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Everything posted by RSVDon

  1. You forgot CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP! IF you can deal with Triumph repair. lol
  2. I'm doing that with Captain and Vanilla Coke tonight. Work was bullshit for a Friday...
  3. I no right?! I've had the theme stuck in my head all day.
  4. I call bullshit here. You're following a sterotype that is dated and overplayed. Take a look at Toyota's quality lately and you'll see what I mean. I work in a union plant and I see what kind of quality we have and I can tell you with assured confidence that we DON'T ship shit at any cost.
  5. It's meant to be a parody, not a documentary. Lighten up.
  6. I find it hard to believe that you were legitimately (aka not under the table) making $15/hour at 18 with no GED or diploma. That's about twice the going rate of unskilled labor in that demographic.
  7. Wanna talk about getting paid? We're in an economical slump right, many people laid off, no work, no money. Well, the vehicle plant I'm at is running full capacity and then some to make their high target goal. They are working 5/11s (for those who don't know, that's 5 days a week, 11 hours a day) and since anything over 40 hours is time and a half minimum, there's some big money here. How big? ~$44/hour. So that Friday that finalizes the week and really pays the good overtime, nobody comes to work. Always short handed on Fridays... If I was working line here and had a job and I could make ~$44/hour just for working an 11 hour Friday, you'd be damn sure my ass would be in here sending vehicles down the line. Doesn't make sense.
  8. You hit the nail on the head, although I wouldn't say 95%. I've met some very friendly, hard working people that take pride in what they are building and they are fantastic to work with.
  9. No doubt, factory work is not easy. I just hate that attitude that some take on the system. I mean, if these people really want to take responsibility for all these problems I work on, I'd be glad to pass them off. Nobody seems to want to take that responsibility but will bitch all day long if I share floor space with them doing MY job. Like I said, few spoil it for many.
  10. Definitely UAW ^^ You're really good at reading, I can tell.
  11. A grievance will be filed shortly for even mentioning it. Expect some old fat guy who sits behind a desk all day (read: steward) to come out hootin' and hollerin' about something in 5...4...3...2...
  12. Seriously, the petty issues, paranoia, and the general lack of returned respect is annoying. Do you really think I want to do your job? I've got enough on my plate as is to even think about doing your job. Just because I'm wearing a pair of gloves does not mean I want to take your job away, it means I don't feel like slicing my hands open on the thousands of sharp objects located on my engine. I hate visiting UAW vehicle plants... Disclaimer: I've worked with many a great union people and made plenty of friends, it's just the select few that ruin it for the rest by sticking to that old, stupid "mentality".
  13. Miller High Life when I'm broke...I try to not be broke.
  14. Awesome, now post up the next challenge.
  15. This is how I start my backroads sessions. Muse Assassin
  16. RSVDon


    I don't like Michigan either, lol. South Carolina is calling my name.
  17. RSVDon


    I still live in this state why?
  18. Is that supposed to be enticement for me to come?
  19. I have the urge to head all the way up there. But I know it's gonna be hot, uncomfortable, and miserable all day just like last time. Damn my supersport bike...
  20. Okay Adam, ride out and get a pic of your bike with a cruiser tonight. Shouldn't be too hard.
  21. I'm going to delete that rule to get things going. Obesity is still game holder.
  22. We did this on another site, and I thought it would be cool to do here as well. The rules stay simple and it's fun to do. Rules: ~Name a person, place, or thing to take a picture with your bike. The first person to go out, take a picture, and post that picture, then they pick the next challenge. ~Must be of your bike. Try not to make it impossible. ~No photoshops! Be creative. Ex. I will start this, here's my bike with a red truck. I want to see your bike with a fence.
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