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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. Tpoppa

    Ruger LC9

    For CCW, I am a firm believer that a small pistol, comfortably carried in a pocket does far more good that a .357 locked in a safe. Home defense is a different story...
  2. Tpoppa

    Ruger LC9

    Says the guy with the ZX10
  3. Tpoppa

    Ruger LC9

    I wouldn't belt clip carry, unless it has a Kel Tec like long-hard-trigger pull. It would be difficult to mistakenly pull that trigger even on a quick draw. I have a Kel Tec with the clip. I prefer a pocket holster, but in some cases I could see using just the clip.
  4. When we brough the Victory challenge to the streets, we were not going to do it at some freakin' poser parade. No sir. This is Sturgis!! I laughed when I heard this on TV. Apparently, hotel parking lots full of trailers that brought these motorcycles to Sturgis doesn't mean posers. Roger that, over.
  5. I stopped telling. She stopped asking. Works well.
  6. I was pissed off when she stole Christmas!
  7. Tpoppa

    03 sv1000s

    Hopefully this works. Lots of photos here: https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=a72fd56056e6ddd9&page=play&resid=A72FD56056E6DDD9!204
  8. Tpoppa

    DucRX... WHOO!

    He did a great job doing the PITA valve adjust on my Buell. And I didn't have to surrender it to the ham fisted HD mechanics (I mean chrome installers)...which had me worried.
  9. If your riding both days, why not make it an overnighter and hit some good roads in WV?
  10. Tpoppa

    03 sv1000s

    It turns out that today is bad for me. I will have time Wed of Thur of this week.
  11. Tpoppa

    03 sv1000s

    Let me know what time. I am right around the corner from Kaiser & I work from home.
  12. ahh, this is in the track section. Nevermind.
  13. One of the fastest street riders I've ever seen ran 42R 38F. Tried it, didn't work for me. I run 36R 34R or 35R 33F depending on temps. Lots of people like to be around 30/30. Lots of different preferences on this.
  14. Tough time of year to sell a bike.
  15. That bike was once a theft recovery. The previous owner bought it as a salvage. He spent over a year doing lots of little custom stuff, powder coating, and got a very high end paint job. I had to do a little wiring to get it to pass inspection to get a rebuilt title. It sold for about $7k on eBay. A guy from New England drove here to get it. It was his first bike. I hope it still looks as nice. Hey, anyone want a leather jacket
  16. Paul benefited from the being around the seasoned riders (as did I). Now he is one and passes it on. Circle of life...Hakuna Matata...all that shit...
  17. Didn't Paul show up once with his tire tread Armor All-ed
  18. A joke, but it's true. I only have so many hours to be away. I try to squeeze in as many miles as possible. My last solo ride was about 450 miles. I was off the bike for 10-15 minutes total. Come to think of it, don't think I took my helmet off till I got home
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