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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. i never said it wasnt effective.

    I said if it were about effency i wouldn't buy anything under a .40

    google search. There has been cases where cops have shot people over 15x with a 9mm service pistol and they were still shooting back. Hell one case inparticular i think a guy took 17 rounds before he was dead. the larger the bullet the more damage the more take down power. .40 is a good caliber. decent size bullet, its not bulky and slow like a .45, but still a better round than a 9.

    Why do you think most cops know carry .40's. I mean there cant be a reason behind it:rolleyes:

    Let's not turn this into a caliber/penis size thread. There are enough of those already. :p

  2. Lol chevy's hair trigger scared him to much lol

    :lol::lol::lol: I just busted up thinking about Casey's face!!

    Scared you more.

    I like the M&P, but it's a bit more than I want to spend.

    Fair enough. You can pick them up used right around your price range.

    This is true. I was just starting to pull it into my hand lol


  3. What? You have to reach into the chamber to tear down an M&P. How is that better?

    All it is is a little lever you flip down, keeps you from having to pull the trigger to disassemble. And it isn't like you use your finger. It comes supplied with the pin to do that with. But even with having to do that, I still prefer the M&P design on the slide release to the Glock style. It just seems to be more simple and easier to operate.

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