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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. We have problems closer to home. Watch out for the Ohio Grassman http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grassman
  2. If you happen to be near Cleveland. ..
  3. Sup Will. That thing should come with a get out of jail free card.
  4. Somehow...I'll try to find the strength to continue during this oh so significant government shutdown. I know...I'll drink beer and shoot pool
  5. JCP as a whole is circling the drain.
  6. He is a master-bait-ing troll?
  7. I am HUGELY in favor of Congressional term limits. The limit should be 2 terms for any seat, or a total of 4 terms if someone holds more than 1 office. This would remove career politicians that amass huge fortunes without accomplishing much to benefit the American people. IIRC, this was suggested by Warren Buffet. http://www.rollcall.com/50richest/the-50-richest-members-of-congress-112th.html
  8. The Federal Gov't was never intended to be so large or so powerful. It has gown out of control. The people were supposed to have the power and the control...and today we certainly do not. They only listen during election season, and that is purely self serving.
  9. A long time ago that was true. Now this is just a theory will very little application in real life. Name a federal politician that consistently follows the will of the people...I can't.
  10. I just looked out my window. Everything is just fine.
  11. I challenge jbot to an argument and a kart battle.
  12. ^^ Were you riding on 83 around 2p yesterday?
  13. Too bad it has that fuck ugly Ducati logo
  14. I think the Obama administration's opposition was just to naturally disagree with whatever the NRA suggested without really considering the suggestion based on it's own merit. It's called Politics...unfortunately, it's been perfected by self-serving-douchebags.
  15. My $.02 I think you can learn more on a slow bike that handles well. Power can make anything faster, but it covers up what could be missing in technique, skill, etc. I've had lots of bikes The ones that I learned the most on were a Bandit 400 (45hp), Buell XB9S (75 Hp), and my just sold Gladius 650 (70 hp). While riding with the 'fast guys'...I learned to be smoother & carry more corner entry speed...I certainly wasn't going to catch anyone on the throttle I just sold the Gladius because I was riding it at the limits of the motor and the (heavily modded) suspension. Learn to ride the wheels off the Hawk and you will be a better rider when you upgrade. Oh...and when you ride with 'fast guys' be sure to pick their brain at gas stops.
  16. Sold to a new rider who really likes it. It may be awhile before he can appreciate all the improvements I made.
  17. Sold. I'm sure it'll get replaced quickly once my motorcycle ADD kicks in.
  18. I made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs.
  19. I think [insert local broadcaster] is the best. No one calls a game better than [insert local broadcaster].
  20. I have been playing with a McDermott lately. I am either getting an OB shaft for it, or possibly just buy a new OB cue.
  21. Chris Perez = The new Senor Smoke???
  22. Let me know if you're planning an extended WV route. I might know a good road or 2
  23. We used to shoot each other with bb guns an no one bitched about It. In a few more years we'll pretty much be France
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