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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. Americans haven't taken the fight viciously to anyone since the Germans and Japanese is WW2. Our military is more than capable. Our politicians aren't.
  2. Look for an older Bandit 1200 or a Concours 1000. http://youngstown.craigslist.org/mcy/5130434017.html
  3. Tpoppa

    2013 ZX-14r

    The used sportbike market is pretty soft right now
  4. The title of the thread says Radical Muslims, but one of the key points is that Moderate Muslims become Radical Muslims. That is exactly what happened in Tennessee.
  5. I hope I'm wrong...but if there's another major, 9/11 sized attack on US soil, the end game is going to be total annialation of Isis or Al Qaeda and their sympathizers. Today, our populous doesn't have the stomach for that kind of conflict, but that could change quickly like it did after PH or 9/11.
  6. Most people I served with wouldn't shoot a kid, short of the kid pointing a loaded gun at you. Servicemen who were in situations like that are reason behind the sky high suicide rates for Veterans. War is hell, but you still need to sleep at night.
  7. It's easier to define a victory and defeat when you're fighting a country. A country can surrender. You can post guards at borders. You can sanction a country and impose rules like post WW2 Germany. When fighting a group like ISIS or Al Qaeda it's not that simple. If ISIS surrendered what's stopping them from reorganizing under a different name? "The terrorists formerly known as ISIS." What could be considered a successful military campaign?
  8. Have you ever heard any stories of an American Serviceman using a child as a shield? Or purposely building a strategic installation near a school? No? Neither have I. If you happen to know someone who saw any real action in the Middle East...like Special Forces or a defense contractor ask them how many times they saw a child being used as a human shield by a Muslim fighter. It may help you understand your enemy when you see a father hiding behind his own child because he knows the Marine with the M4 won't risk shooting the kid. That shit happens over there.
  9. When trying to solve a problem it can be helpful to look for patterns to better define the problem Buddhists living with Hindus = No ProblemHindus living with Christians = No ProblemChristians living with Shintos = No ProblemShintos living with Confucians = No ProblemConfusians living with Baha’is = No ProblemBaha’is living with Jews = No ProblemJews living with Atheists = No ProblemAtheists living with Buddhists = No ProblemBuddhists living with Sikhs = No ProblemSikhs living with Hindus = No ProblemHindus living with Baha’is = No ProblemBaha’is living with Christians = No ProblemChristians living with Jews = No ProblemJews living with Buddhists = No ProblemBuddhists living with Shintos = No ProblemShintos living with Atheists = No ProblemAtheists living with Confucians = No ProblemConfusians living with Hindus = No Problem Muslims living with Hindus = ProblemMuslims living with Buddhists = ProblemMuslims living with Christians = ProblemMuslims living with Jews = ProblemMuslims living with Sikhs = ProblemMuslims living with Baha’is = ProblemMuslims living with Shintos = ProblemMuslims living with Atheists = ProblemMUSLIMS LIVING WITH MUSLIMS = BIG PROBLEM There must a common denominator somewhere in here
  10. A suicidal person i a danger to himself. A suicidal muslim is a danger to everyone else. Muslims view suicide a sin like many other religions, but they have the "out" that an act of Jihad is not considered suicide...even if it's a suicide bombing. Killing yourself is a sin, but killing yourself + others is not (as long as it's the "right" others). For that reason (and others) "Yesterday's moderate is today's terrorist."
  11. The most important comment in the video above is this, "Yesterday's moderate is today's terrorist."
  12. Pretty sure IE is going away completely.
  13. That part usually lasts about 90 minutes, right?
  14. Neither our weak president nor our corrupt congress have what it takes to effectively deal with this problem. The sad fact is that is will take a much larger tradegy for the public to demand a decisive military response. Unfortuately, my gut tells me something bigger and far worse is coming.
  15. I don't think it's the same bike. That one doesn't look like it has ABS. The guy that bought mine was from Michigan.
  16. There was a small car lot that used my car wash to get cars ready to sell. One time the guy popped the hood to wash the engine on a used Toyota. Yeah, that one left on a flat bed. High pressure water gets places that rain or hose water just can't.
  17. Some car washes (not many) even have motorcycle wash bays. I don't recall exactly, but I think the industry standard was around 700-800 psi for motorcycles.
  18. I used to own a self serve car wash. I can't tell you how many times I saw someone wash a motorcycle and it wouldn't start after. It was usually HDs or older UJMs, but not always. A typical car wash sprays water around 1200-1500 psi. That is too much for some semi-exposed motorcycle connections. I spray mine down with bug & tar remover in the driveway then wash with a hose and bucket.
  19. Was the General Lee actively projecting hate? I can't seem to feel any from the photo.
  20. Those sneaky bastards
  21. Seems like a coating inside the tank would solve this pretty easily. http://www.kreem.com/fueltankliner.html
  22. Why do Ducati tanks have this swelling issue but a $10 plastic gas can hold the same fuel for years without issue?
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