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Everything posted by mattm

  1. Way more historically accurate than libertarian Jesus.
  2. New Testament written hundreds of years later based upon fairy tales. Big bad wolf didn't make the cut.
  3. Wasn't he from 'Merica? Specifically the Midwest?
  4. Not libertarian but true
  5. Find this on rt.com
  6. If I were to purchase a gun from you would I have to provide even a gas bill for the address I purport to be from? Voters frequently have to provide that as proof or have to know the name and address of the registered voter. Dead voters are purged every year and every state has a mechanism to throw out votes from dead absentee voters. No such mechanism exists for a felon making a firearm purchase through a private sale. Both both voting and firearm purchases are protected by the constitution. Why should the requirements be different in some cases?
  7. Evidently you are passionate about banning voter ID laws then? My question is how can anyone that loves the constitution not be for both.
  8. You are right. Constitutionally protected rights should be further protected witha requirement for ID along with a government registration. Gun owners should embrace registration and should always have to get a government issued ID in order to carry regardless of open or concealed. This is an idea I can get behind. Think about it. With the same ID and the same government retained list you can vote and get a carry permit that includes your gun serial number. I find it amazing that those who want everyone to show Id to vote and submit to collection of person details would not want the same requirements for gun purchases and permits. This will solve voter fraud and allow us to track those who purchase a firearm. Why would anyone be in favor of one and not the other?
  9. Let me post an 'article' from Casper's favorite internets for idiots: http://rt.com/news/stem-cell-study-retraction-070/ Now let me post a link about the same issue from the 'lamestream' media: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/11/business/one-author-of-a-stem-cell-study-calls-for-its-retraction.html?hpw&rref=business&_r=0 Many of you may immediately dismiss the nytimes article but if you actually read both of them, one has actual detail, does'nt try to cloud the reproduction of the research, and one just includes all the 'OMG' with minimal explanation of how this actually works within the scientific community.. You see, it is easy to report in such a way as to totally disregard the scientific method when ones readership doesn't want to be bothered with the pesky details and the 'messiness' of actual science. When we drop links without researching the issue because we want to believe, we are doing a disservice to each other. Now come on and get my negative rep up over 40, otherwise I will just have to think that you are all part of the 47%!
  10. mattm


    Pics or how can we know that you are a Palin supporter? At least show us all the kills that you achieved by defending your home with the AR. This is where you link to RT as the regular readers of that site lack basic reading comprehension skills.
  11. I just assumed that since you own an AR, you have a penis size issue just like Lanza. Perhaps your wife should post an affirmation? Maybe you should purchase a Barret just so you can confirm the issue.
  12. mattm


    Need MOAR pics of your AR-15. Sorry about your penis!!
  13. I'm jus' gonna leave this here: http://blog.buckeyepayroll.com/2011/06/14/john-kasich-is-a-douchebag/ See, this is on the internets. Since this post is also on the internets I hafta say that Casper is also a douchebag!! Casper, I am also glad that you are hanging around and obviously still wearing your tinfoil hat and compensating. BTW, sorry about your penis. God bless!
  14. mattm


    If your actually cared you would post a link to this bombshell!! This is on the internets so it must be true!!! http://www.examiner.com/article/breaking-glenn-beck-guilty-of-rape-and-murder
  15. mattm


    In all reality, anyone who has 1st grade reading comprehension should be able to deduce this information. It is not and cannot be a good call when someone points out the obvious. THIS is what is dumbing down the entire country. Someone quotes the obvious and some of those who believe it is 1799 have to say 'good call.' The rest of us are tired of the complete lack of intellectual curiosity evident in those like Casper. Casper, read something that isn't linked on THE BLAZE and refrain from posting tinfoil hat conspiracy bullshit.
  16. Ummm, this is from the daily caller. Anyone with half a brain can safely ignore it. Anyone like Casper should bet VERY, VERY ASKEERED!!!!
  17. This is complete bullshit but still funny. Because there is no God, there cannot be a Jesus, and thus this whole meme is only for the slowest learners. Thanks but no thanks!
  18. Ermahgerd!! Someone may discover that I am a "dickless lunatic NRA member." ***George Carlin quote**** Seriously, you guys need counseling.
  19. you should investigate this. I looked into it and here is what I found: I am a sovereign citizen and not only do I not pay taxes, I am also exempt from Obamacare. I am also exempt from having auto insurance, motorcycle insurance, health insurance, and life insurance. If I am in an accident, my own sovereign nation pays me whatever I ask for. I can own my own M1 Abrams and I am allowed to purchase as much depleted uranium ammunition as I want. The best benefit is that once I declared myself a sovereign citizen, I received my own unicorn. I use the unicorn farts to power my home and my vehicles. I also capture the unicorn farts and use them, instead of nitrogen, in my tires. I expect 250,000 miles out of a set of tires regardless of the vehicle.
  20. In this list I do not see any convictions on violations that would have been addressed with the new/proposed voter ID laws. In addition the VAST majority of the list includes charges not convictions and on top of that most of the charges stem from issues with absentee ballots where there is already a robust system in place. This list does not prove that in person voter fraud is prevalent. In fact it appears to prove just the opposite. Remember, that we are all innocent until proven guilty no matter what Glenn Beck might think.
  21. This is pretty funny. Obviously this lady is not very bright but that is not the funniest part. Please click on the WLW link above and then check out this version of the story: http://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/hamilton-county/cincinnati/downtown/poll-worker-accused-of-voter-fraud-in-hamilton-county-speaks-out The WCPO version includes much more detail that I think we can all agree more clearly illuminates exactly what Ms. Richardson attempted to accomplish. It appears as though she sent in absentee ballots for herself and some relatives. On election day those relatives voted in person and THE EXISTING PROCEDURE/LAWS CAUGHT this attempt at voter "fraud." I call is fraud, but none of the new voter ID laws address just this type of issue but you would not understand the real nature of this particular problem if you only read the WLW story. This is also not surprising as WLW has a history of just this type of reporting. I would reiterate that in person voter fraud is minuscule. The case referenced above is not addressed in any of the recent or proposed voter ID laws as there is already a system in place to address this particular issue.
  22. Now I know you are just trolling. No stands but you can make an accurate determination of oil level by pulling the bike upright and looking at the glass. It was obviously grossly overfilled and you should sue the dealer. Do you know that overfilled oil will cause cancer, crabs, herpes and AIDS?? Call Kevin Kurgis, he doesn't get paid unless you do...
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