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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. Can't see any photos.
  2. If you can make it, I might need to sit on that FZ1...for research purposes.
  3. I'm considering buying an 07+ CBR600RR for a second bike. Anyone know of one at a decent price? My criteria is never wrecked and not an ex-track bike. The fewer mods the better. I can live with high miles as long as maintenance is up to date.
  4. Lots of people that I know more than willing to discuss religion, politics, etc. in the real world. They're just not dicks about it. You could learn from them.
  5. Didn't Pauly give you a loaner bike
  6. Hope you can make it. I should add this would be a good ride if anyone is practicing technique or wanting tips for being smoother/quicker or just looking for group riding experience. The pace won't be 'hot' like many of the SEO rides.
  7. Let try this again after the aborted 5/11 ride. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=103657 I'll be riding a local loop tomorrow at 6:15p. It's about 60 miles. It will start and end at the BP at OH82/US77 in Broadview Heights. It's midway between Cleveland and Akron. This will be an easy/moderate pace ride through a few local twisty roads. I consider this a 'jeans' pace...helmet, jacket, & gloves are still a REALLY good idea. These are probably the only decent curves in the area. Part of it will be through the park and there are occasionally LEOs so the pace will be sane but still entertaining. Be there by 6, gassed and ready to roll by 6:15. update: There are a few BP's in the area. To avoid any confusion we are meeting at 4774 Royalton Rd Broadview Heights, OH 44141 It's on 82, right off the 77 exit, across from Stonewall.
  8. It's really unfair that any of you would judge Magley by his opinions, actions, or behavior. He should be able to spout off like an immature, half-witted jackass without any consequences what-so-ever I keep hearing that he is a better guy in person than on the forum. Fantastic. That means he's probably too timid to speak his mind in person, but feels brave on the internet. That makes me like him even less. Make no mistake, Magley EARNED all the hate, dislike, and lower opinions of him that many on here have expressed. I've never met him in person, and now have no interest in doing so. Moving on from this subject...
  9. Difference of opinion isn't the issue. There are plenty of people on this site and in the real world that I disagree with politically that I get along with just fine. They aren't douchebags about it. The Chris Kyle thing was like sticking your dick in a beehive then being surprised with the outcome.
  10. It might have something to do with his Westboro Baptist Church-like behavior. Being giddy over a war heros death in order to push his anti gun rants tends to rub some folks the wrong way. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=101984 http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=103522
  11. He has become more of a troll since the herpes flared up.
  12. Riding within your limits is easy advice to take when your reading a forum. It's harder to follow that same advice when in the middle of the adrenaline/excitement of a brisk group ride. If you feel like you might be taking chances...YOU ARE. Slow down. All it takes is 1 blown curve to ruin your day. Smoothness leads to speed, not the other way around. The fast guys don't look smooth by accident. They know what they are doing. Don't attempt to match their pace if you don't know the proper technique. Ask them for tips before the ride, at gas stops, etc and practice. 7 or 8 years ago CORE went through something similar. There were suddenly a lot of new people showing up to groups rides. Rides went from 3-5 people of similar skill levels that were used to riding together...to 6-8 (or more) people with different levels of experience that didn't know each others riding habits. Despite pre-ride talks...there were a bunch of crashes mostly by new people that got caught up in the moment and got in over their heads. A few learned from their mistakes, most never came back. It was frustrating. Ride Leaders: It's very hard for a ride leader to tell if someone is riding beyond their limits. You can only see so much form those tiny, buzzy, mirrors. I think the leader is responsible for setting a predictable pace, pointing out debris, and counting bikes at stops and that's it. The leader can't control the right wrist or ego of those riding behind. An experienced sweep is VERY important when the group is not familiar with each other. The sweep needs to speak up when it looks like a crash is coming. I've asked more than a few riders to calm down during a group ride...some listen, some don't. I've also left plenty of rides because the group dynamics weren't right.
  13. What bike could do 186 in 1978?
  14. Ahhh...stuff came up. Got to cancel.
  15. That sounds like too much compression damping and probably too much rebound damping also. Read this entire page: http://www.sportrider.com/tech/146_0006_susp_handle/ Which problems are you having?
  16. If you're gonna get an XB I would opt for the 9 instead of the 12.
  17. The forecast is getting worse. I'll ride if roads are dry. I promise not to ridicule jbot for wearing sandals (promise will not be honored).
  18. On my Buells I could never get 30-35mm of sag. It was always less than 30. I think that rule of thumb works for most but not all bikes. I set my suspension based on feel, grip, and confidence.
  19. Knew it was on the border of B/H.
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