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Everything posted by RSVDon

  1. wrillo, she called you "angel". BTW, Co2, you might know some more of us in the r-life if you'd come out once in a while!!!
  2. He's on a roll! Is that a new record?
  3. RSVDon

    Car tires

    Problem is, its an M3. It's suspension will make any tire look good.
  4. Ewwww, gray pussy. Usually out of shape, slow, and always getting dusty.
  5. RSVDon

    Car tires

    They can ship directly to you and you take the tires wherever you want or you can choose one of their recommended tire installers and they'll ship them to that business.
  6. RSVDon

    On my soap box.

    NOW GET BACK ON YOUR CORNER HOE!!! jaaaaaayyyyy kaaaaayyyyy!
  7. Yes, yes, no, and yes. He was racing another biker and they went to split a car. He didn't see her turn signal. The cop just happened to see the race and was about to pursue.
  8. I was just talking with a buddy from Cambridge. I guess he knew the guy and was friends with him. Was mentioning how he hoped I was being safe on my bike. There's still no excuse for not wearing a helmet even in a case like this where he probably would have died anyways. I was told Leopould was ejected from the bike and went through the wall of a house. RIP rider.
  9. RSVDon

    On my soap box.

    Well that's damn nice of you Sam! Unfortunately it's gonna have to be after August. I've got every weekend from here on out, where I'm out of town. FML. If I'm ever up that way I'll accept that offer and return the favor when I get a chance.
  10. Anderson, say you're at like 70 mph. When you crank the throttle wide open in 6th do the rpms shoot up but the bike doesn't accelerate as quick? If so, your clutch is slipping. It could be the oil you're using or a defective clutch. Either way, an 08 Ninja shouldn't be doing that.
  11. RSVDon

    Car tires

    I never said they had to be expensive. Choosing, even from basic commuter tires, based on research is the best way to go to meet exactly your needs for comfort, quietness, life, and performance expectations. I spent a full day researching tires for my parents minivan, and while it's just a minivan those tires work damn well which is exactly why I picked them. And I got them mounted all for under $400.
  12. RSVDon

    Car tires

    Lame, I figured you of all people would know that not all tires are created equal, you can't trust the guys at the tire shop, and cheaping out isn't always the best. tirerack.com is your friend Dustin.
  13. Damn! 11000 rpm at 80 mph! Slipping clutch eh?
  14. Ridedirect.com Based out of Kentucky. /thread
  15. RSVDon


    +1 I is sad now.
  16. Ride this coming Thursday? I'd like to head back up to the Englewood area and check out the roads plus some Marion's piazza, which is sounding real good right now.
  17. I think we should all go to the marions in englewood. Their pizza was awesome last time. I know Dustin and matt would probably be in for this. Chick on 2?
  18. RSVDon


    Where is that damn sig from?! I keep watching it every time and slightly chuckle to myself. I need to find the rest of it!
  19. RSVDon

    On my soap box.

    Jeebus, between JRP's sig and Casper's sig this page is lag-o-licious!
  20. Nope, but I did show up to one meet at QS&L in a Holdenized GTO, lol.
  21. So, you hang out with Arend, Eamon, Bwagg, and the such? Have I met you?
  22. RSVDon

    On my soap box.

    No, as in it's not an opinion period. It's a choice.
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