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Everything posted by RSVDon

  1. RSVDon

    Hot Bikes

    The Ducs will roast your ass at anything over 70 degrees out. Just like the RC. Haven't ridden any of the others.
  2. It was no problem, like I said, I was getting tired and slowing down to run sweep was just what I needed for a bit. Kept an eye on the backrunners. Elliot and I swapped near the end of the day so I could get one last run up in the middle of the pack. I don't even remember the count off the top of my head.
  3. Always startin' never finishing. I didn't know you were leaving the group after McD's, I was at the back of the pack going WTF and then ended up being sweep, lol. Probably a good thing, I was tired and needed to back off.
  4. This gives me a semi-hemi. Does that count?
  5. I went home, parked the bike safely in the garage, peeled off (yes peeled) my leathers, and fell into bed at 6 pm. Didn't wake up until 8 am. So yes. lol!
  6. Not you, him. I should've specified. Gotta be pretty bored to start hitting a bonzai tree with a stick and deciding to make music out of it. lol
  7. Horrible pun to start the story...I chuckled. WTF. No shit! lulz
  8. For anyone who cares, this is what we saw rolling down the street in Coshocton while we were chilling at McD's. http://www.automobilemag.com/reviews/convertibles/0601_ford_gtx1/index.html
  9. I'll save you the time. He's just as much of a dick in person as he is online. I especially liked him looking at my bike and going, "What a shame" In reality, it was nice finally meeting you in person Paul. How's that sunburn treating you? lulz
  10. The latter, especially after he walks into McDonalds and yells to the group, "anybody elses bike wanna break down, tell me now". I think you scared half the old people in there into wetting their Depends.
  11. I feel bad for taking off, had I known that Triumph was gonna have trouble I would have stopped to push. Sorry
  12. You're one of the few there that your internet personality = your real personality. Nice meeting you
  13. Um yeah, it was warm when you're sitting there waiting for another group to show. 20 bikes all around you with heat wafting out and the sun baking you while you sit in leathers is damn entertaining. There is one good thing, lots of sweat feels great when you get moving again...assuming you have a jacket with good ventilation.
  14. Speaking of. I had great fun watching you try to snap the straps back on the left bag going down the highway. I was almost rooting you on in my helmet. lol When you couldn't get the second one I almost had the urge to ride alongside and snap it, then came back to reality and realized that's suicidal.
  15. Didn't you know? I'm actually Max Biaggi in my second life.
  16. Lol, my front end looks goofy when it's not in relation to the rest of the bike. Good pics Rob, nice to see ya again.
  17. Haha, you're fine! You were actually running a good pace, I was perfectly happy following. After we got separated from the group (Andy, Brandt, and I) we got hit by that rain and decided to take 161 to 270 to 70 due to 670 being a nightmare in the rain, I had a brain fart and missed the 70 exit! That added another 15 min to the trip. Caught back up with Andy and Brandt at a Pilot off 70 and we just sat there dreading the rest of the trip. I hate highways, my bike is miserable on them.
  18. Just got back to Dayton. Man that ride home sucked!!
  19. I wanna try to leave the meet point at 7:30 if everyone is there. We are going to be running a fairly tight schedule. E, please try to make it by 7:30 if you can. See ya'll in a few hours.
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