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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. I've been considering a new bike. My first choice would be a BMW S1000R (R not RR). I've also been considering a Triumph Tiger 800. I really don't like adventure bikes, but I'd ride one to stay on 2 wheels.
  2. Thanks. I'll be riding this season. It's a matter of how much I can tolerate. I'm trying everything I can...bike mods, losing weight, increasing core strength, and way to many doctors.
  3. That is pretty fucking accurate. IIRC he is an expert on the mindset and culture of our military, because his cousin is in the Navy. In fact, he understands it much better than those who have actually served
  4. If I buy that beemer it would be purely for responsible, health reasons
  5. The other thought is to to buy a BMW S1000R (R not RR) with a quick shift already installed
  6. Electrical Muscle Stimulation. I use it for a few reasons. It works muscles HARD.
  7. In addition to eating smarter and exercise, I've started doing EMS. I've had really good results.
  8. Winnar! Winnar! You win your choice of 3 snarky comments, or some unsolicited (but highly prized) cornering advice at a gas stop in SE Ohio.
  9. I'm considering adding a quick shifter to my VFR. Any downside? Do clutchless shifts cause the gears to wear faster? Anyone have any experience with this one: http://www.motorcycle.com/products/mo-tested-healtech-quick-shifter-easy
  10. I'll be selling my last Glock which is a G22. I picked up this XDM .40 5.25 Competition w/6 mags
  11. I like XDMs better than Glocks. There I admit it. I understand if we can't be friends any longer.
  12. Wanna shoot my .44 mag? After that, 9mm won't make you flinch.
  13. Bring me back a piece of the wall. Get one for yourself too.
  14. I have been using EMS to build core strength. The results have been really good.
  15. How many of these Senators are performing such an incredible job for the American people, that our country would be damaged if they were replaced? Again, the congressional approval rating is about 15%...yet incumbents have about a 90% reelection rate. Senator State Date of taking office Length of Senate term to date Party Patrick Leahy Vermont 3-Jan-75 41 years, 52 days Democratic Orrin Hatch Utah 3-Jan-77 39 years, 52 days Republican Thad Cochran Mississippi 27-Dec-78 37 years, 59 days Republican Chuck Grassley Iowa 3-Jan-81 35 years, 52 days Republican Mitch McConnell Kentucky 3-Jan-85 31 years, 52 days Republican Richard Shelby Alabama 3-Jan-87 29 years, 52 days Republican Barbara Mikulski Maryland 3-Jan-87 29 years, 52 days Democratic John McCain Arizona 3-Jan-87 29 years, 52 days Republican Harry Reid Nevada 3-Jan-87 29 years, 52 days Democratic Dianne Feinstein California 10-Nov-92 23 years, 106 days Democratic Barbara Boxer California 3-Jan-93 23 years, 52 days Democratic Patty Murray Washington 3-Jan-93 23 years, 52 days Democratic Jim Inhofe Oklahoma 17-Nov-94 21 years, 99 days Republican Ron Wyden Oregon 6-Feb-96 20 years, 18 days Democratic Pat Roberts Kansas 3-Jan-97 19 years, 52 days Republican Mike Enzi Wyoming 3-Jan-97 19 years, 52 days Republican Dick Durbin Illinois 3-Jan-97 19 years, 52 days Democratic Jeff Sessions Alabama 3-Jan-97 19 years, 52 days Republican Jack Reed Rhode Island 3-Jan-97 19 years, 52 days Democratic Susan Collins Maine 3-Jan-97 19 years, 52 days Republican Chuck Schumer New York 3-Jan-99 17 years, 52 days Democratic Mike Crapo Idaho 3-Jan-99 17 years, 52 days Republican
  16. You no read good. Where did I say terms limits would solve all the problems in Congress? I said it was the first step. I said it 3 times in fact. Term limits will get rid of the crusty old pig fuckers that should have been removed long ago.
  17. Terms limits are the FIRST step. Over turning this is the second https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20130416/08344222725/congress-quickly-quietly-rolls-back-insider-trading-rules-itself.shtml
  18. Comparing the Ohio legislature with US Congress is not apples to apples. Drawing any conclusions would be full of flaws. If you want to discuss that, go ahead and start a new thread. If I'm interested I'll comment. If not I will ignore it.
  19. Agree. Anyone who has the attitude that "my party will make things better...but the other worse party will be the death of US" is a monumental idiot. There are too many of these morons to count, and they are propping up this broken, two-party system. As I've said many times, I have far too much pride to call myself a democrat or republican.
  20. The congressional approval rating is about 15%...yet incumbents have about a 90% reelection rate. The process could not be any more broken. Terms limits is the FIRST step toward fixing this. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2013/05/09/people-hate-congress-but-most-incumbents-get-re-elected-what-gives/ Do a bit of googling...then tell me how the net worth of career senators has increased over their time in office. Then tell me how they can possibly build these personal fortunes without getting kickbacks and sucking the dick of special interest. And exactly how are they working in the best interest of the American people while passing legislation to guarantee their fortunes keep growing? Here is a head start: http://www.rollcall.com/50richest/the-50-richest-members-of-congress-112th.html
  21. Neither would I. But Obamacare is worse. So much worse, in fact, that the largest provider in Obamacare has warned it has plans to drop out. http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2015/11/19/unitedhealth-group-earnings-downgrade-obamacare-affordable-care-act/76040322/
  22. The FIRST step towards fixing Congress is term limits.
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