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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. My comments are in bold.

    Well, we can still complain and bitch about it...

    My experience on who waves back:

    Factors that make a wave more likely from the other rider:

    - I wave early - I have found this to be true. If I initiate the wave, better chance they wave back.

    - They are riding 2-up (sometimes get two waves!) Sometimes the passenger waves while the rider is busy. I think that's pretty cool of them.

    - Other bike is a touring model (suggesting they ride long distances - posers don't like to ride too far) Haven't really noticed this. There was a guy on a BMW that used to never wave. Well we both commuted to work and saw eachother all the time. I always waved and he actually started to wave back.

    - Other rider has a helmet on (Not trying to start a debate on the whys and why nots, that's just my observation) I do tend to get more waves from helmeted riders than nonhelmeted. Goes for cruisers and sportbikes.

    - I'm commuting to/from work. (Posers don't commute, but some folks commute on small Vespa-tyle scooters and don't do the wave thing)Agree

    - Non-ideal riding conditions. (Posers don't ride in the rain or below 50)If I am riding in rain or really cold weather, seems like everyone waves back. Kind of like "Oh you are just as big of an idiot as me huh? How ya doing? :lol:

    Factors that make a wave less likely:

    - Other rider cannot spare his or her clutch hand (pulling away from lights, etc. Usually get a nod instead) Yep/

    - It's the weekend and the weather is perfect Sometimes they are just to concentrated on riding because it is so nice.

    - I'm wearing my dayglo jacket and the other bike is a cruiserNo idea

    I'm a slut, I'll wave at anything with two wheels. We all share a common enemy (cagers) and the enemy of my enemy is my friend, no?I like waving to scooters. Funny to watch their reactions.

  2. 8th grade metal shop, we had a girl that was here from Malaysia. Glasses, heavyset, and not pretty. Didn't speak English very well.

    We were mildly teasing her in class one day. The shop teacher (about TaRR's size) sent her to the office to run off 1,000 or so dittos (remember those, and how good they smelled?). As soon as she was gone, he grabbed a 4 foot 2x4, slammed it into one of those tall, metal trash cans, unloaded a string of expletives describing how stupid and worthless we were, questioned our parentage and our mother's morals, and described, in detail, what would happen to any of us if we EVER spoke a mean word to her again.

    Problem solved pretty much right then and there.

    I had a teacher like that too in middle school, one of the "cool kids" was trying to show off and was picking on a kinda slow kid calling him names and pushing him the teacher saw this and scooped him up by the neck and took him out of the hallway and into and empty classroom and laid into him something fierce. That kid was crying like a baby when he came out. I could see a teacher doing that now, holy cow these whine ass parents would sue the pants off of him...which is one of the things wrong with school now days. We not only respected our teachers, but (at my school at least) we feared the wrath of the principal and his big wooden paddle with holes drilled in it.

    Awesome. We need to go back to that. Just like when my parents were in school, and this was how it happened to me, if you got in trouble at school, you got punished. Then you got home, asked "what did you do?" and got punished again. That stuff worked. You make a mistake, take your lumps and learn from it. Anymore it CAN'T be the kids fault. No way he would do that! :rolleyes:

  3. I have been kicking around the CCW idea. Under a coat or jacket is no big deal but T-shirt and jeans weather, how do you carry? In baggy jeans? Ankle holsters? Looking for ideas... maybe pics.....


    This is what I use. If my shirt hangs down, it isn't that noticeable unless you are looking for it or a trained eye sees it. It's DeSantis Brand. Was like 15 bucks and works great. It is nice and snug so it won't fall out if I run.


    Same. Half the time my shirt rides up and the grip is sticking out lol.

    Yeah, mine does too, I don't give a shit though if it does.

  4. Cool. Gonna try to talk my dad into getting a thrower tomorrow. We had stopped in at Gander Mtn last week and they had a case of clays for like 8 or 9 bucks. They also had a box of misc sizes. Damn some of those were small!

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