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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. Seems like a great idea for people with luggage... I rode something with a tailbag once and it was awkward getting on it from the left lol
  2. Nice lol never met someone who gets on bike from right... Maybe just muscle memory from always getting on from left, but when I try from right it seems much more difficult
  3. Glad I'm not the only one who doesn't trust a parking brake cable or "it's flat enough here, no need" with a vehicle I spent thousands on
  4. Wow... I figured EVERYONE except a select few, parked manual trans vehicles in gear... Crazy finding out I'm in the minority... Guess just how I was taught
  5. Guess I phrased my post wrong.. With the bike, I roll it until it stops and then put kickstand down.. I like resting it against trans so it can't roll forward and fold up kickstand... With cars, I let them rest on brakes but still put in gear for extra assurance.. If car brakes fail and it rolls 6 inches, it's not a big deal like it could be on a bike that somehow gets rolled forward
  6. Yikes... To each their own... Anything manual trans I Park in gear, let it roll until trans binds it, then parking brake if applicable... My dad's gfs parking brake failed one night and her car rolled down the driveway into the road and across into the neighbors yard ... I don't trust that shit
  7. OK I have to ask.... Why the fuck would anyone ever Park in neutral? Do you just roll up in a manual trans car and do the same, no brake, neutral, and hope it never rolls anywhere? I've never even considered that people do this... I'm pretty confused
  8. She has been influenced over the years to falsely believe she likes PIV therefore she is being raped.
  9. Doubt it will happen... Here's a 2yr old article talking about the same bike www.asphaltandrubber.com/popular/honda-rc123-v4-street-bike-cost-100000/ However,I still stand by my statement that if they ever did proceed with it, they would sell out quickly. Would they turn a profit? Probably not. I don't imagine them making too many. But the loss wouldn't even be noticeable for them.
  10. Please go kill yourself. There are enough of your kind poisoning this country already.
  11. Worst. Admin. Ever. <BigBenStillman3
  12. She claims guys should jerk off and let the girl rub it on the outside of her snatch
  13. Yep. The rare and high end factor will attract a lot of collectors with too much money who just want to be one of the only people who has a 70k+ bike
  14. this place looks pretty fucking lame now....
  15. i used fowler when i needed my jug bored....they did a good job, but they were pretty fucking rude to me when i called them to check on progress because they had my shit for 5 days longer than they quoted me....seems like because it was a quad jug it was their least priority....they did great work, the price was right, but i wouldnt go back....guess it depends how hard of a time you have finding someone
  16. im all for it. can you imagine if the population of canada all the sudden showed up here in the US? were fucking full enough.
  17. lane splitting has speed restrictions out there, you cant go as fast as you fucking want.....i would lay blame on both and i think both should get cited (even though we know that most likely didnt happen) camera bike was being a douche and riding way too fast for stopped traffic, and police bike obviously wasnt paying any fucking attention my guess is the camera bike most likely got cited, especially after they took a look at the video
  18. (just repped you Pauly, but I'm on mobile and it was accidental so not sure if it's pos or neg lol)
  19. Nevermind thanks... I don't know why I even post tech threads.. I think maybe it just helps to get ideas in writing... I'm always too impatient to actually wait for advice... I figured it out.. Did the job with equipment that definitely isn't rated for the weight of the bike but I made sure once this stuff was supporting it I hurried and took bolt out and put it back in.. And left stand in as a safety... Worked out alright aside from me worrying about this stick or tote cracking the whole time lol... But it's safely back on stand now... Now to find powdercoater out here
  20. So I have everything apart and just the bolt is still in.. Bike still on rear stand... If I gently tap the bolt, it will slide out... If I'm leaving everything else in tact (chain, shock etc) would it be OK to tap the pivot bolt out and remove this cover and slide it back? I'm just afraid I'll tap it out and then not have it line back up to put it back in... If I had 2 more people to help stabilize it, I could jack from oil pan and slide it out real quick... Just need someone up front holding it and someone balancing it on jack while I do so, which I don't have Or maybe put slight pressure on jack under oil pan, not enough to lift bike but enough to keep it from dipping or anything and then tap bolt out and slide back in?
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