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Everything posted by jschaf

  1. jschaf


    The ribs are feeling quite a bit better after the first week. I broke 2 on the side & 1 in the front. Glad I didn't hit anything solid besides the road though.
  2. jschaf


    Hey Uncle Punk Hope to see you in the spring. Best regards.
  3. 16x2. The only fun I've ever had commuting is when I was seriously breaking the law so why bother.
  4. Get yourself a thighmaster. I think they're only $19.95 or so.
  5. Southeast ohio is a fookin' gravel pit (esp 536). Even when there has been no rain to wash out the gravel there has to be some asshole that spins out going up a gravel road to completely cover the road with gravel just around a blind left hander. I should be more careful, right. Busted ribs still hurt.
  6. He forgot to mention the weight requirement 260#+.
  7. Shitty ride today. Crashed by gravel on 536 northbound & had to ride home w/ broken ribs. Inya: Hope your ride was a lot better than ours.
  8. If anybody wants to meet for a ride Sunday morning I'll be at the McDonald's just east of the I-77, Route 18 interchange at 7:45/ 8:00. I plan on droning on I-77 until Caldwell or Marietta depending on when it warms up, hitting up 26, 536, 255 & 260 before heading back. I'm trying to be home by 5 PM.
  9. My ride has got to be Sunday as I had plans I didn't know about (If you're married you understand) on Saturday afternoon. I will be leaving North Ridgeville at 7:30 AM & droning south on I-77 to get the boring part out of the way while it's cold. I will exit I-77 at either Caldwell or Marietta. I plan on hitting 26, 536, 255, & 260 before heading back. Anybody that wants to meet up with me anywhere along the way let me know & pm me your cell#.
  10. I'm not too worried about the cagers hearing me coming because I stay out of their way & leave myself an out, should they do something stupid. I do know that since I installed my full system Yosh exhaust that every deer I've seen has been running away. This definitely wasn't the case with the stock system.
  11. Sounds good. Lets see who else is interested & how the weather forcast changes. I'd say we could set a day, route & meet point about next Wednesday or so.
  12. Just seeing if there is any interest in riding south next weekend? Accuweather is saying it's supposed to be sunny & mid 50s to low 60s.
  13. Thanks for the link. Looks like they've got BMW in their sights.
  14. I'm wondering if internal combustion engines will be extinct by then? If not, I'm thinking Ducati Monster 1100. If so, I guess I'll just have to see what's available at that time.
  15. Andy,

    Hope you've been doing some riding lately. I'd love to get down there to ride that northern Kentucky route I sent you but we'll have to see. Holly's Mom was just diagnosed with pretty bad cancer & It's pretty touch & go right now. I rode last weekend down 555/ 26/ 260 with some very serious riders. Had a great time. Have you been in touch with any riders around Dayton? Keep in touch.


  16. I'll always be too young for a Harley.
  17. I was on Hardley's mailing list & getting a bunch of crap in the mail about coming in for the "test ride of a lifetime" & such. I must be in the target demographic group for them since I'm 52. This prompted me to write a letter to their suggestions department, telling them how much money I've spent on bikes over the years & asking them if they planned on making anything to my liking in the next quarter century or so (I specified lean angle, max weight, power, torque curve, snickety snick transmission & so on). I wasn't really suprised that I got no reply, but at least the bullshit advertisements in the mail have stopped.
  18. Managed to limit the slip it to the rear tire this time. The 2 wheel drifts are a bit hairy for me.
  19. Did 555 yesterday for the 5th time this year. Never did it without a slip or two in invisible gravel accumulated from the chipseal surface. 260 had a lot more gravel yesterday but at least you could see it & plan accordingly.
  20. Does your 'busa have a steering damper? You're probably going to want to make sure it's in proper working order unless you want to learn about tank slappers first hand.
  21. jschaf


    Hey Uncle Punk- Please let us know how you are. I enjoyed riding with you (briefly) this year. Hope to ride with you next year. Wish you a speedy recovery.
  22. Nice bike. I question the mileage though. No need to guess. If you were down 8 in front (not likely) your mileage would be as claimed. If you are down 1 in the front the actual mileage is about 12K even.
  23. "Wobble around" is best case. Launch you to the moon highside is worst case. This can happen even if you don't chop the throttle, if the rear regains traction when the bike is out of shape.
  24. That would be nice. I just said that about the proper bike because cruisers aren't known for their sharp handling & you sound like someone that is interested in the way a bike handles & a good handling bike.
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