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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Your first picture is breathtaking, very nice job on all of them. I tried a few shots tonight but don't have a good enough lens. This is the best I could do. I took about 50 shots, adjusting the settings but I just can't zoom in enough to make it happen.
  2. Those things are wicked looking. Wife says they look disgusting. I disagree.
  3. Of burgers. Mmmmmmmmmm http://pornburger.me
  4. And the first game in history to have a player score a goal at a game and not even be at the game!
  5. I just came here to post this. Damn, lucky guy.
  6. Hmm, I usually just defrag it occasionally when I'm not on it doing anything on it. That and clearing out the junk files.
  7. Is there a reason to defrag or not defrag? I mean I know what it does but is there any pros or cons?
  8. I haven't had the camera out in forever. Snapped a quick one.
  9. http://www.nbcnews.com/business/consumer/taco-bell-ads-star-real-ronald-mcdonalds-who-love-its-n63746
  10. http://www.worthytoshare.net/this-pretty-girl-seeking-rich-husband-reply-got-banker-priceless
  11. Wife and I shot the AR, bodyguard .380, m&p .40 and finally her shield .40. twas a good day.
  12. This thread went down into the fiery pit of hell real quick
  13. Got this in my email today. http://www.vanceoutdoors.com/glockdays.cfm
  14. And 8 looks like it sucks, I'll stick with 7.
  15. Toshibadirect.com. New or refurb, Windows 7 available on many.
  16. Affordable voting act. Make all the conservatives pay for everyone's IDs
  17. Let's just make voting online, at home. Enter your SSN and call it done. Oh, what about the illegals? Or the poor without internet? Funny how the dems push for no ID's because they'd lose so much of their voters.
  18. Two months late lol! Yeah a tag feature would be awesome!
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