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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. Who doesn't love scooters? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXSLbtdzzes&feature=player_embedded
  2. The Blast is a good bike for it's intended use...beginners and commuting. It has simple mechanicals and is relatively bulletproof. You'd likely be underwhelmed if you're used to riding a proper sportbike.
  3. ^^^ If it wasn't for the KTM day, I wouldn't have gotten on a track.
  4. Can't ride Sunday. GF's birthday...drinking...food...etc.
  5. I think you would do fine in Intermediate.
  6. Pretty much. Mid Ohio is a fun track with nice technical corners. The RC8R is really good. No. As you can see in the video by the instructor gapping me, I didn't quite have the fast line nailed in all the corners Honestly, I was probably carrying just about the same corner speed as on some of the faster sections of a WV or SEO ride. I did manage to break 135mph a few times on the back straight, which is not pushing hard on an RC8R. That bike could have easily broken 150 or 160 on the back straight, but I wasn't taking any chances on hucking it into the grass on turn 7. I still happen to have the Mid-O Superbike race on my DVR. Now, I can appreciate how just how hard & fast the pros really ride
  7. Cool, thanks. What group would you sign up for if you go the 31st?
  8. Cool! Video quality is better than I expected. That's the first time I've seen footage of myself riding.
  9. The stuff I used in my truck bed had TONS of grip, it was like sandpaper. It wasn't Herculiner, it was another one. Sorry can't remember the actual brand name, beer must have killed that part of my memory.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OR1xpknCHCQ
  11. Thanks. I wound up selling that Triumph on eBay a couple years ago. I benefitted from a small scale bidding war. A guy drove from Maine to pick it up. Said he just had to have it
  12. Whitewalls look fine as long as you have spoked wheels. While I'm mostly a sport guy. I've owned more than a few cruisers, including this custom Triumph: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=A72FD56056E6DDD9&id=A72FD56056E6DDD9%21198&sc=photos#cid=A72FD56056E6DDD9&id=A72FD56056E6DDD9%21200&sc=photos
  13. Whenever I pass a bike with ape hangers, usually mutter something like 'what a douchebag.' I just think it's a mod for posers. Kind of like a hand shifter, a hardtail, or an ext. swingarm on a sportbike that will never see a dragstrip. Other than for poser reasons, why mod a bike to make it less rideable?
  14. A lot of what these 'contractors' do is done with the understanding that if caught the US would deny any knowledge of the situation. They can make something like $200-300k for 6 months worth of work. It's a dirty business, they assume HUGE risks, and they know what they're getting themselves into.
  15. Brian, re the RC8Rs: I liked them a lot and I happen to prefer twins anyway. The only nitpick was the throttle...it seemed to need quite a bit of turning to get to WOT. Is that stock? or is that setup to make it easier to modulate the throttle for people without a lot of seat time on the RC8R?
  16. The RC8R is a fine machine. Great handling and loved the motor.
  17. You'd be surprised. The term contractor or private security is intentionally misleading. While there are a few exceptions, these are para military units & are highly elite.
  18. Contractors & Private Security Forces = Mercenaries Most are elite ex-special forces. They are 'contracted' for missions that in many cases are outside the rules of engagement for the US Military. They serve a purpose. They assume a VERY high level of risk and in turn they are paid well.
  19. I tend to buy and sell more than my fair share of bikes. Ask anyone that knows me There's no shortage of used bikes avialable. So, unless it's an uncommon model, the asking price makes a big difference to me (not that I ever pay asking price). If the asking price is 10-15% more than I'm willing to pay, I'll just look for the next one. Not that negoiting more than 10-15% is impossible, but why bother? If it's an uncommon bike, there's probably few around and also few buyers around (if there were lots of buyers it wouldn't be an uncommon bike, right?) and there is usually more room to negotiate. It makes no difference to me if someone asks $10k for a bike I feel is worth $5k, I just wouldn't call. The market is self correcting anyways, if it sells great...if not you may need to drop the price.
  20. So who'll be there for the 8/10 day and what group? Udel - N Rob - N Tod - Maybe anyone else?
  21. The Rock House is pretty cool.
  22. It turns out that I can ride Saturday instead of Sunday. So, as of now I'm doing SEO Solo ride tmrw. If anyone wants to meet up, I'll be taking 83S and leaving earlyish. Pace will be brisk, stops will be minimal.
  23. KTM SuperDuke, 2012 Aprilia Tuono, or maybe a Ducati Hypermotard 1100/796 or an Aprilia Dorsoduro 1200... There are all fairly similar to the S3. Some are a bit more motard-ish, but still in the vein of a liter sized naked. Are you looking for something to ride differently than the S3? or is it a matter of so may cool bikes it's hard to only have 1, because I totally get that.
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