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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. How many people remember exactly where you were at on that day? I sure do. 2,977 people lost their lives because of the actions of 19 hijackers. At 8:46 a.m., American Airlines Flight 11 was crashed into the World Trade Center's North Tower, followed by United Airlines Flight 175 which hit the South Tower at 9:03 a.m. Another group of hijackers flew American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m. A fourth flight, United Airlines Flight 93 crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania at 10:03 a.m, after the passengers on board engaged in a fight with the hijackers.

    Some say this was religion, some say politics. Regardless of why this happened, it does not change the fact that many innocent people died that day. Remember the firefighters, EMT's, police and everyone else who ran into the buildings while everyone else was running out. They faced fear and death to protect their fellow Americans. Take a moment of silence to reflect, remember or pray. Ask someone how they are doing, and truly mean it. Hold the door for someone. Help the little old lady with her groceries. Bring back manners and honest to the country. We are better than what we have become at the high costs we have paid.









  2. To those two wonderful youths....I ride a red 07 1000rr in pretty good shape one owner, never down, never wheelied, never over 70mph or 5000rpm. I will be at the Gap from the 1st to the 3rd and the key is always in the ignition. I usually back it in as well so it'll be really easy to take off on.

    It's insured and worth more to ins than a CL buyer so help yourselfs.

    Wait a minute.....it's only a one owner bike? I didn't know that. :p

  3. Oh please. You can't even say Happy Holidays any more without some retarded Christian screaming they are being oppressed. The only thing keeping Christians from acting like huge assholes in our country is the Constitution and our laws.

    I really don't want to get involved in this thread, but I have found just the opposite. Seems that saying "Merry Christmas" pisses more people off. Christmas refers to the one Christian holiday. "Happy Holidays" encompasses all of the holidays around that time. We are so PC anymore we want to please everyone. Just what I've seen. Carry on.

    I'm just throwing it or there and saying I think the putting our troops in harms way argument is pretty dumb. I mean that makes it seem like they are already not. If we are already at war how is the burning of a few books going to make our enemies say "ok now we are serious." War is war, how do you make it more dangerous when they are already fighting? Are they only using half live ammo and half blanks and as soon as someone strikes a match someone in a cave makes the decision to make it all the lethal shit?

    Maybe because combat in Iraq is "over"?

  4. I dunno... I guess grabbing a guys wrist is assault. I don't go around grabbing people's wrists, nor would I want someone to grab mine, because then I'd have to snap their spine and feel bad for doing it /end internet tough guy :p

    What's there to dispute? We can cherry pick events like that all night on both sides, but has yet to prove anything beyond how weird two particular guys are :dunno:

    Exactly. Both sides are have there extremist, oddball, nut jobs. I say we boycott both parties completely and start fresh. Or at least institute term limits.

  5. I feel bad for his family, not for him so much. His accident was self created.
    Always sad to see any life end but if you're not going to treat your life with any kind of value and commit virtual suicide, at least don't put other lives in danger or make anyone else feel bad for being in the way.


  6. my parents are setting it up with a local retired cop, its supposedly a 1 day thing thats terribly hard to fail and i think around $100

    When I'm not sure, I have to plan it around Buckeye and Browns games

    That's cool. $100 bucks seems right in the middle for those classes. Good luck with it, have fun. Oh and carry often. Shit can hit the fan anywhere, anytime.

  7. Yeah I might want to do a lot of stuff. Doesn't mean I will. The guy assaulted him, for having a video camera in a public place. I could say the republican in the first vid is just so very passionate about what he believes in. Yet I didn't seem him assault anyone.

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