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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. Yeah I found that trick too.. Only thing is, I was trying to not remove the pipe since it's mounted a little tight... I think it'll install fine since the mating area is longer than expected after removal.. I'll find out tonight when I install new system
  2. just tell them the situation, that you bought it as is....nothing to repair, nothing to have receipts for.....heck my dad got hit on his bike, and fixed it all out of pocket....somehow the system never caught on that it was salvage title because they kept renewing his plates and his insurance company didnt say anything....so he was riding around on a salvage title bike, no inspection or anything, for like 10 years....it wasnt until he passed away and i tried to put plates on the bike did i realize there was an issue....told them the situation, they inspected it, approved....easy as can be.....didnt have a single receipt for any repairs or anything, and the insurance company wrote it off as a total loss because it was pretty fucking mangled when the wreck happened....they dont care man, just pay the fee and thats all that matters to them
  3. i had a "magic" chocolate bar, and some margaritas while floating around the pool....came home and ate some amazing home made chili i whipped up yesterday....passed the fuck out...cinco de successo
  4. They have built in cameras that scan plates constantly. It's not a conspiracy against sport bikes. I got randomly stopped by a plate scanner on the freeway in an average old f150, nothing stood out at all, but when I drove near him his scanner hit my plates for no license (I was in hs and my truck was in my dad's name who had a suspended license)
  5. Here's one that fits Honda perfectly, same one I bought.. Cheap www.cyclegear.com/CycleGear/Accessories/Tools/Wrenches-%26-Pliers/brand/STOCKTON-TOOL-COMPANY/Spanner-Wrench/p/38053_50188
  6. All those straight line mods on a 600.... Baffles me... Nice bike, but a little goofy...Those mods would put to such better use on a 1k
  7. Nowhere was it said that it wasn't efficient practice. But you're saying everyone who shoots targets is only practicing. Therefore, anyone who ever shoots long distance is training to be more effective at killing. Guess that means they will all go out and become highway snipers, why else would thousands of people take up that hobby? They're training to create a militia of Highway snipers! Not responding to your stupid ass anymore on this topic, you're too stupid to hold a conversation with. Please go get AIDS. Miserable fuck.
  8. You're too fucking much man... Target shooting isn't just about practicing for the real thing.. Some people buy guns for target shooting as a hobby or a sport.. There's so many different kinds of target shooting... But basically, according to you, all target shooting is training to kill... Long distance shooters? Training to be the next freeway snipers? Terrorists? Can't possibly be that some people just like shooting targets for fun You really are a cunt... I usually try to not even acknowledge you, because I hate arguing with mentally handicapped people, but shit man... You're one of the most awful wastes of flesh I've never met. Fuck your parents for having you.
  9. firearms are subject to product liability lawsuits....but theres a difference in a defect, and someone misusing it. if a child gets in their parents night stand and shoots themselves, that isnt any more the firearm companys fault than it is an auto manufacturer's fault when someone wrecks while txting and driving. check out the remington 700 lawsuits for reference
  10. Ok Nevermind.. Feel kinda stupid now... Stopped being lazy and just pulled the pipe... Looks fine... Yea it's smashed some, but there's plenty of round left on the ends to connect it... /stupid thread lol
  11. Marvel mystery oil is the only thing that would make my old truck stop ticking... Great stuff
  12. Sitting here thinking... Am I over thinking this? Is there a gasketed mating surface that makes this whole topic not matter? I was thinking like a car muffler how it's just pipe clamped together, but the more I look at it, I feel like there may be a donut gasket or something in there allowing me to just slide on new pipe and go? Sorry stupid questions, I know my way around cars but I've never messed with a bike exhaust aside from a dirt bike that I installed a full system on like 8 yrs ago
  13. I'm gonna pull the exhaust this weekend to get a better look at the header pipe.. Hoping to get lucky and have it still round on the end to where I can just clamp new pipe on and forget about it, but not getting my hopes up
  14. Yea that's what I'm thinking too.. Map gas and a pipe expander... Was hoping someone would tell me it'll fine to just slip on and clamp down, but I'm going over it in my head and I can't think of any other solution than to use map gas and an expander.. Thanks for the link bud, there's a HF out here I'll try to stop by if I can't figure out an easier way
  15. My bike has a dent in exhaust where the header meets mid pipe, kinda smashed into oval shape.. Just ordered a new 3/4 system for the bike and wondering what's the best way to fix the header so it will accept the new mid pipe? Should I just remove it and take to exhaust shop? Trying to avoid that as header is cramped.. But I don't imagine new pipe sliding over oval shaped header, and even if it did, I wouldn't want an exhaust leak Any insight? Sorry brief explanation, on the phone typing from work lol Don't care if it's perfect, just don't want an exhaust leak
  16. A key mark front to back is expensive to have professionally fixed... Can probably get the deductible covered by a body shop.. New car, I'd assume she has comp... I even keep comp coverage on my 1k dollar shit car Hit up Clifford Automotive if you decide to get a quote.. Great work great price
  17. If it's running fine, just ride it... I've never owned a bike that doesn't tick... Shit my bike ticks and it's brand new
  18. I'd take a Fz1 over this any day.. But only if I could find a euro headlight and make it naked... Fz09 is a great bike at a great price... But people on the Internet are making it out to be the next generation of motorcycle awesomeness.. I just don't see it myself... For the price? Absolutely. But price not a factor, this thing doesn't hold a candle to a lot of bikes on the market... I don't understand the hype.. Maybe because I already own a naked, so it's just a smaller version of what I have, maybe that's why I'm not so excited about it like most of you guys.. Just don't see it though... If I had 8k I'd be looking at an many other bikes used before a new one of these.. If new is your thing, and you have a budget, of course the fz09 warrants consideration, but I see people downgrading nicer bikes to these and it baffles me
  19. Lesbain boobies teeming with sweat
  20. There ya go. Awesome bike! LBTSGLWS
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