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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. I like London broil just fine.
  2. Some EPA regs are misguided. Not only do they result is lost jobs, but actually cause increased environmental impact.
  3. I've been looking into these. It's like a mountain bike with a motor, and it's street legal. MSRP is around $2300 http://www.totalmotorcycle.com/motorcycles/2016/2016-ClevelandCycleWerks-Hooligan-FXR.htm
  4. No thanks. I've had plenty of wife sex. I prefer girlfriend sex and stranger sex.
  5. This is true. EPA grants do not fund unbiased research. For example, If the goal of your research is to prove global warming there is a chance you can get an EPA grant. OTOH, if the goal of your research is to conduct unbiased research or to disprove global warming the EPA has no use for you. https://www.epa.gov/research-grants/climate-change-research-grants
  6. Common sense EPA is fine. Over reaching EPA is not, which has been the case for a long time.
  7. One of the primary uses of the EPA has been to make Washington insiders rich. And they don't care that the EPA was beyond they charter. Scenario: Suddenly many politicians and insiders invest in a "Green Energy" company that you and I have never heard of. Even if we had heard of it, these investments are not available to the general public. Soon after, the EPA "coincidentally," passes regulation and/or press release which causes this unknown company's stock to soar. Sometimes these companies are even propped up by federal funding. Then these "savvy" Washington investors seem to know when to divest just before these, once stable, companies go right out of business. It happens over and over. You and I would go to jail for this, that's why Congress voted themselves exempt from insider trading laws. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2014/10/22/so-just-how-rich-is-congress-richer-than-you/?utm_term=.9c96e92a9109
  8. I am all for clean air and water, but the EPA has been running amuck, well beyond thier charter for far too long. They need checks and balances like every other department.
  9. I personally wouldn't own a pre-2017 FZ 09. The have some shortcomings. There are reasons they're being sold cheap. I would however own the nicely updated 2017 model.
  10. Things change. Now, I make my own own beef jerky.
  11. We just always plan longish routes. Stopping to eat means getting home later. I rode with Gasser for 10+ years before I found out he was a vegetarian. True story.
  12. I can tell you which gas stations have the best beef jerky
  13. Offerings like clutch and brake levers?
  14. Cops routinely lie under oath (there have been multiple studies) and their testimony carries far more weight than yours.
  15. Tpoppa

    So long 2016

    I didn't want to give up working from home, but I would have to find a better situation. So this worked out extremely well.
  16. Tpoppa

    So long 2016

    Thanks Paul. I'm actually staying at my company, but in a completely different group far away from a certain douchebag executive. And I still get to work from home ?
  17. Tpoppa

    So long 2016

    Solved, new job starting April 3rd!
  18. http://www.motorcyclegear.com/info_pages/customers_closet.html
  19. By inappropriately do you mean it was unwelcome, or just that he was unskilled?
  20. All presidents are temporary.
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