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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. I'm out this weekend. How is the Aprilia so far?
  2. This is why I don't like buying electronics on Amazon. Too many grey market mystery products made somewhere in China. And too many fake reviews in broken English that are written by the sellers.
  3. I've always had a soft spot for the 1986 Interceptor 500. IMO, it's one of the best looking bikes form that era.
  4. How fast do the transitions change? I like my flip down shade on my Scorpion.
  5. Tpoppa


    How does the S&W shoot? Every Smith firearm I've owned has been excellent.
  6. Tpoppa


    Ruger makes some nice ones near that price.
  7. Really good advice for spirited street riding. It's not the same as a race line you would take on track. Do this and look as far through the corner as possible and you will start to feel smoother and more confident (looking at the asphalt right in front of your tire is a bad habit).
  8. That car that was flipped over near the junction of 78/83 looked pretty nasty. Hard to tell exactly what happened, but I figured they were coming up the hill and took to that 25 mph turn way too hot. For those not on this ride, responders were already there. We had to detour due to 83 not being passable.
  9. Do you know what brand? I think Ozark is the in house Walmart brand.
  10. Blind corners spook everyone to some degree. There are techniques you can use to increase your confidence when you can't see all the way through the corner. For example: your corner entry line and head position make a big difference on your line of sight. This is an area where the skills needed for street vs track riding are different. If a corner makes you feel like you're taking a chance or "guessing" then you need to slow down. Riding with a "reserve" is mandatory for this type of riding. It's more than I have time to type, but I'd be happy to discuss it at a gas stop on a future ride.
  11. I'm looking for a 10x10. They have them at Walmart, but...
  12. If I get a ticket, you getting one too doesn't help me. My rule is if one of us is gets a ticket, let's not make it easy for him to give us all tickets. If he turned on his lights I'd have stopped, but otherwise no. I just wanted to draw him away from everyone else once he started following me. I wasn't about to give him a reason to stop me. Now just before that intersection I took a turn somewhere near triple digits, guess he didn't see that
  13. Are you on a Pirate ship searching for booty?
  14. Maybe he was exhausted after the previous low speed pursuit.
  15. That Statey was all kinds of ghey. I drew him up 93 because most the bikes were going up 83. I'm sure he ran my plate. Since he didn't find anything worthy of pulling me over he tried to bait me into running. He followed me for 15-20 miles. In the curves he would fall back so I couldn't see him. Then in the straights he would get right behind me again. He did it over and over again. I slowed down well below the speed limit a few times trying to get him to just pass me and move on. Nope. Finally he stopped and turned around. On another note, my neck is all messed up. I probably should stay home.
  16. It's hard to be a d bag while you're riding.... Oh you must mean stopping and chit chatting while on a ride. I try not to do that.
  17. Tpoppa

    S&W SD9VE

    That was a different gun and like 20 years ago.
  18. Tpoppa


    From the album: Stuff

  19. Tpoppa

    20150708 105702

    From the album: Stuff

  20. It would be cool to be able to take a photo and then upload it with no other steps.
  21. My entendre was intentionally single.
  22. Is riding with boys that bad?
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