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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. Wow.. Ninjachic hit the nail on the head... Rest of you pussies should go hang out with the new chick if you don't like it here... Nobody makes you sign in here everyday.
  2. She's 5'5 and has a general understanding of the clutch The 500 was kinda whooped... I think she's going to wait until we're moved to az next week and then look again
  3. That's fine. If she's gonna be a little bitch about some humor in an intro thread, she wouldn't have lasted around here anyways.
  4. They teach you all that in the msf too
  5. Happy bday MJ! You wanna go for a ride?
  6. So... Uhh.... Looks like you're gonna be single soon... You wanna ride sometime?
  7. Just have to get drunk in bubby town...lol
  8. ill talk to any chick ...shit, i would have hit this girl up and i already got one...my gf is down for my bringing home a hot piece of ass, long as i share her with her haha....always a fun game to go out to bars and let her pick a good looking girl out, then see if i can get a number or bring her back here with us i aint even that good looking, but for some reason, bitches love me.....must be a confidence thing lol....dont get me wrong, ive been with some trolls (the ex fiance lol), but ive dated way above my level too you boys need to learn how to nut up and talk to girls....most of them arent very picky, as long as youre not a douche or a creature from the black lagoon
  9. the doctor said its 50/50 if it will grow back or not, just because there was so much damage to the nailbed.....he did say the reason for not stitching the nailbed itself is incase the nail does grow back, he didnt want to add any scarring to the nailbed, because it would make the nail grow weird......so only time will tell if the nail grows back or not.....im guessing it will, but not positive i tried to kick my ex gfs cat at 2am because it wouldnt shut up....missed it and kicked the door frame lol...nail turned black on my second smallest toe and then fell off.....the nail that grew back in grew weird like youre talking about, almost double layered looking....after a few more months, it turned back to normal and you cant tell...so maybe yours will too i had my toenails removed on my big toes because my nailbed is too wide for my toe, so they grew ingrown every time...doctor removed them and put acid at the base of the nail bed and killed it....so they dont grow back lol
  10. Saw this on fb but can't find anything else..... Anyone have anything to confirm or deny this?
  11. Yea.. Me, Jenna, and her man... It's going to be a slow cruise... Not to say yall can't come (I'm obviously not the one setting it up lol), but it's not going to be a fast ride... Route isn't planned yet, I'll get with Stuart and come up with something... Probably try to keep it a smaller group so it's not overwhelming... It will be her first time actually out on the road
  12. With about 2k miles, I feel like the t6 is ready to be changed... I was really hoping for more miles from it.. Maybe I'll break down and change my front cct and try the t6 again... It still feels fine, but the tapping drives me crazy... It never tapped with fresh oil, but now it's almost non stop for the first 15 minutes of riding (I guess until the cct gets well oiled or something)... It's not a valve tap, definitely the cct... Seeing bad reviews on castrol, hit and miss on amsoil, and mostly good with m1....haven't decided what to try next.. Guess all bikes are different
  13. What's up, guy? Still driving that Camaro?
  14. Congrats!! i think me and steph will try and make it to your bday thing
  15. i dont have a fingernail to bite lol progress pics...healing nice
  16. How often do you change it? Does your cct tap?
  17. It was swollen and torn when he put them in... As it grew back together, they got more loose.... At no point would they ever be tight again
  18. fuck royal purple....saw a 03 cobra motor that spun a bearing at 12k miles on that shit ....opened the motor and there was sludge eveywhere...it was gross looking post 35 http://mustangforums.com/forum/4-6l-general-discussion/486632-mobil-1-vs-royal-purple-4.html
  19. wow....anyone who took this thread seriously, should go get fucked.
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