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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. I'll never own motorcycle specific hard luggage again. The price is stupid, the quality is mediocre, and they always get scratched up. Pelican and Seahorse cases are higher quality and much cheaper. There are plenty of mounting options. Also the waterproof, roll top bags used by ADV riders hold more and are more durable.
  2. 20 minute sessions just don't scratch the itch.
  3. Back in the CORE days, there used to be a Pittsburgh sport bike forum called Steel City Riders. We'd get together with them from time to time. I know they did most of their street riding in WV & SE OH...little in PA. I personally haven't ridden much in PA, sorry.
  4. I think the riding on the NE of Beckley is better than the SW section of the state. I also seem to recall some areas over there were prone to flooding and road closures.
  5. Tourmaster seems to have one of the best selections of sizes. They make overpants though, not jeans. https://www.tourmaster.com/inc/sdetail/overpant/1065/402
  6. I'll bet he hates all that tourism money that pours into that area. Without all those crotch rockets, most businesses in the area would be boarded up in about 3 months.
  7. That price is way more than fair.
  8. I tend to think the world is full of pussies, but to each their own.
  9. Why do you need so many dildos?
  10. I sure buy a lot of alcohol. I hope I'm not a shopaholic.
  11. Try to find a flyer if you go there. Saved me a couple hundred $$
  12. Phantom Fireworks in West Salem.
  13. More? I think I need more.
  14. This trip was the hardest I've ever ridden the CB500X (on pavement). It's all kinds of fun and quite composed in the tight stuff.
  15. I'd be up for an ADV trip there. This time I just didn't have the right tires for the amount of rain in the area.
  16. How are the road conditions on 16? We'll be riding it tomorrow.
  17. Just a deck of cards. I'll win what I need. ...In that little tail box and waterproof bag I have...6 days worth of clothes, swim stuff, shoes, a few days worth of food, mini air compressor, tools for any number of mishaps, emergency supplies, chain lube, bug spray, rain gear, shower stuff, etc. I was a Marine, I know how to pack
  18. Buy tons a beer and ice. We'll be there Thursday.
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