal used on cbr1000rr rear, except the cbr has smoked clear lenses with amber bulbs and the cb has amber lenses with clear bulbs....so i bought the clear smoked lenses from the cbr and put them on my cb with some chrome bulbs....cost me like $30-35 for lenses and bulbs all together, and helps a lot...pics to come when i get it together, but heres the lenses....keeps a nice stock look and clarity but cleans up nicely New vs Old
  2. youre gonna get the 'bolz and spread it to people by double dipping sauce and its going to spread world wide and we're all going to fucking die
  3. i trash talked ohio long before i got the hell out....so i guess im in the clear lol im not so sure id choose socal over ohio though.....the beach and weather are great....but thats about it
  4. I'll have to check my schedule, but I might be able to make this.
  5. I think we already covered that: Saipan. Welcome back Gen - dont catch ebola in Dallas - and if you do, dont spread it like your legs
  6. i didnt like the vtec on my vfr...but bad is right, you get used to it and it stops bothering you as much...in a straight line its fun to have, but when youre riding at a casual pace if you dont short shift then the vtec kicks in in an annoying rev range and just makes it unsmooth..... the vtec doesnt work until the engine is properly warmed up, so in the winter time i got to ride my bike with no vtec because it was so cold that my bike never fully heated up...it was so much better....
  7. I don't believe we should stop either. There is always more to be learned and discovered - the universe is infinite. I do however believe that they will never actually find an answer to how everything was created - because I believe the answer is God and not anything worldly. Just my belief - not trying to say I'm right and you're wrong, but that's how I see it. I think it's about time to get on your level - this thread is too much work. I don't know why I even jumped into it, I just got annoyed by the original post I guess. Nobody is going to agree, nobody is going to convert anyone, and there's questions on both sides that cannot be answered. It's just going to go round and round - it's a pretty worthless thread, and doesn't cover anything we haven't already covered on here 100 times. But hey - I fell for it, at least I'm not the only sucker.
  8. I think you misread my post. I'm not disputing evolution - I fully believe. Where did the matter come from, what was it suspended in, what came before that? What created that matter and energy? Everything had to start somewhere.
  9. Yes - but it's all in interpretation. I believe when people die, they die for a reason. God has a bigger plan than we can comprehend. What we perceive as "unfair" may be entirely different than how it was quoted. I think it's unfair that my dad died at 41, yet there's plenty of pedofiles alive in prison. I don't blame God - I believe he had a plan and needed to call him home. I believe God is fair to all his people in the afterlife - that doesn't mean he has to be fair to us on a worldly level. If that was the case, people would never experience trials and hardships in their life. The bible is full of people who are down on their luck and desperate. I guess we both just have a different perception of how that's interpreted. The "slack" comment wasnt to be taken literally. There is no answer to the question you asked. Nobody knows for sure what happens after death. It's not my job to judge or condemn a group of people and tell them they're hell bound. Only God knows the answer to that question, so I won't even pretend that I do.
  10. This is where my beliefs fall. There is too much scientific proof to dispute evolution and to discredit the big bang theory completely. I believe those events occurred - but I believe God was behind them. I don't believe in a literal interpreatation of the bible. I don't believe the world is 7-10k years old. But I don't believe everything in this universe is an accident caused by an unexplained event. What was before the big bang? Nothing? Then what caused it? That is a question that cannot be answered, and I don't believe it ever will be answered because I believe it is outside the realm of human understanding.
  11. That isn't up to me. Only God knows what happens to them when they die. Maybe he will cut them some slack, maybe he will say theyre SOL. You're asking an impossible question to answer, so of course, there can't be one. Just because God is good - doesn't mean God is fair. My dad was a good man - died at age 41. Charles Manson is still alive at 150 yrs old, or however old he is. Sometimes people die for a bigger reason. Sometimes people die for reasons that are unknown to us. You don't have to believe God is fair to believe that he exists. You should definitely know that, since I believe you said you've read the bible cover-to-cover.
  12. I bought a can of axe when i was in high school but i it didn't make super model bitches suck my dick every day and climb all over me like a fucking jaguar in the jungle. Time to sue!
  13. Statistically there are 29 million Christians in India. Not a huge number compared to the population, but it's still a large number. I don't believe it's random at all. Christianity didn't pop up over night. Jesus and the Apostles traveled and preached - the same that many churches do now-a-days. It's the same scenario. Many people have never even been exposed to Christianity due to their geography - but there are plenty who have converted after being taught by missionaries. Geography undoubtedly has a major impact on what people believe, that's impossible to prevent. That's why people do mission work - to spread the word to those areas where people aren't exposed to it. You aren't born into any religion. Funny side note - my uncle is from India and his family there are all Christians, including him.
  14. I think its bullshit that if a cop kills your dog it's no big deal. Animals don't have rights and you are able to claim the value of the animal. So, cop kills your dog - $300 comp to you. But if you kill a police dog, it's life in prison. How the fuck is that? Dogs are dogs, regardless of what job they do.
  15. Not signing up for this. Just signifies the bullshit society we live in where people sue for anything and everything. It's unfortunate that Red Bull has to settle such a bullshit claim by spending money. Sure it may not be much to them at all - but it's the principle of the subject.
  16. Couldnt have said it better. I believe, and don't care what anyone's opinion about it is. Nobody will change my mind. Believing in God isn't about everything being fair and good people never dying. I never understand that argument. Jesus himself died a horrible death. Scruit - your feigned ignorance in this thread is a little pathetic. You make a thread, post a bunch of hypothetical, unanswerable questions, and then pretend like you are curious or confused. I know you're intelligent enough to know that there are no answers for the questions you posted; that topic is subjective. Seems to me like you just got tired of seeing people post a bunch of stuff you believe is made up and came here to vent and rally support. That's fine though, but please, stop pretending you're here to actually ask questions. Judd - my belief is in line with yours. Sure, God may not be reaching down and curing people on a daily basis, but we don't exist as an accident. I believe everything was created by God - medicine, science, people, etc. Sure, that IV in your arm may be keeping you alive, but I believe in a bigger picture. Maybe the reason you're even alive to have that IV is because of divine intervention. Maybe the ambulance made it to your location with the help of God (avoiding accidents, etc). Or maybe it's none of that, and science really did cure you - but I believe without God we wouldn't have those doctors and medicines to heal people. I realize that on this website I'm part of the very small minority that isn't atheist. I'm ok with that. I don't judge anybody and I don't care if you share the same beliefs as me. I treat people based on how they treat me. I consider most of OR family - regardless of personal beliefs. I just find it a bit annoying that when these topics come up - it's always somebody slamming religion and trying to down on others for their beliefs by acting like modernized people would never believe in religion. You being atheist doesn't make you better than me - regardless how much you feel it may. I don't see many threads on here by religious people slamming on atheists, but we get plenty of the opposite. Guess that's what happens when you don't believe in a religion that teaches not to judge other people - jk Disclaimer: This post doesn't apply to everybody in this thread. I'm not trying to imply that we're not having an adult conversation here. Just commenting on this thread and on society in general. /flamesuit on
  17. TLDR: road maintenance costs more than people contribute so when others ride bicycles it saves the city money...yet, bicyclists contribute more than they use via taxes from other areas...therefore - bicyclists pay nearly the same tax, yet have less wear on the road or something like that...i quickly glanced the article
  18. Just bumping for positive rep. I ordered the 3/4 system from these guys, got it cheaper than anywhere else, and it showed up quickly....very happy with it, and it sounds amazing, like a whole new bike
  19. get help if you need it - but whatever you do, make sure to edge while you pour.....saw cutting after it cures looks awful compared to laying proper edges no need for mesh or rebar on foot paths (unless youre tying new concrete into old concrete)
  20. ebola isnt airborne and isnt very easy to catch...i really doubt this guy infected hundreds of other people. "Ebola is spread through direct contact with the body fluids of actively infected individuals. Indirect transmission is also possible by means of contact with an object (fomite) that has been soiled by the body fluids of an infected individual."
  21. Steve Butters


    doesnt matter how quick they recruit, which is why we arent targetting ISIS members specifically. they are targeting infrastructure. sure they can recruit people quickly, but theyre going to have a harder time replacing all the infrastructure/weapons/equipment/etc that were blowing up.
  22. once you leave the city - the police are far and few between....we usually dont see a single cop from just outside phoenix until we hit vegas....most people do 80-100 the whole way from phoenix to vegas without issue, i just dont wanna push my luck based on previous encounters....they dont get people often out here, but when they do they will nail you to the wall
  23. kingman to vegas is pretty boring...nice scenery the first few times....but it gets old when you make the drive often enough and i used to like riding here too - until i got a "criminal speed" ticket, on my criminal record not just my driving record, for going 86 in a 65 (while there were cars passing me in both lanes)....doesnt matter if cars are doing 100mph, if there's a bike anywhere to be seen, the biker gets stopped...i was doing 86 just trying to keep up with traffic, middle lane, getting passed by cars in the fast lane and the HOV lane...and somehow i still got the ticket...he "cut me a break" by not arresting me, according to him....whatever man....riding is nice out here, but not anywhere near the city....worst part is half the police are unmarked, so you never really know where they are...a lot of them dont even have antennas on top or a spot light, its a completely stock vehicle outside
  24. Driving out here you normally end up with the opposite problem. Everyone is driving 90mph on the freeway, tail gating, cutting people off...its fucking insane out here....I actually miss driving in ohio....its either ride 100mph and risk getting a ticket, or go 75 and be that asshole everyone is cutting off and flying past
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