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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. Tpoppa

    Who likes FN?

    FNPs come with 3 mags. I would clarify if that is 5 extra or 5 total. I would rather have 3/16 than 5/10.
  2. Isn't there an unwritten rule of racing that no one dies 'at the track?'
  3. Tpoppa

    Who likes FN?

    Never a hiccup. FN makes top quality firearms, primarily for military.
  4. I generally won't sell guns anymore that are in my name. If I do, I would do it on consignment through an FFL dealer and have them process the paperwork.
  5. Damn! When something goes wrong on a racetrack it goes wrong fast! There's absolutely nothing Colin or Rossi could have done. You can see them both brace for impact in the video, but it was too late to avoid it. RIP. He was one hell of a rider. As stated above, I wouldn't be suprised if Rossi retires after this.
  6. Serial number is on the ATF form. #28 http://www.atf.gov/forms/download/atf-f-4473-1.pdf I am not positive that the serial number is shared with the ATF. However, because of my example above, I collect personal info any time I sell I gun that I purchased new.
  7. Not so sure about that. The serial number is on the form and is called intp the ATF, correct? Years ago...I sold a gun that I bought new. Years later it turned up in a school. I only know this because I was contacted by a lawyer over it.
  8. Tpoppa

    Issue 2 works

    Didn't notice that. Who is this really, UP or IP stirring the pot
  9. Tpoppa

    Issue 2 works

    Do yo think you're changing anyone's mind with this kind of nonsesne? If you just watch ads you have no clue what the real issue is. There are misleading ads on both sides of the issue. Lot's of fear mongering about 911 calls, etc. If you actualy read the issue itself, it looks a whole lot like updating some 30 year old policies...because well times have changed in the last 30 years and they need updating. When you got a state job did you really think it meant that nothing was going to change ever? If so, the "ignorance" as you put it is pretty easy to find.
  10. What was your function in HR? What HR software did you work with? Sometimes the sofware companies will hire people that were once functional users. Some of those jobs are even work from home. Sent from my home office
  11. Tpoppa


    Check HD or BMW dealers.
  12. Tpoppa

    Issue 2 works

    From the opposing point of view, I would say the exact same thing back to you. It'll be an interesting vote.
  13. Tpoppa

    XDM Bitone

    New @ Vances/Buds/Fin I've seen: XD9 black w/gear $430-440 XDM9 Stainless w/gear $580-600 So, I'd say $150 adjusting for condition, number of mags etc.
  14. Tpoppa

    Issue 2 works

    Yes, and payroll taxes (Medicare, Social Security) and employer contributions for all benefits. Typically referred to Total Compensation even though it's really employer's total costs for each employee. btw, lots of FMLA is unpaid.
  15. Tpoppa

    Issue 2 works

    I have a small business and work with many HR depts. Typically it would be less than 2/3. I would say 1/2 to 1/3 & that number would go down with higher compensation.
  16. Lots of stories like this One of my college professors was giving a speech at a UAW factory. He brought some handouts to pass out to people. When he was walking thought factory he caused a stir, because his handouts were in a cardboard box. If they were in a briefcase or some other container it would have been a non issue. But a cardboard box is protected and they wanted him to schedule a material handler to move about 3lbs of paper. This may be the exception, but this shit shapes the public perception of unions.
  17. Tpoppa

    Issue 2 works

    You sure about that? Police and FFs have been abusing lax OT rules for years. "You call in sick and I'll work for you, then you do the same for me, OK brother." In Parma, Police were scamming the OT system to the tune of 1st and 2nd year officers taking home over $100k/year. When city officials tried to put a stop to that, Police went on a traffic ticket ban to cost the city revenue. The Police Chief lost his job over it. Officers threatened to shoot or otherwise destroy timeclocks (several thousand $$ each) the city purchased that would eliminate abuse of the already existing OT rules. I happen to know a little bit about this. Once city voters found out about the Police shenanigans, basically every Parma levy failed until this last vote. Reasonalbe limits on Police and FFs OT is long overdue.
  18. Right, and poeple in unions think office workers, "sit in their offices staring at the walls." Without all that "wall staring" there would be no jobs for the union to squabble about.
  19. Tpoppa

    XDM Bitone

    Yep. For some reason the regular XD Service just feels right in my hand. I don't get the same feel from the XDM even with the different backstraps. I think for most it's just the opposite. I would also trade down to a S&W SD9. Not an M&P though, I already have one of those
  20. Tpoppa

    Issue 2 works

    There is little if any common ground here. Prolonging this thread certainly won't change that. It'll be an interesting vote. I hope it passes, but suspect it won't
  21. Tpoppa

    Issue 2 works

    That sucks, but many people are already being hit hard by a rough economy and rising costs for healthcare. Why should state employees be any different? Especially when the tax dollars are coming from the people that are already getting hit hard
  22. Tpoppa

    Issue 2 works

    For you personally it may be bad. Big picture it's a step in the right direction.
  23. Tpoppa

    Issue 2 works

    I see your comment. From the link you posted: Is it time for Americans, then, to imitate the Japanese? Executive compensation experts wouldn't advise it. Japan's system is hardly ideal, they say. In fact, many Western investors argue that Japanese executives get paid too little and that performance should be a bigger factor in determining compensation packages.
  24. Tpoppa

    Issue 2 works

    Thanks for proving my point. If Japanese CEOs average 1.5 million are you saying hourly workers make 10% less than that?
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