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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. Tpoppa

    No more Indy MotoGP?

    Austin is a cool city. If you ever go there this is a great place to get a steak http://www.steinersteakhouse.com/
  2. Neighbors = people I can drink with and not have to worry about getting an OVI.
  3. At idle with the fan running, you are barely charging if at all.
  4. My neighborhood was a little boring when we moved in, but it's better now. I kinda took over our lame block party and turned it into a drunkfest. I even got neighbors on board with my chili cookoff. I may have pissed off a few of the more uppity ones, but that's their problem. Now, front yard beer drinking is regular occurrence in my neighborhood.
  5. That's why I live in a my HOA neighborhood. There are dozens of kids in the same age group as mine. I like this house, but I bought it for the kids, not for me.
  6. In AZ temps I would imagine your cooling fan runs quite a lot. The fan draws a lot of current, leaving less available for battery charging, especially at low RPM. That doesn't mean your battery won't charge. It will just charge slower, so you need more riding time to fully charge. Tender sounds like a good idea.
  7. Neither of my Honda have these gremlins. Wonder what is different on this model?
  8. Good news. That is your main fuse.
  9. Take your battery to autozone for a free test.
  10. How come you never see baby pigeons?
  11. http://www.moneychoice.org/rich-congress/ This could be solved by congressional term limits & and an amendment to force members of congress to follow the same laws as US citizens...like insider trading laws for example.
  12. I am on board with throwing cold water on the giant circle jerk that is DC. Socialism...not so much.
  13. Any politician who had stayed in politics long enough to run for president Some wild assumptions there. Even If he wanted to, can you name a president that had enough support to make those kind of changes? How is Obama's personal gun control battle going these days?
  14. It's pretty likely, at this point, that Trump will be the Republican nominee. Not a huge fan but I'd vote for him over Hillary or Biden. I do find his lack of political correctness to be refreshing. He'll actually say what's on his mind instead of what politicians are trained to say.
  15. I'll let you ride it. Nope, guess I won't
  16. I have to say the VFR12 is becoming one of my all time favorite motorcycles. It's definitely a bike you need seat time to fully appreciate. After getting the suspension dialed in and learning how it needs to be ridden, it is a highly capable GT bike. The motor, chasis, and brakes are fantastic. Corner speed may be down a few MPH compared to the CBR...but only a few MPH, which is impressive for a 600lb motorcycle. It's actually more fun to ride fast than the CBR. It's more stable, and less fatiguing. Heat and wind management are better than anything I've ridden before. It's amazingly refined. And the 1200cc V4...well, hell yeah! That is all.
  17. Do shocks from any other bikes fit the 300?
  18. I agree with all of this. If 61 riders showed up for a street ride and tried to ride together it would be an absolute shit show. Once the group size gets over 6 or 7 I am looking to split into a smaller, controllable group or just ride solo.
  19. Perhaps. But I think that lowside is about 100 times more likely to occur on the track. I would equate the cornering speed on a spirited street ride to be roughly the same as the intermediate group (based solely on my observations). What was different was the hard drives out of corners and the resulting brake zones, which I would guess is where the majority of lowsides occur. I'm sure it all comes down to which environment your more comfortable in. For me it's obviously on the street. It just seems that I hear about alot more bikes going down on the track...which I'm sure it an acceptable risk for a trackday or race. I haven't had someone on one of my group rides go down in the last 40-50,000 miles. I honestly can't even remember the last one.
  20. I'll just say I haven't read this whole thread. I don't know what happened to the rider and hope he'll be OK. Over many years of riding I've lost count of how many times someone has told me that it safer to ride on the track than the street. I've never believed that and I'm afraid I still don't. Riding in open rural roads (like SEO) eliminates many of the traffic concerns on the street. I've only ever done one track day, and and it was fun...but I've never been more concerned about some unfamiliar rider collecting me in a wreck. And there were plenty of wrecks that day. You may be able to eliminate some variables by riding on the track. But there are variables you can control on the street that you can't on the track, too. Like who is riding in front or behind you. Anyone who's ridden with my knows I tend to ride a pace that can get fairly hot. I've never even seen blood in something like 250,000 miles of aggressive group riding. Maybe I should thank the guys I ride with for that. Thoughts? Flames?
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