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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. He would be fine. That law only applies to barricaded areas. So if a road is closed due to flooding, and you drive around the barricade, then you're liable.
  2. Color doesn't matter much to me... I park in a parking garage at work and garage at home.
  3. Actually, I'm cooler sitting still than riding lol... The breeze here is hot as fuck. My leather jacket keeps me cooler than just a t shirt because it keeps the wind off of me lol
  4. Love it! Little hot right now, but I'll be carving up mountainous bliss while you guys all sit on your bikes in the garage making brap brap sounds because there's too much snow outside to ride
  5. Glad someone suggested owners manual lol... Turns out, soap and water only.. No polish or wax of any kind
  6. Yes, everyone is lucky for sure. On a side note, my bike doesnt have hazards...not sure about those ones though. Unless i just havent figured out how to use them lol (very likely)
  7. I saw this on facebook and it reminded me of this whole situation. All the young black people tweeting about how they want to kill random white people if zimmerman gets off.....what a fucking joke. and they call white people racist. please.
  8. Couple things: my previous comment about the oil, I take back. I got here to AZ and put another 1k miles on the vfr and no tapping at all....im guessing it might have been a valve issue, maybe they needed adjusted and didnt like the cold. i even gained 10mpg just moving out to the heat (42mpg vs 32 mpg). Also, is the T6 safe for high temps? Summer months spike into the 120s here on occasion (119 yesterday)....I have read some concerns about 5w40 being too light, and that I need a 10w50 for anything over 110....but I would think since its a synthetic and I plan to change it every 3-5k, it would be fine for the summer heat, right?
  9. People dont eat wolf meat, they eat sheep. and moleste them too sometimes i guess. personal experience? Its sad to see a man cant post a thread about racing without some spamming troll patrolling around acting as a little child. youre the one acting like a child, bud. sorry you have zero brains and zero sense of humor to at least help you accept the fact that you have no brains. lighten up, take your tampon out, and move on. for shits sake man, grow up people. Whats funny is the dumbshit comments. just quoting this part for irony. glad youre showing how awesome and grown up you are. now we have a model to follow While steve butter head likes to preach he rides more, im not in doubt he loves to ride a weiner but i dont see how the dude rides so much since everything he does is keep trolling. Troll for life is his motto. I only mentioned riding more because you called me a "fony" biker. LOLOL. How many miles has your hardley even moved this year? I ride my bike several hundred miles per week. If anything, youre the "fony"....you talk about riding, but you dont ride because your bike is an old pos. you talk about racing, but you claim you will be happy with a 30 second pass. you dont even own a helmet, not sure how you plan to race. you realize you need a Snell rated helmet to run at any track, right? oh damn, that means you cant race, for fear of whiplash and everything. There will be the day when yall get off the high horse and come down to earth and hang out with bikers because they ride, not because they ride a certain brand, wear all the gear and do all the same hipster stuff they do. Nobody here gives a shit what brand of bike someone rides. we just dont like idiots crashing our rides up. honestly, old ass beat up harleys like yours, can be pretty badass when done right. but a nice bike wont compensate for a douchebag rider. Hoblick had a nice harley for awhile, and nobody outcasted him. go ahead and convince yourself we dislike you because of your bike, you must not be able to grasp the idea that we dislike because youre a retard. No wander harley dudes get such a bad name, we dont put up with lames, we put them in their places. oh ok, so now you DO claim to be a "harley dude" after you spent awhile trying to make fun of traditional harley people in an attempt to fit in here (what were you saying about sheep again....?) but little screen warriors can keep being petty and immature, i havent got the time for the bull crap. i keep seeing you type this, but youre still here..... i have a bike to finish and meet yall on the road and see who has things to say to my face about my helmet. Have fun fixing your bike with scrap metal traffic signs and duct tape. ill be out riding. you know, like a "fony" does. I enjoy a good debate you cry too easily to ever be involved in a real debate. soon as it doesnt go your way, your only defense is to start crying, making excuses why people are against you, and then calling everybody who disagrees with you a troll. well played, troll. But I will put it out once again, anybody with a decent helmet, if i can buy it cheap enough, ill ride with one. Believe it or not, I had the talk with my wife not long ago. I would like to find a nice lid. I dont want one of these for looks or to pass certain state laws helmets. id like to have a good helmet just for the fact, ya never know what can happen. Its my decision though. So again, Ill throw the offer out, if helmets are so great and i MUST need one, help a brother out. Hopefully nobody gives you a good deal on a helmet. I'd hate to see you get a bad case of whiplash every time you hit the ol' drum brakes on the hardley. just looking out for your best interests, brother. o wait, i guess i ride the wrong brand to be considered a brother by a few here. Yep. keep convincing yourself its your bike. douche. Sad. I have never once looked down on any man or woman for the eqpt they have or dont have. but its probably the same group telling me to get a helmet thats doing wheelies down the interstate putting many lives at risk. i will warn ya, i will never put up with wheelies and stunt riding on public streets. helmet or not, i dont feel the need to put someones family at risk being evel kneivel. guess how many wheelies ive done on the interstate? zero. nice theory though. but back to racing, I MIGHT have found a set of leathers to use which would be a big help. I have a pair og full leather gloves so i should be good there. they re iron pony specials but will work fine i imagine. helmet i guess is next on the gear side. 3/4 or full face will work. but back to racing. Actually, im back to building. 1. youre not a racer. stop pretending. 2. "3/4 or full face will work"..... NO. Only a full face helmet will work. And it must be Snell rated. Otherwise, you won't be allowed to race at the track. I know that because I've made plenty of passes at the drag strip in many different vehicles. oh wait, im the "fony"....A "real racer" like yourself should already know that a 3/4 wont be worth shit at the track. 3. "building"....Dude, youre slapping together a bike with scrap metal and whatever supplies you find in the trash....quit acting like youre so superior to everyone because you know how to work on a hardley. plenty of people here can wrench on their own shit, they just dont all ride old ass scrap metal. you came to this forum with your epic tales of riding and racing etc.....you have no job, no money, youre begging people for free parts and labor to help with your bike, and now trying to get gear from people. go get a fucking job, support your family, and worry about your bike later....shit, man. grow up.
  10. Call the 800 number for all state and ask them.. If told the same bs, ask for a supervisor... Doesn't matter if you drove into it or not, it was an accident not on purpose, therefore it's a comp claim... It's not like you aimed it at a lake with a brick on the peddle
  11. That's a comprehensive claim on your insurance. Just file it and be done. A comp claim won't hurt your rates much if at all. Hopefully you have comp and not just liability.. Comp is an extra dollar or two a month, so even on the biggest piece of shit car it's worth having..
  12. Depends on available days etc... Not much needed. I'm not gonna do much long riding until fall when it cools down anyways... Whenever I plan to head out, I'll hit you up and see what's going on
  13. Damn 2fat... Sorry about your whiplash bro... Glad you're still kickin
  14. Bro, you need to learn how to READ and COMPREHEND. Polishing removes the top layer of aluminum, so it makes the bike weigh less, which makes it faster. It may not be a lot of weight, but when youre a real true badass bracket racer, like me, everything adds up!!
  15. LOL he is just going and negative repping all my posts like it matters for something.... damn guy, you cut me deep. i gave you a little negative back, now you can see how it feels! *sniffle*
  16. this bike isnt much lighter than the vfr, but it FEELS a shit ton lighter because of how the weight is distributed
  17. OOOOh...i get it. Helmets are bad for your spine. Gotcha. I havent ever had whiplash from braking with a helmet on lol. Maybe you need some riding lessons. As for being stuck up - you obviously dont know me. All i do is have a good time lol, ask anyone here whose met me. im not even sure what a "bsa" is, but whatever lol. I was wondering when the noob butthurtedness would start flowing in "Eehhrmagerd I wanna delte this thred becuz of trololololols. wwhhaaaa sumbody call tha wwhhaaammmmber lamps!!!" If you get upset so easily, this may not be the right forum for you bud. Just sayin.
  18. doh. i didnt even think about that. lol...ill check it out
  19. I have some of it and I like it, but I like to lay a layer of good paste wax once a month too. Is that spray polish safe for the matte finish? and the rubberized finish? I'm just hesitant not knowing what products are ok to use on a matter finish maybe ill experiment on my helmet...i have a matte Bell helmet that I fucking hate....if i ruin a spot on it, i dont care too much lol.....I know someone here has to have some experience with this kind of paint though
  20. Maybe...I havent sat on a seat similar to this one before....but its definitely not the most comfortable lol, i would hope a sargent was more comfortable than this....I was reading on some UK sites that someone makes a nice gel seat for this thing...im going to look around
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