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Everything posted by mattm

  1. mattm


    Noted CIA 'asset' that was never an intelligence agent. Relative of Andy Card that was was also an anti war advocate. So delusional that two judges said she could not be forced to take her meds. This is what you post? My thoughts are that she has been deemed to be crazy in court by at least two separate judges. Even a cursory glance at google will show you this: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan_Lindauer Wiki is not always reliable but with this lady I am no sure what to say. Do you really expect others to post thoughts or do you really believe this crap?
  2. Bretibart? Didn't that alcoholic, drug addict's heart explode? Any other sources or is this another tempest in a teapot? Oh, look what I found http://www.snopes.com/politics/immigration/freecars.asp Why am I not surprised?
  3. In the original post I do not see where you disavow this content at all. In fact it appeared to be posted as an idea you may have come up with. I haven't seen you copy and paste every viagra advertisement you have received in email so I have to assume you thought this one to be significant. Perhaps you could add some of your own thoughts as to how what you posted is relevant to modern american society? Sorry, but copy & paste of illogical email forwards from others who don't seem to fully grasp what they are posting is not what I look for on a supposed motocycle forum. Maybe we could have a discussion if you actually engage in one versus throwing crap over the wall that you did not create.
  4. mattm

    Zimmerman Trial

    C'mon. I have a rope, help me find a tree.... Common decency hasn't stopped anyone here from labeling people (not zimmerman) Anyway, the best part of this case is that his cousin will go after him for molestation... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/16/george-zimmerman_n_1676729.html. Hilarious. This guy is all kinds of screwed up.
  5. This is awesome. Next time you should try to write your own opinion instead of doing the cut and paste that you obviously prefer to do.
  6. mattm

    Virgin Mobile

    Evidently you haven't looked that hard if that is the information you found. The lifeline program is much older than you think... http://www.snopes.com/politics/taxes/cellphone.asp
  7. Holy crap. The Jet's took Geno Smith and cut Tebow. Why did that happen? Was it because Geno was a Muslim or a Hindu or a Mormon? Why would the Jet's hire one Christian and get rid of another if not for the disparity in ability. Tebow is terrible just like Archie Griffin. Just like Archie he can't cut it in the league. No talent college players get the very highest accolades sometime. Tebow's entire fan base is comprised of super christians. These people like to think that tebow is being persecuted for his faith. This is the NFL. He is being persecuted because he cannot play QB at the highest level. It maybe time to look at the CFL where he would be considered a mediocre QB at best.
  8. I just seen a report that says that Jesus came back. He appeared to ask for a joint. I seen him smoke it. I also seen that he seen that Gunner needs to try hooked on phonics.
  9. Holy fake crucifixion, the english language says that the word is inhumane. If you are going to mock the position, you should at least now how to spell it. Holy shit! Learn the english language if you want to live in this country..
  10. No offense but "I just seen" means that you have a lot to learn. For example: "I just seen a guy named Gunner and he is semi lucid." That is not a real phrase in the english language. The partial phrase, "I just seen..." never ends well. Try to eradicate it from your limited vocabulary. Thanks
  11. derp a derp... a... derp...
  12. That sounds great except that Alexis de Tocqueville never said that. http://www.theatlanticwire.com/politics/2012/11/sorry-conservatives-de-tocqueville-did-not-call-2012-election/58839/ Looks like some crazy in Oklahoma in 1951 thought that Eisenhower was a communist and penned at least some of those words.
  13. I do not disagree with any of your points. Frankly the points I was making were a little tongue in cheek and meant to mimic "the guy that tells me the reasons he doesn't wear a helmet is because the government ain't gonna keep him down." Sorry, needed to find a better sarcasm smiley.
  14. I did say at the beginning Let's add a little vitriol...
  15. Let's add a little vitriol... People who don't wear helmets are socialist!!! With the new trend of charging people for the emergency response crews, let us evaluate the reality of a helmet-less rider in a crash... 1. The helmet less rider costs us all more money through insurance premiums 2. The helmet-less rider costs us all time and money as the Highway Patrol has to shut down the highway to investigate the almost certainly fatal accident 3. The helmet-less rider costs us all more money as the fire department and the highway patrol and the sheriff wants to investigate the brain splatter on the road. 4. The helmet-less passenger who only adds to the cost of the helmet-less rider... I am tired of the socialist non helmet wearer who expects me to pay for his/her decision. It is time these people took personal responsibility for their decisions. They should be required to tell their insurance company that they rider without a helmet and they should pay more as their actions cost us more. Freedom isn't free and right now riding without a helmet passes costs on to all of us.
  16. The manager I dealt with at Hinderer was a real grade-A asshole. I don't recommend buying from Hinderer...
  17. If this is true, wow.. Most of the sites with the true, factual informational data on this crime have been banned from the internets. Unfortunately we only have a few sites left that can still speak the truth.. http://digg.com/news/story/Glenn_Beck_Raped_And_Murdered_A_Girl_In_1990
  18. If this is true...wow Romney a polygamist? http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,254362,00.html http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/americas/united-states/120131/mitt-romneys-great-grandfather-fled-mexico-pract I mean if it is true... wow... not saying it is true, just saying wow...
  19. In the spirit of Casper, I will post this link with this title as it is far more sensational than the truth. This is the MO for Casper so I am sure it is allowed on this site and actively encouraged. http://wonkette.com/460672/newt-gingrich-was-aspiring-polygamist-in-nineties-ex-wife-says Why does an avowed polygamist such as Newt still proclaim that he is a evangelical christian? Why does Casper not post links to bullshit sources to refute Newt's polygamy?
  20. "If this is true, wow." "a hell of a coincidence" Pull off the tinfoil hat and stop worrying about the black helicopters. I know this doesn't match the narrative you actively try to promote on this site but the ideas your are trying to espouse are completely wrong. Everytime you post crap like this you are proven wrong yet you still do it because nobody asks that you go back and retract your bullshit statements. Some of us will not accept that. Some of us will reveal your sensationalism and will require that you support your arguments with facts not innuendo. This is not the 3rd grade Casper. You do have to show your work and not just copy the work of others as you consistently do on this site.
  21. Wrong jbot, but at least you are entertaining and quite an obvious douchebag. Casper posts a link to some bullshit story and then says "If this is true, wow..." and within minutes the entire story is debunked. Even jbot must see how stupid that is. Casper believes this crap and actively engages in pushing what is tantamount to a disinformation campaign on the users of this site. I find that unfortunate and I also am unwilling to accept that bullshit just because it came from Casper himself.
  22. Holy crap what an explosion of bullshit. Casper may let you post this shit but none of it is factual. Get some help before you hurt yourself. If I was not an atheist I might pray for you, but if god does exist he could not count you as on of his "smart" ones.. Seriously... read a book and learn to spell.. Seriously... wow...
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