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Posts posted by mrhobbz

  1. Entangling Roots lvl 1

    7% of base mana 35 yd range

    1.7 sec cast

    Roots the target in place for 30 sec. Damage caused to caster may interrupt the effect.


    Every Man for Himself

    Racial ability, no mana cost.

    Instant Cast, 2 minute cooldown.

    Removes all movement impairing effects and all effects which cause loss of control of your character. This effect shares a cooldown with other similar effects.



  2. played open beta, it blows dick and EA and their origin bullshit can rot in hell. Yes im butt hurt about having to install spyware on my computer to play a reskinned version of MoH. Fuck EA in their stupid assholes.
  3. there is a really talented guy off of Demorest & Clime Rds. in SW Cbus

    i cant recall his shops name, but he has done lots of quality work. and does some celebrities stuff when their in town


    This, guys name is Giovani. His shop is called Graffiti Tees,

    1417 Demorest Rd, Columbus, OH 43228.

  4. basically I live in Detroit. Pretty much in a nut shell. I just want somewhere to go to work out when i visit columbus. but i dont want to pay monthly when i am in town once a month.


    go outside? plenty of work outs you can do for free outside...

  5. Brendon just turned down a job for 10.00 an hour doing some general shop work on weekends. His laziness is getting in the way of him ever having a possibility of purchasing a car. Oh and by the way he is up to or down to a savings of a whole 20.00 towards his car purchase. Can someone please explain to him how retarded he is because he obviously doesnt hear me.


    What shop? I want a part time weekend gig :gabe:



    p.s. Brendon, quit being retarded.

  6. Have you tried a MR clean magic eraser?


    Negative, I tried letting 409 sit in there for a few hours. I think it made me high. Will have to head to wally world and pick one of those up

  7. We have our own internal appraisers and contracted appraisers...over 80 companies that we regularly do business with.


    Why do you ask?



    I was wanting to do an FHA loan but I'm almost positive that the house Im looking at won't pass inspection for FHA. No GFI's, idiot hacked the wiring all up, etc.

  8. Retard: "Doctor, you gotta help, I haven't shit in 3 weeks!!"


    Doctor: "Eat anything unusual ? "


    Retard: "No, just my usual 15lbs of chocolate covered gummies a week!"


    Doctor: "Get the fuck out of my office asshole!"


    :gabe: hhahaha that's hilarious

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