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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. On the CBR forum some kid filled the oil. And I mean filled to the top. He claimed it ran fine, but who knows.
  2. What is the real danger of overfilling?
  3. So back to the impending Ice Age and Global warming. Scientist observe a trend, develop a theory, and then attempt to find eveidence to support it. That's pretty much what science is. I find the process highy interesting. In the case of the new Ice Age, the trend reversed itself, holes in the theory were exposed, and scientists abandoned it. Again that is part of the scientific process. When votes, politics, and Washington investors become involved, is when I become a skeptic.
  4. So here is where I agree with you...I am all for clean water and air and dealing with hazardous material in a responsible way. But a big component of man made Global Warming is fear mongering that is used to channel dollars and sway votes.
  5. In the 70s it was common knowledge that the Earth was cooling, because that's what people were told to believe. The scientists that were pushing the ice age theory basically just moved on. And not because of CFCs or ozone. There was a cooling trend that started the ice age theory. Then there was a warming trend that gave rise to Global Warming. These changes have been going on for billions of years. Oops, I mean the sky is falling so please donate cash and vote for me http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/earth/cause-ice-age.html
  6. I wholeheartedly disagree that 'They Live' is a B movie. That fight scene is a fucking classic.
  7. Are you sure? Let's say that I invest in Exxon or [insert other established evil corporation here]. My ROI might be 10-20% annually which is pretty damn good. But what if I am a politician or lobbyist that invests in a green energy startup that just happens to jump 300% or more after new EPA backed legislation is introduced??? BTW, for some reason you and I don't have access to these same investments and have probably never heard of the companies. We wouldn't want any impartial research that states that human impact on climate change has been greatly over estimated...do we? I'm sorry, I don't click on Huffington links. I got to have some standards
  8. Follow the money and you will find the greed, dishonesty, and corruption. It's not a red or blue thing...it's a green thing.
  9. ^^^ It's cleverly hidden all over their website. Check the grant page too. Seriously, the even the EPA doesn't think the EPA is impartial.
  10. No. Not sure about your numbers...but the EPA isn't awarding research grants for impartial research. They are funding research projects that support their clearly stated agenda.
  11. It's kinda funny how you can invest right before EPA policies are introduced and government contracts are awarded...and then get rich. What's that old saying about money corrupts? ...or does that only apply to republicans and oil companies
  12. Along those same lines consider this: Government agencies are supposed to be set up with a system of checks and balances. The EPA is largely exempt from this, and some would go so far as calling them completely unregulated. Congress has access to all kinds of inside information that hugely impacts green energy companies and LOTS of dollars are involved. Many in Congress are heavily invested in these very same green energy companies. Now, that would land you or I in prison. However, Congress is exempt from insider trading laws, because they voted themselves to be exempt from insider trading laws. http://www.moneychoice.org/rich-congress/ I am all for clean water and air, and I also understand how EPA fear mongering is used to channel dollars and impact votes.
  13. As far as evil corporations. Oil and coal = old greed Wind Turbines, Solar, Green energy = new greed (ask all the greedy Washington insiders who invest in them)
  14. Climate change is real. Climate change was also real the thousands of times it occured before mankind existed.
  15. Buildings don't kill birds. Birds kill birds.
  16. If you're not sure go medium for this ride. There will be plenty of other rides to connect with smaller, faster groups.
  17. Who here is old enough to remember "Acid Rain" in the '70s? It was a huge deal, until it wasn't.
  18. OK. So if I receive an EPA research grant for Clean Air/Climate Change...which has a clearly stated agenda. If my findings are in conflict with that agenda, I wonder if my grant will be renewed. Honestly, has anyone ever referred to the EPA as non biased? http://www.epa.gov/region9/climatechange/grants.html
  19. Agreed. http://www.epa.gov/region9/climatechange/grants.html
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