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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. It took a few years to actually process what happened that night. I don't know if I should be concerned that don't know whether to be mad because my sack wasn't being stroked anymore or the fact that that when I turn around.. there's a toddler looking at me like 'where'd my toy go, and who are YOU?'

    Ol' girl didn't seem to be in too much of a hurry to remove her from the situation either.

    I'm not proud...this was back in my whoring days. I only do it professionally now, as opposed to giving it away for free.

    And I tried not to judge when I found out where we were going. Actually, she omitted that part about where she lived. I had to find that one out when I was turning into the 'park'.

    Bay City, MI. The stuff dreams (nightmares) are made out of.

    (I'm giving Bay City a hard time, but the trailer park was actually outside of Bay City..closer to Saginaw)

    I may have missed it but.....did you stop what you were doing and leave? :lol:

  2. would you still feel that way if it was your house....i bet not.....firefighters take oaths ...it not about money i don't care if you pay for service or not....argue that with the insurance company....so if they is an accident and people are trapped...do you break out the contracts and see who is cover to be extricated...HELL NO. you do your job and fight about it later...send them a bill.....i guess you are ok to let people die for a few bucks...you if believe that then you're an ass too.


    But no one was inside the house. That was already pointed out. I think everyone said that if there was someone inside, of course they should be saved. But there were no lives to be saved. I guess we should not pay auto insurance until you have an accident. Then fight to have them repair your car?

  3. Does anyone have a fullsize M&P .40? I am looking to buy in the next few months so just seeing if anyone was thinking about selling theirs. Like I said, I am not looking to buy right now, sometime in the near future.

  4. There's a reason why some countries don't have much crime...it is because they like the death penalty and other stiff punishments. Hell, I'd love to go back to hangings on the courthouse lawn.........I'm pretty sure we'd be a lot better off if we did, but there are too many liberal pussies out there.

    Believe me, I am with ya. Eye for an eye.

    I saw a video once where a man was convicted of raping a girl somewhere in the middle east. They took a pointed pole, shoved it where the sun don't shine and put it upright in a hole in the ground. A while later that pointed pole came up through his shoulder. He never raped again.

    There is no accountablity for ones actions anymore. If you kill someone, you get to sit in a prison cell for life, maybe. Three squares a day, a roof over your head, start working on your law degree... I hate when someone gets "three consecutive live senteces" WTF!? If someone knew they would get the death penalty for killing someone, maybe they would think twice about it in the first place. But no, we need to coddle and rehabilitate these scum bags. All at the public's expense. Refuckindiculus.

  5. he means without a holster. lol

    the good guy would not shoot a whole mag, take something out of his hands then run like hell. IMHO.

    i think he meant passer-bys...the other people in the store could have shot the two guys assaulting the guy ...atleast thats what i thought he meant

    I took it both ways. Although I am not 100% sure the "victim" was a good guy. Don't have enough facts to know for sure. And had I been there when this happened, I don't think I would have drawn. If I had my family I would have gotten out immediately. If I was alone, I probably would have found cover and assessed the situation. Right off the bat, it kind of looked like the "victim" may have been innocent but there is a high price to pay if I was wrong and shot a good guy.

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  6. That is one sick mother fucker. "Oh, daddy taught me how to drink and steal when I was a kid. That's why I grew up to be a rapist, arsonist, and murderer." Give me a fucking break. Cut his nuts off and feed them to him....then use tin snips on all his fingers and toes, and watch him bleed out. Oh yeah, don't forget to nationally televise this shit as a warning to the other piece of shit fuckbags out there.

    Why don't you tell us how you really feel. don't hold back! :lol:

  7. Daaaamn. Do you know if he by chance survived? And I've said it before on other threads around here, this is why I carry 100% of the time, unless I have been legislated out of that right.

    I will add that if someone was carrying, do they know exactly what was going on? At first you have no idea who is the good guy. It all happened so fast. What if the guy on the ground had been the bad guy. Just food for thought it all.

  8. If lives are involved SOP's usually mandate enough fire suppression for a safe rescue, then let it burn when we are out.

    In earlier times though it didn't matter if lives were involved or not, no pay no service.

    ha I called it! :D

  9. Oh yeah....

    Sometime before I left MI for the Army, I had met some female in Bay City, MI. If you know Bay City, you know there was some fucking to be had later that night. Well, we get to her trailer (lulz), and she has a roommate. I hear the chick I'm with say something like "Well, I'm first, you can get some when I'm done". At this point I'm thinking...JACKPOT. Well, we get to exchanging fluids, and I'm hittin' it doggie style. My balls are just flapping away and banging against her like it's nobody's business. All of a sudden, I feel her hand start to stroke my sack. I'm in heaven now......until I look down and see both of her hands in front of her. WTF?!?! I turn around and it's her fucking toddler!! Where did SHE come from?? And why is she playing with my balls?!??!?!??!!?!?

    Oh I think I am gonna choke on my food!!!

  10. All red outfit, A red tricycle with a rope tied to the back, ride it around yelling at every one and every few minutes stop and cry before yelling again.
    Menstrual Cycle :D

    :nono: How do you come up with this stuff....

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