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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. I'm selling one of my .40s #1 is an unfired Gen 4 Glock 23. It's new in the box, comes with 2 mags - $500 #2 is an XDm 40 S&W 5.25 Competition Series Bi-tone. It's in excellent condition and super accurate. Comes with XDm gear and 6 mags - $675 Firm on prices. Personally, I'd rather sell the Glock Stock photo, but anyone that knows me can tell you I take excellent care of my stuff.
  2. Tpoppa

    Pawning jewelry

    A fast car is slower than a slow bike.
  3. Tpoppa

    So long 2016

    Other than attending too may funerals, 2016 wasn't a bad year. It was eventful with one major thing after another. I'm hoping to catch my breath in 2017.
  4. Tpoppa

    So long 2016

    2016 was an eventful year for me. 4 surgeries (2 minor)...recovered from some serious injuries...Went through a major break up...Went through a custody battle...Lost some close friends...Added quite a few great people to my life...Lost weight...Got healthy...Etc 2016 definitely tested my mettle. I've adapted to things I never saw coming and overcame them. All things considered, I am better off at the end of this year than I was at the beginning. I am in a very good place other than the fact that I've grown to hate the people I work for. I'm in the process of solving that, too.
  5. I generally attend alcohol-centric events that are relatively nearby. And stuff.
  6. Ruger does rim fire very well. With the possible exception of Marlin, I'd venture a guess that more rim fire rounds have been fired out of Rugers than anything else.
  7. I have shot plenty of rounds through mine with no issue. Ruger's customer service is top notch if a problem were to develop someday. I personally wouldn't worry about it.
  8. Awesome. It was unfired. I most likely would have kept it if I had taken it to the range.
  9. The commute is exactly 30 miles each way, which is exactly 30 miles further than I commute now. Moving is not an easy option due to kids and custody agreement. The position and $$ are attractive. I'm leaning toward taking it. I have been disgusted with my current employer for awhile now
  10. If the popular vote would have been the deciding factor, both candidates would have ran their campaigns differently, locations for rallies would have been chosen differently, etc. Who knows how the votes would have fallen. Personally, I like the EC. It maintains the political relevancy of states with lower populations.
  11. If you don't understand the electoral college, then your Civics class failed you.
  12. How far do you commute or would you be willing to commute for the right job? I've worked from home for the past 12+ years. I am considering taking a job that would have me in an office at least 50% of the time. The drive is further than I'd prefer.
  13. I'm in for this trip...most likely.
  14. The point of the 35% corporate tax rate isn't to collect the taxes. The goal is to discourage corporations from sending jobs to other countries & bringing back jobs that have already left. Environmental laws do put us firms at a disadvantage, since countries like China do not follow them. I think you will see tarifs on goods from countries with low wages and lax regulations. It will be a fight in Washington for sure. If it succeeds, our prices will go up and so will our wages.
  15. If Trump actually succeeds at putting a 35% corporate tax rate on companies that ship jobs out of our borders just to sell their products & services back in to the US, I will vote for him for re-election. I don't care what else he does. That would be the single best thing any president has done during my lifetime to improve the lives of American families.
  16. You can get all major sports on KODI. Even MotoGp, UFC, and grown men playing soccer for some reason.
  17. I've never changed the oil before winter or first thing in the spring in any of my bikes unless it was due because of mileage. In the winter I start them every six weeks or so. Never had a problem of any kind.
  18. Essentially that's what KODI is. There might be other ways to jailbreak them though
  19. A new Firestick was just released last month. I like it a lot. KODI has so much content.
  20. I just got one of these. Pretty cool. I can't want to ditch DirecTV. Who else has one? Any good apps I should try. I have KODI and might try SlingTV.
  21. I get it Paul...just messin' But it does seem like that industry is rife with planned obsolescence.
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