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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. I'm suddenly interested now that this group is closed. It seems kinda exclusive With 8-10 riders you are already going to split apart in the twisty bits due to traffic and people choosing to ride different paces. Just make it official and have a group A/B with 2 group leaders. Everyone can reassemble for gas stops & meals and on the slab
  2. Split into 2 groups Nancy. It ain't that hard.
  3. I had to use AMA roadside assistance once for a flat tire. They found me a flatbed with a wheel chock. Delivered me and the bike to my house about about 40 miles away and I didn't pay a penny.
  4. I don't need it either, but it sure is fun to shoot. I like to shoot big bore...so mostly a range gun, maybe it'll get used for hunting.
  5. This is the only Glock I currently own. 15 rounds of 10mm out of a 6" barrel is a ton of firepower.
  6. Glocks are the Toyota Corollas of firearms. Reliable and they do everything well. IMO, there may be better options, but nothing is better enough that it makes a Glock a poor choice.
  7. Practice shooting. I personally think most (maybe all) upgrades to firearms are a waste of money. When buying used firearm, I won't touch anything that has been modified.
  8. Why do you have the SS then?
  9. Doubt I'll make it. Still recovering from my appendectomy. I'm not ready for longish rides.
  10. Tpoppa

    2015 Grom

    I'll negotiate on the phone or in person. My experience is that people who aren't comfortable negotiating, try to do in text or email.
  11. Tpoppa

    2015 Grom

    Sure I've gotten low ball offers, but I don't even bother to respond unless they're in the ballpark of what I'm willing to sell for. I don't negotiate in email either.
  12. Cleaning chains is my least favorite maintenance task. Shaft drive from now on.
  13. Tpoppa

    2015 Grom

    I've bought/sold 20+ motorcycles on Craigslist. Never had a single problem.
  14. Shooting from a moving vehicle is a skill that can be learned. But you don't have to balance a helicopter, Humvee, APC, airplane, horse, etc. Again, if you are shooting from a moving motorcycle the most immediate threat to you is the upcoming crash.
  15. I've hit my goal and actually stabilized several pounds below it. I was pretty restrictive on the foods I ate when I was dropping weight. Now, I am trying to re-introduce foods and eat in a way that maintains my current body (lower) weight. This part almost seems more challenging than the diet.
  16. I had my appendix removed. So, I'm down another 2 ounces.
  17. Tpoppa

    ABS or Pass?

    Honda C-ABS is combined electronically, not linked mechanically. For my money, those are the best brakes on the planet.
  18. Tpoppa

    ABS or Pass?

    Some early ABS systems were absolutely terrible. I had a 2008 SV650s with ABS. Those brakes were f-ing terrible, borderline dangerous. They wouldn't lock up, but took forever to stop. Honda C-ABS is fantastic though. I had it on my CBR and VFR. Very few riders, if any, would be able to out brake that system. All of the newer ABS systems should be good to go.
  19. Tpoppa

    Church carry

    I'm thinking Jesus will protect you in church...no?
  20. Possibly the most accurate description of a progressive liberal I have seen in awhile. I might add...blatant intolerance for those that don't share your social views.
  21. Usually that mental image works for me, but not in this case.
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