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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. i bitch about those titles too. just like all this fucking bs about "militarized police blow hole in 2yr old" instead of "mother moves 2yr old into house of drug dealer who sells drugs to undercover cops and gets raided, leading to injury" its all fucking bs....mainstream media is just a disease on society
  2. firstly - i hate the title of this thread. same bullshit tactics the media uses to deceive about the real issue. its not life in prison for saving ducks. its possible life in prison for negligent homicide. "maximum" sentences are never carried out. she will get less 5yrs, if she even goes to prison at all. i suspect she will get a long probation term, 90 days in jail, and a ton of restitution. i was facing 18 months at one point for a traffic stop...that was my "maximum" sentence....i ended up with 18hrs in jail (when stop happened - time served after) and probation/community service 18 hours vs 18 months is a big gap. please stop playing this bs game ...."life in prison for saving ducks".....fuck. strikes a nerve.
  3. too much time and money in this thing to sell it now.....id take shawn up on his offer and enjoy the piss out of it lol
  4. Our ecoboost escape is a nice casual car... 30mpg too... But it has no soul, it's just transportation
  5. that price isnt terrible. ive seen similar work done cheaper, but i wouldnt say hes taking advantage or anything.....just depends on the area and economy....when i was doing conrete, we would have done that job for 2600-2800 (we got concrete at $80/yd instead of 100-120 like most pay) **edit...just reread and saw that youre wanting it stamped and dyed too.... id say the price you have is pretty spot on
  6. Such a sexy bike... Way better than the newest one
  7. I'm sorry but I find it hard to believe someone who gives any kind of fuck about their kid would forget them in the car. I've never even forgot my dog in the car, let alone another human being.
  8. I would have either put some distance, ignored him until I could put some distance, or if neither was an option and he really bothered me, I would slide over to edge line and slow down and wave him past
  9. Mixed thoughts... I mean tax dollars did pay for it, so I'm glad we're getting to keep it instead of abandoning it in Iraq or giving it to the Afghan army as a gift... And I understand there is a possibility that the police would somehow end up in a situation that it might be useful... But I just don't see the chances of that being big enough to justify them needing this... It seems like this is the first step to turning even more cops into stupid commando fucks... While I'm happy our tax dollars are being recycled rather than given away like usual, I'd much rather see this type of shit put in storage until needed again, or at least given somewhere that it may be useful (might come in handy for border patrol or something like that - since fucking Mexico wants to continue invading our borders and shooting at our border patrol agents)
  10. Most 100 percent electric vehicles still have a gas tank to power a generator for longer trips
  11. He keeps coming back trying to claim how superior everything Harley is.... All I see is people responding to it
  12. He told me they have more hp and weigh less than a drz400 (at least I think that's how the convo went) ... Quick Google search backs that up also **edit after looking twice, only 1 place did I see claiming wr makes more... Everywhere else says 33hp vs 26hp in drz favor.. I stand corrected
  13. Cool link. I know what it is though... Point? The military also uses handguns. So should police not have those too? What about bulletproof vests? I'm sure they probably issue flashlights in the military too... Better make sure the police don't get them.
  14. Lol I would hardly call this an incident of militarized police. It was a flash bang grenade. It's a distraction device. Nobody threw a grenade in there, nobody showed up in an m1 abrams tank... Flash bang have been used by swat teams for a long fucking time. I definitely disagree with the copmandos showing up lately, but the use of a flash bang to breach a barricaded door isn't militarization. I'm against militarized police and abuse of power as much as the next guy, but get a fucking grip... If it was militarized they would blown the door off and went in shooting people. Who the fuck barricades the door to a drug house with a fucking crib anyways? Also when the buy went down earlier in the day there was no evidence of children. Nothing in the yard, nothing visible in the house. Mom admits she knew it was a drug house and tried to keep kids separate from all of that. Guess police should just start knocking politely on the door of drug dealers with a history of weapons charges and asking them nicely if they would like to go to prison. As for war on drugs, it's all bullshit money grab to line pockets. But if you're selling meth to undercover cops, wtf do you expect to happen? Just saw a survey showing meth use is skyrocketing in 14-15yr old age range... You sure give a lot of fucks about this little baby, where's the same concern for these other poor poor children? This topic makes my fucking brain hurt.
  15. Since nobody else wants to post the other side of the story www.accessnorthga.com/detail.php?n=275516 Also funny how much the bandwagon effect has around here. First thread everyone is against parents not cops, second thread everyone is against cops not parents... Shit people, form your own fucking opinions now and then
  16. Undercover cops were in the home earlier that day purchasing drugs. No evidence of kids at that time and plenty of reason to get a warrant. I get that cops are corrupt sometimes, but for fuck sake it doesn't mean they are every time. Stupid bitch moved her kid into a drug house and is now crying that some bad shit happened. Gee, wonder why.... She isn't a fucking victim here. This kid is the only victim and he's the victim of a cunt mother rather than law enforcement.
  17. Better than "farkles"... God I fucking hate that "word".
  18. i think youre all being fucking trolled. except g-new. cant troll the troll king.
  19. Pretty sure there's just as many Honda dealers by me as there are HD dealerships... Heck, there's one company here that owns one of both
  20. Annnnnnd here comes the butthurt... Feel free to log out if you don't like it here... Oh let me rephrase... "aaarrrgh matey, if ye don't like it here, feel free to sail off and pound sand" With all due respect and shit
  21. Nope. This was the best can I could get in terms of showing off the sssa Aside from this setup... But this would be ear bleeding loud and not what I'm looking for www.racetaylormade.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/H11_Side-e1339550555678.jpg
  22. The escape is filthy.. It's on the list this weekend... It's just our around town car, so spends a lot of time on dirt roads... It's never clean lol
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