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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. I would last about 2 hours at my parent's house
  2. Tpoppa

    Kawasaki KZ1000

    My brother was in the same boat. He really wanted a KZ1000 but wanted something a bit more reliable for a daily rider. He wound up buying a ZRX. He figured it was basically a newer gen KZ. I rode it plenty of times. Fast, decent handing, good seat and ergos. Also, that motor responds well to mods.
  3. Tpoppa

    Kawasaki KZ1000

    How about a ZRX1200. Looks more old school than it really is. They're fast and even handle pretty well.
  4. Not having enough time to ride is bad enough. Not having a motorcycle with no possibility of riding is another matter altogether.
  5. http://www.newsnet5.com/news/poo-in-beards-microbiologist-tests-face-fur-finds-surprising-amount-of-fecal-matter05042015
  6. Tpoppa

    Baltimore Riots

    Probably the most insightful post ever on OR.
  7. Tpoppa


    I have no problem fucking with fraternities, or anyone else for that matter. But frats aren't problem here. The problems here are youth and stupidity. Frats certainly have that, but they don't have a monopoly. Mix that with the attitudes at any liberal college campus and you get groups of students who like to complain about things like war, but are too young and stupid to understand the real issues. Members of the military don't start wars. Politicians start wars. If you don't like war....here's an idea...VOTE! Now, if these idiots have a problem with members of our military, don't bother blaming some old veterans. Instead go to any bar near any military base (I highly recommend a Marine base) and loudly voice your opinions. Let me know how it turns out Then UP will no longer feel confused
  8. Tpoppa


    If these were really frat guys pretty sure the vets would have gotten raped, too.
  9. Brand new in the packaging. MSRP is $449 (doubt you find it anywhere cheaper). I'll sell for $325. I have the same kit on my CBR600RR. http://www.ventura-mca.com/fitments This kit is custom designed for Honda - VFR 800 (02-09)This kit contains custom designed L-brackets for this application, pack-rack, and aero spada 51 Liter packInstallation can take 15 - 75 minutes, depending on motorcycle modelThis secure system does not allow the load to shift nor affect the handling and stability of the motorcycleAero spada can be zipped to another aero spada or optional aero delta for up to 102 liters of carrying capacity Random internet photo (it will still fit with OEM Sidecases):
  10. Instead of picking up garbage, how about sweeping gravel out of corners?
  11. EBR was involved in engineering and design for several Hero models: HX250R, Leap, SimplEcity, iON, RnT, Hastur, etc. It's likely that engineering contract with Hero was completed and was not renewed, which led to the closure. I believe Hero was targeting 2014 to enter the US market, which obviously didn't happen. I recently read that was pushed back to 2016. If EBR was operating that close to financial ruin, dedicating engineering and financial resources to the WSBK effort makes even less sense. A EBR few dealers posted on Badweb saying they found out about the closure on the internet. As of a couple days ago they still hadn't received any communication from EBR. No direction on what to do with existing inventory, or if the business would continue. Some even had motorcycles, but never received any titles or documentation for them. Piss poor communication The fire sale has already started. One dealer was already selling new ones for $9,999 and demos for $8,999. I expect the prices to drop further unless a new owner is announced.
  12. I agree that their motorcycles made zero business sense. They appealed to a tiny niche market that is already full of some stiff competition. I've loosely followed EB since I bought my first of 3 Buells in 2004. He is a prolific engineer, but not what I would call a shrewd business man. EBR has no business racing in WSBK. While they seem to be fine street bikes, they're just not competitive at that level of racing. The motors are way down on power and if they actually finish a race it's in or near last place. The number of grenaded motors (over stressed by race teams), DNFs, and DNSs (due to parts not being available to race teams) was absurd. It was a comedy of errors. The race efforts have damaged their reputation in Europe. While the Pegram team seems to be better managed, are they only a few crashes away from being out of parts? EBR racked up debt they could not pay themselves. They were relying on additional funding to keep the doors open, presumably from Hero. Apparently that funding was not contractually guaranteed, which is a reckless way to run a business. Business acumen should dictate that you do everything in your power to prevent yourself from getting into a situation from which the "rug can be pulled" with disastrous results. A lesson I thought was made painfully clear by Harley Davidson in 2009. EB is certainly no quitter. I expect some form of business to rise out of EBRs ashes. But his engineering determination needs to be tempered by some sound business decisions.
  13. 17w x 20d x 29h. I'd guess about 80lbs
  14. It's pretty much impossible to fix a motorcycle without quick access to cold beer.
  15. $150 Pick up in North Ridgeville
  16. Thanks, but you're about 2 weeks late. I am well aware of the decision not to indict.
  17. No, as I've already stated like 5 times in this thread. But it's a real problem in law enforcement, and even an accepted part of the job for some departments. Some departments are far more professional than others. The FPD department for example (you know the one that Wilson was a member) displayed that they were more than willing to take shortcuts and violate civil rights when dealing with peaceful protesters long before the riot started or before the indictment results were read. To be clear, I am saying that I strongly suspect that Wilson perjured himself under oath. Also, I strongly suspect that he and his fellow officers, who were the ones in control of collecting physical evidence after the shooting, did so in a way to support their training of how to justify a shooting. Wilson is clear of any legal consequences. However, he now has to live in hiding for the foreseeable future.
  18. Yep, cops are an honest bunch. Especially NY's finest...what's that? beatings, intimidation, corruption, brutality, lying under oath...testilying? What is testilying? https://www.princeton.edu/~achaney/tmve/wiki100k/docs/Testilying.html http://www.hrw.org/legacy/reports98/police/uspo100.htm The Mollen Commission—set up to look into reports of police corruption in the New York Police Department—described the pervasive nature of police perjury in its 1994 report. It stated that the practice of police falsification in connection with arrests is so common in certain precincts that police themselves call it “testilying.” According to the commission, officers tell a litany of manufactured tales. When officers unlawfully stop and search a vehicle because they believe it contains drugs or guns, they sometimes falsely claim in police reports and under oath that the car ran a red light (or committed some other traffic violation) and that they subsequently saw contraband in the car in plain view. To conceal an unlawful search of an individual who officers believe is carrying drugs or a gun, officers occasionally falsely assert that they saw a bulge in the person's pocket or saw drugs and money changing hands. It is extremely difficult to prove perjury cases against police because of the informal rule among police officers that forbids one police officer to testify against another. The Christopher Commission, which investigated the police beating of Rodney King in Los Angeles, found this tendency of police to back up fellow officers to be an obstacle in its investigation.
  19. In your capacity as an agent were you working inside of local departments? Are federal agents typically trusted by local cops enough to be in their inner circle? btw, pretty cool of you to post something from a PM.
  20. Are you a cop? It's the kind of thing that when a cop get's caught doing it they are referred to as bad cops. The good cops are the ones that do it and don't get caught. But, behind the line they all know, when another officer lies, you swear under oath that it's the truth or you just may not be welcome at that dept any longer.
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