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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. This was my biggest concern with Obamacare. Anything DC touches is less efficient than private industry.
  2. 500 miles of twisties with limited stops is great for endurance
  3. I just ordered a pair of those. Not the best looking gloves, but if they work I'll order a lifetime supply.
  4. Never heard of this. Very interesting.
  5. A neck X Ray would probably show the cause. Then you might be able to better manage it. If you see a Dr and they suggest a "Nerve Conductivity Test" don't do it. I'd rather get repeatedly kicked in the balls than go through that again.
  6. Have you seen an actual Dr about it? If not you might want to.
  7. I bought my BMW R1100R for that very reason. It's a very relaxed riding position. I sold my CBR to Blitz because I couldn't ride it anymore. My VFR isn't that aggressive, but I may be adding Helibars anyway.
  8. Vibes are a part of it. I am looking at a few new bikes with cruise control (Tiger 800 & BMW S1000R), that might help, too. I have a nerve issue in my neck. My neck doesn't bother me but it causes pain & numbness in my hands. On a few rides my hands have gone completely numb where I couldn't feel the controls at all. Not a good situation. It also happens when I ride a bicycle or push a lawnmower. I've been all around the Cleveland Clinic trying to figure it out...orthopedic surgeon, rheumatologist, nerve function testing, just has a steroid injection in my spine, etc, etc. I'm not ready to give up riding just yet
  9. I may give those Olympias a try.
  10. I have a nerve issue. Im trying to extend my riding career. Gloves may help. Hell I'm even considering acupuncture at this point.
  11. Who makes the best ones regardless of cost?
  12. I like front pocket carry. Seems like this is the intent of the Curve. Seems kinda gimmicky to me. I have a feeling used ones will be fairly cheap.
  13. Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public. -- H.L. Mencken 1926
  14. The Botox in her lips is very distracting.
  15. I agree with Tonik. Now, I'm going to pour myself 3 fingers of Maker's Mark.
  16. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2016/02/17/obama-now-regrets-his-2006-alito-filibuster-white-house-says/80514152/ What a convenient time to express his regrets. Such a hypocritical shithead.
  17. That doesn't match what I've seen at all. I've had a CW9 and a CM9, both were dead reliable. I have yet to fire my CW380, but the reviews I've read were positive. I had a G42 that would FTE about 3 times per box of 50. I really wanted to like the G42, but I couldn't trust it.
  18. Interesting thing to think about... If I could have only one gun for all purposes it would probably be a Kahr P9.
  19. All-rounders tend to be compromises...just like motorcycles.
  20. No one gun is going to excel at all 3. A gun that is great to carry won't be fun to shoot.
  21. I picked up this little CW380. I came with a nice Vedder IWB.
  22. On paper I agree with you. In practice I cannot agree. If justices strictly made decisions based on factual interpretation of the law, and excluded personal bias and political leanings...you would never see a 5-4 and probably not even a 6-3.
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